Indonesian and Malaysian
This is a language pair translating between Indonesian and Malaysian.
Noun affixes
Type of noun affixes | Affix | Example of root word | Example of derived word | Tag(s) |
Prefix | per- | ajar (teaching) | pelajar (student) | <per>
peN- | duduk (sit) | penduduk (population) | <peN>
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pe- | nyanyi (sing) | penyanyi (singer) | <pe>
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Suffix | -an | bangun (wake up, raise) | bangunan (building) | <san>
Circumfix | ke-...-an | raja (king) | kerajaan (kingdom) | <ke-an>
per-...-an | kerja (work) | pekerjaan (occupation) | <per-an>
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peN-...-an | buat (make) | pembuatan (production) | <peN-an>
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pe-...-an | layan (serve) | pelayanan (service) | <pe-an>