Contact Information
Name: Aditya
E-mail address:
Location: Hyderabad,India.
Phone Number: +91-8106805681
IRC: aditya_369
Education and Skills
University Courses
Special Courses
Technical Skills
Why is it that you are interested in Apertium?
Apertium is a great organisation where machine translation of languages are done,not only the languages of prominent countries but also the regional languages of their states are also given importance. This is what makes Apertium unbiased as any student can profusely use the platform. Hence there is a healthy collaboration which builds good work atmosphere among the mentors and mentees which provokes the mentees to reciprocate it into their work, this enthrals me a lot to work with Apertium.
Moreover, many existing machine translation systems are available at present which are mostly commercial or use proprietary technologies, which makes them very hard to adapt to new usages; furthermore, they use different technologies across language pairs, which makes it very difficult, for instance, to integrate them in a single multilingual content management system.
Which of the published tasks are you interested in? What do you plan to do?
I am excited to work on the project Improving Apertium website which is listed as 1.8 idea under the published list of ideas.
Include a proposal, including
* a title, * reasons why Google and Apertium should sponsor it, * a description of how and who it will benefit in society, * and a detailed work plan (including, if possible, a schedule with milestones and deliverables).
Work plan
- Week 1:
- Week 2:
- Week 3:
- Week 4:
- Deliverable #1
- Week 5:
- Week 6:
- Week 7:
- Week 8:
- Deliverable #2
- Week 9:
- Week 10:
- Week 11:
- Week 12:
- Project completed
Include time needed to think, to program, to document and to disseminate.
If you are intending to disseminate to a conference, which conference are you intending to submit to. Make sure to factor in time taken to run any experiments/evaluations and write them up in your work plan.
List your skills and give evidence of your qualifications. Tell us what is your current field of study, major, etc. Convince us that you can do the work.
List any non-Summer-of-Code plans you have for the Summer, especially employment, if you are applying for internships, and class-taking. Be specific about schedules and time commitments. we would like to be sure you have at least 30 free hours a week to develop for our project.