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The following are projects that I would love to see working as part of apertium.

integration of twol debugger into apertium-quality

    • I'd also reallly like to see someone adopt apertium-quality and maintain it

module for templatic syntax

    • also, for e.g. compound verbs some sort of interlanguage
      • integrated into bidix format?

an extra module to convert numbers and alphabetisms and acronyms to words (based on something in lexc) so that phonology can happen and then back to its original form

    • you'd need some notation like 10:%{он%} so the form is extracted and popped back in
    • this is likely to only work on stems that don't change, at least with a non-complicated implementation (but that's fine for most Turkic languages)


HFST :0 context bug

  1. %{A%}:ә <=> [ :FrontVow :Cns* :Cns ]/[ %>: | % | :0 ] _ ;
    [ %{ъ%}: ]/[ %>: ] _ ;
  2. %{A%}:ә <=> [ :FrontVow :Cns* :Cns ]/[ %>: | % | [ :0 - %{ъ%}: ] ] _ ;
  • (2) avoids applying after %{ъ%}:0 %>:0 and (1) does not, but these should really work the same way

HFST tokenisation bug