North Saami and South Saami/Regression tests
Run with t/update-latest
and then check svn diff t
to compare against previous test results (or read t/latest-regression.results). Note that the script adds a period to the end of all lines that are not terminated by punctuation.
See also Pending tests.
deleting ahte
- (sme) Ja Ipmil oinnii ahte dat lei buorre. → Jïh Jupmele vööjni dïhte lij hijven.
- (sme) ii leat ieš sápmelaš → ij leah jïjtje saemie
- (sme) Ale boađe. → Aellieh båetieh.
Adjective agreement
- (sme) Dat lea buorre biila. → Dïhte buerie bïjle.
- (sme) Mun vuoján buriin biillain. → Manne buerie bïjline vuajam.
- (sme) Mun oainnán buori biilla. → Manne buerie bïjlem vuajnam.
Copula constructions
If you in the source language have a verb "lea" in Ind+Prs , then removed the "lea" in the target language.
- (sme) Áhčči lea ruovttus. → Aehtjie gåetesne.
- (sme) Mus leat guokte láibbi. → Mov leah göökte laejpieh.
- Genitive (+Accusative)
- (sme) Dat lea máná biila → Dïhte maanan bïjle
- (sme) Mus lea beana. → Mov lea bïenje.
If you in the source language have a noun in lokativ followed by the verb leat/lea, then put the noun in genitiv in the target language.
- (sme) Mus lea beana. → Mov lea bïenje.
borranmiella, goiku
If you in the source language have a +Pron+Pers or noun in lokativ followed by the verb leat/lea and then the words "Sulten/borranmiella" or "Tørst/go" than then put the lokativ +Pron+Pers or noun in sg. nominativ f.eks "manne" with the verbs "bårrestohtedh" or "gåjhkelovvedh", ofcourse personbøyd i forhold til Pron+Pers.
- (sme) Mus lea borranmiella. → Manne bårrestovvem.
- (sme) Mis lea borranmiella. → Mijjieh bårrestovvebe.
- (sme) Mus lea goiku. → Manne gåjhkelovvem.
- (sme) Mun muitalin nu ollu go vejolaš. → Manne bïeljelim nimhtie jeenjem goh gåarede.
Copula constructions
- (sme) Mun lean studeanta. → Manne studeente.
- (sme) Dat lea fiskes biila. → Dïhte viskes bïjle.
- (sme) Goas don lihkat? → Gåessie datne tjuedtjelh?
- (sme) Goas lihkat? → Gåessie tjuedtjelh?
- (sme) Galggango riŋget? → Edtjem ringkedh?
- (sme) Politihkka lea don ja mun → Politihke lea datne jïh manne
- survive semtagging
- (sme) Válga ja jienastuslohku → Veeljeme jïh veeljemelåhkoe
- (sme) Sámedikki birra → Saemiedigkien bïjre
- (sme) Hotealla eaiggát → Hotellen aajhtere
- not Hovtellen?
Word order
- (sme) Mun čálán girjji. → Manne gærjam tjaalam.
- (sme) Odne čálán dálu birra. → Daenbiejjien gåetien bïjre tjaalam.
- (sme) Odne lean čállán girjji. → Daenbiejjien gærjam tjaaleme.