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The Xhosa Language
Xhosa (Wikipedia: Xhosa language) is a (Wikipedia: Nguni Bantu) language spoken mainly in Africa. Its widespread use is not very common and only has a small number of individuals enacting the language (11 million)
Apertium Language Pairs
Currently, on Apertium, the language of Xhosa is recorded to have one language pair:
- Zulu-?-Xhosa (08 Nov 2010)
Computational Linguistics/Comparative Studies
Comparative Study: Zulu - Xhosa
- http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W09-0714 - The similarities between the two languages based on a morphological analyzer (ZuluMorph) cross-linguistically
Xhosa Cross Linguistics
- https://www.uwc.ac.za/Faculties/ART/Xhosa/Pages/Research-.aspx - Research by the University of Western Cape providing cross linguistics upon Xhosa corpus