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Revision as of 21:47, 14 December 2015 by M5w (talk | contribs)
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m5w/corevoikko, a fork of corevoikko, supports apertium stream format.

To clone it, execute the following command:

git clone https://github.com/m5w/corevoikko.git corevoikko

To install the fork's voikkospell, install its libvoikko, which has the same dependencies as libvoikko. After installing them, execute the following commands:

cd corevoikko/libvoikko
sudo make install

If you do not have root privileges or would like to specify where to install libvoikko, execute the following instead: (Otherwise, you are finished with installation.)

cd corevoikko/libvoikko
PREFIX="$HOME/install/corevoikko" # e.g.
./configure --prefix="$PREFIX"
make install

Finally, add your '"$PREFIX"' to your "$PATH" by appending the following lines to your .profile:

PREFIX="$HOME/install/corevoikko" # e.g.
if [ -d "$PREFIX" ]; then
        export PATH="$PREFIX:$PATH"

Using voikkospell with apertium Stream Format