Anaphora resolution module

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Here you will find the documentation for the Anaphora Resolution module created during the Google Summer of Code 2019. (Proposal)


What is Anaphora Resolution?

Anaphora Resolution is the problem of resolving references to earlier items in discourse.

Anaphor: A linguistic unit that refers to an earlier linguistic unit in discourse.
Antecedent: The linguistic unit that the anaphor refers to.

For example,

Jessica is in the sixth grade and this is her father.

Here, "her" is the anaphor, and its antecedent is "Jessica".

Anaphora Resolution in Apertium

Anaphora Resolution is required in Machine Translation to produce correct and fluent translations. Since different languages encode information differently, resolving the antecedent of the anaphors in text becomes essential in several language pairs.

For example,

  • Spanish -> English
La chica comió su manzana
Translation: The girl ate his/her/its apple
Resolved Anaphora: The girl ate her apple
  • Add more examples

How does it work?