Transfuse is used under the hood for Format handling on the edges of the pipeline.
Notes on wordblank format[edit]
The pipe may not yield nested structures, nor will Transfuse give it nested structures
so [[t:text:SyTAKg]]nett[[/]][[t:text:SyTAKg]]lesar[[/]]
is OK, while [[t:text:SyTAKg]]ne[[t:text:SyTAKg]]tt[[/]]lesar[[/]]
is not.
Debugging transfuse issues[edit]
Transfuse runs the full pipeline with NUL flushing, so if you want to catch the intermediate output between stages of a mode, you need a little helper. Put this in $PATH with filename teez
#!/bin/sh [ "$1" = -z ] && shift [ -z "$1" ] && { echo "Expecting file as arg" >&2; exit 1; } awk -v out="$1" 'BEGIN{RS="\0"}{printf "%s", $0 >> out; printf "%s", $0}'
then you can cp modes/foo-bar.mode modes/tf.mode
and insert teez /tmp/tf1.log |
at the start and | teez /tmp/tfN.log
etc. in the middle between pipeline steps in modes/tf.mode and do things like APERTIUM_TRANSFUSE=yes apertium -f docx -u -d . tf /tmp/in.docx >/tmp/out.docx
and then inspect /tmp/tf?.log