Apertium services
There are three main Apertium service implementations:
, see Apertium-service, a multithreaded C++ XML-RPC/REST/SOAP server, using apertium as a library
, see ScaleMT, a multiprocess Java XML-RPC/REST server, starting apertium language pairs as new processes
, see apy, a multiprocess Python 3 tornado http server, starting apertium language pairs as new processes
You can download the source code of these services and install any of them on your own server, or use the Apertium web service, which is based on ScaleMT and is installed on our servers.
Applications which use the Apertium service include Virtaal, Okapi, OmegaT, begiak, …
See also
- Daemon for code examples on how to run an apertium language pair as a daemon, e.g. using NUL flushing.
- D-Bus service for Apertium
- JSON-RPC Apertium services (eh?)
- lttoolbox API (for calling a local lttoolbox from C++/Python)