Dependency parsing for Turkic

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acl: Clausal modifier of a noun

acl stands for finite and non-finite clauses that modify a nominal. The acl relation contrasts with the advcl relation, which is used for adverbial clauses that modify a predicate. The head of the acl relation is the noun that is modified, and the dependent is the head of the clause that modifies the noun.

In Turkic, acl will often be used for (relative) clauses headed by verbal adjectives (gpr_).

             |         |
Үйге     жүгіретін    адам     мені      шошытты.
to.home  run.GPR      man      me.ACC    started.

"The man running home startled me." / "The man who is running home started me."

Secondary predication

This relation is also used for optional depictives. The adjective is taken to modify the nominal of which it provides a secondary predication. See xcomp for further discussion of resultatives and depictives.

advcl: adverbial clause modifier

Adverbial clause modifiers (advcl) are subordinate clauses that are not complements. Also non-complement infinitival or temporal clauses and non-complement participles modifying verbs are marked as advcl.

In Turkic, verbal adverbs (gna_) will take this label if they modify a main verb.

           |                                                          |
Ном      номчааш,       ол   кижиниң        чуртталгазын шуптузун   билип          алдым.  
book.ACC read.GNA.PAST, that person.GEN     life.3.ACC   all.3.ACC  know.PRC.PERF  make.PAST.1SG   

           |                                                               |
Китапны  укыгач,        ул   кешенең     тормышы     турында барысын да  белдем.
book.ACC read.GNA.PAST, that person.GEN  life.3.NOM  about   all.3.ACC   know.PAST.1SG

"Having read the book, I found out everything about that person's life."

Note that unless there is a separate subject for the "subordinate" clause, the subject will be the same as for the main clause, but is not directly connected.


We also use advcl for the comparator in comparison constructions like "X is bigger than Y", in Turkic, the "than Y" is in the ablative case and this depends on the adjective X.

advmod: adverb modifier

The dependency type advmod is used for adverb modifiers of verbs, nominals and adverbs alike.

                        |        |
Света келзе,     мени  удавас чедип          келир        деп    дамчыдыңар.
Sveta come.COND, I.ACC soon   reach.PRC.PERF come.PRC.AOR COMP   tell.IMP.PL

                                          |         |
Света килсә,     <name of the speaker>  тиздән кайтып җитә        деп    әйтегез.
Sveta come.COND,                        soon   return.PRES.3sg.   COMP   tell.IMP.PL

"If Sveta comes, tell her I'll return soon."

amod: adjectival modifier

Nouns may take adjectival modifiers, which are marked with the dependency type amod. It is also possible for an adjective to take another adjective as a modifier. (These adjectival modifiers are generally expressed with -ly adverbs in English.)

             |            |
Мергенде   солун        номнар  бар.
Mergen.LOC interesting  book.PL existing.

             |            |
Мәргәндә   кызыклы      китаплар  бар.
Mergen.LOC interesting  book.PL   existing.

"Mergen has some interesting books."

*appos: appositional modifier

An appositional modifier of a noun is a nominal immediately following the first noun that serves to define or modify that noun. It includes examples in parentheses, as well as defining abbreviations in one of these structures.

*aux: auxiliary

An auxiliary of a clause is a non-main verb of the clause, e.g. one of тур-, кел-, ал- etc. The main verb in the case of auxiliary use is the participle (prc_).

auxpass: unused

case: case

The dependency type case is used for the postposition in postpositional phrases. The head of an postpositional phrase is the nominal, not the postposition, so as to analyse postpositional phrases similarly to nominal modifiers without a postposition (e.g. when using local "cases") To the same end, the type case is used in combination with the type nmod, which is also used for nominal modifiers when no adposition is present (see nmod).

Note that case is not used with auxiliary nouns (sometimes called "postpositions") in the form of N¹.gen N², for those nmod should be used (following treatment in English of prepositional constructions like "in front of").

       |     |
Meн кадайым-биле киноже      чорук баар мен.
I   wife-with    cinema.ALL  go    AUX.AOR.
                                 |                 |
Бис бүгү чүвени     сээң     чугаалааның        ёзугаар         кылган бис
We  all  thing.ACC  you.GEN  say.GER.2SG.NOM    do.PAST.2PL

cc: coordinating conjunction

For more on coordination, see the conj relation. A cc is the relation between the first conjunct and the coordinating conjunction delimiting another conjunct. (Note: different dependency grammars have different treatments of coordination. We take the last conjunct as the head of the coordination.)

                           |    ____________cc__________________  |                     
                           |   |            _______conj_____    | |
                           |   |           |       __cc__  |    | |
                           |   |           |      |      | |    | |
Барлық адамдар тумысынан азат және қадір-қасиеті мен құқықтары  тең   болып   дүниеге     келеді 
All    people            free and  dignity       and rights     equal being   world.DAT  come.PAST

"All people are born free in dignity and rights."

*ccomp: clausal complement

Reported speech (with де-)

              ________conj______  _____ccomp________
             |                  ||                 |
«Төрге      шық,     тамақ      іш          », - демепті.
 place.DAT  go.IMP   food.NOM   drink.IMP        say.NEG.IFI.EVID.3SG

 "go back to the tör and eat!" they did not say."

cmpnd: compound

cmpnd is used for noun compounds. Nouns should modify the next noun in the compound in order to respect the branching structure.

Most uses of attr will be tagged with cmpnd:

Nouns in the izafet construction (e.g. possessive on the final noun) should not get the cmpnd tag.

            __cmpnd_            ___cmpnd___
           |        |           |         |
Мартан-оол март  айдан      сентябрь   айга      чедир   Кызылга    чурттап        турган . 
Martan-ool March month.ABL  September  month.DAT until   Kyzyl.DAT  live.PRC.PERF  sit.PAST

Мартан-оол март  аеннан      сентябрь   аена        кадәр   Кызылда    яшәгән . 
Martan-ool March month.3.ABL September  month.3.DAT until   Kyzyl.LOC  live.PAST.3SG
(Note 3 person possessives, hence no cmpnd labels).

"Martan-ool was living in Kyzyl from March until September"

The cmpnd label should also be used for strings of numerals:

*conj: conjunct

A conjunct is the relation between two elements connected by a coordinating conjunction, such as and, or, etc. We treat conjunctions asymmetrically: The head of the relation is the last conjunct and all the other conjuncts depend on it via the conj relation. Note that this differs from the UD practice of putting the head as the first conjunct. See here for a discussion on this.

                           |    ____________cc__________________  |                     
                           |   |            _______conj_____    | |
                           |   |           |       __cc__  |    | |
                           |   |           |      |      | |    | |
Барлық адамдар тумысынан азат және қадір-қасиеті мен құқықтары  тең   болып   дүниеге     келеді 
All    people            free and  dignity       and rights     equal being   world.DAT  come.PAST

"All people are born free in dignity and rights."

cop: copula

A copula is the relation between the complement of a copular verb and the copular verb to be (only). (We normally take a copula as a dependent of its complement.)

The copula be is not treated as the head of a clause, but rather the dependent of a lexical predicate.

In Turkic the copula is either бол or э. Third person copula forms in the present tense are not shown in the surface forms, but may be included by morphological analysers. In the following, · denotes a contraction boundary which is not present in the orthography):

Aorist copula (-Ø suffix)
          _subj_  |
         |      | |
Меңээ   ном    херек
I.DAT   book   necessary

         __subj_ | cop
         |     | | | |
Меңээ   ном    херек·ø
I.DAT   book   necessary·is

"I need a book"

Existentials with "бар" and "чок"

                                     |  |
Бо   бажыңда   он  үш      квартира бар·ø 
This house.LOC ten three   flat     existing.are
Aorist copula (with personal suffix)
             |   |
Кызылга    ынак мен

"Kyzyl is my favourite"
Aorist evidential copula (-DIr suffix)
                        |   _______cop_____
                        |  |               |
 __det__      __nmod_   |  |  ____subj___  |
 |     |     |       |  |  | |          |  |
Бо   институттуң     директору     Мерген·дир
This institute.GEN   director.3SG  Mergen·is

Freestanding copula with "бол"

Мээң   аас-кежик  чогумдан     шупту чүве   болган .
I.GEN  happiness  not.1SG.ABL  all   thing  was

"all of my troubles were due to the fact that I have no joy."

csubj: unused

csubjpass: unused

*x (dep): unspecified dependency

*det: determiner

*disc: discourse element

disl: unused

*obj: direct object

expl: unused

*barb (foreign): foreign words

goeswith: unused

*arg (iobj): argument which is not the direct object

*list: list

*mark: marker

mwe: unused

name: name

Multiword named entities are marked as name (Владимир Карбый-оолович Чооду): the last element (Чооду) is the head, and all the other elements are attached to the one to its right with the relation name.

                              |                                      |
                              |            ____name__    ___name__   |
                              |           |          |  |         |  | 
Культура   бажыңының      директору     Роберт   Адар-оолович   Аракчаа.
Culture    house.3SG.GEN  director.3SG  Robert   Adar-oolovič   Arakčaa.

"The director of the cultural centre is Robert Adar-oolovič Arakčaa."

neg: unused

*nmod: nominal modifier

nmod is a noun (or noun phrase) functioning as a non-core (oblique) argument or adjunct. This means that it functionally corresponds to an adverbial when it attaches to a verb, adjective or other adverb. But when attaching to a noun, it corresponds to an attribute, or genitive complement (the terms are less standardized here).

*subj (nsubj): (nominal) subject

nsubjpass: unused

*nummod: numeric modifier

A numeric modifier of a noun is any number phrase that serves to modify the meaning of the noun with a quantity.

                                              |        |
Бразилия өз жерінде        чемпионатты       екі      рет   өткізген бесінші ел      болды (Мексика, Италия, Франция және Германиядан кейін).
Brazil   self land.3sg.LOC championship.ACC  two      time           fifth   country was   (Mexico,  Italy,  France  and  Germany.ABL after)

Ordinals should not get this relation.

*parataxis: parataxis

*punct: punctuation

*relcl: Relative clause modifier

remnant: remnant

The remnant relation is used to provide a satisfactory treatment of ellipsis (in the case of gapping and stripping, where a predicational or verbal head gets elided) without having to postulate empty nodes in the basic representation.

UD adopts an analysis that notes that in ellipsis a remnant corresponds to a correlate in a preceding clause. The remnant relation connects each remnant to its correlate in the basic dependency representation. This is then a sufficient representation to reconstruct the predicate-argument structure in the enhanced representation.

          |                          |
          |         _________________|___________remnant___________________________
          |        |                 |                                            |
          |        |                 |                                            |
Ашылу    матчы Сан-Паулуда,   ал  финалы     Рио-де-Жанейродағы       Маракана стадионында   орын алды.
Opening  match San-Paulo.LOC, and final.3Sg  Rio-de-Janeiro.LOC.ATTR  Marcana  stadium.LOC   place.take.

"The opening match took place in San Paulo and the final match took place in Rio de Janeiro's Marcana stadium."

*reparandum: overridden disfluency

*root: root

*vocative: vocative

*xcomp: open clausal complement