For the work done at Progress regarding Automatic_blank_handling
Input and Output at different stages/modes
Input: "<div><i>Hello</i> <b>world</b></div>" Testing this input on the entire pipeline.
deformatter stage
run $ make command in directory.
Command: $ echo "<div><i>Hello</i> <b>world</b></div>" |./deshtml Output: [<div>][{<i>}]Hello[] [{<b>}]world[][][</div>]
lt-proc(automorph) stage
after running the make install command in directory (the updated module)
Command: echo "<div><i>Hello</i> <b>world</b></div>" |./deshtml | lt-proc 'DIRECTORY/apertium-en-es/en-es.automorf.bin' Output: [<div>][{<i>}]^Hello/Hello<ij>$[] [{<b>}]^world/world<adj>/world<n><sg>$[][][</div>]
tagger stage
Command: echo "<div><i>Hello</i> <b>world</b></div>" |./deshtml | lt-proc 'DIR/apertium-en-es/en-es.automorf.bin' | apertium-tagger -g $2 'DIR/apertium-en-es/en-es.prob' Output: [<div>][{<i>}]^Hello<ij>$[] [{<b>}]^world<adj>$[][][</div>]
pretransfer stage
Command: echo "<div><i>Hello</i> <b>world</b></div>" |./deshtml | lt-proc 'DIR/apertium-en-es/en-es.automorf.bin' | apertium-tagger -g $2 'DIR/apertium-en-es/en-es.prob' \ | apertium-pretransfer Output:[<div>][{<i>}]^Hello<ij>$[] [{<b>}]^world<adj>$[][][</div>]
transfer(chunker) stage
Command: echo "<div><i>Hello</i> <b>world</b></div>" |./deshtml | lt-proc 'DIR/apertium-en-es/en-es.automorf.bin' | apertium-tagger -g $2 'DIR/apertium-en-es/en-es.prob' \ | apertium-pretransfer | apertium-transfer -n 'DIR/apertium-en-es/apertium-en-es.en-es.genitive.t1x' 'DIR/apertium-en-es/en-es.genitive.bin' Output: [<div>][{<i>}]^Hello<ij>$[] [{<b>}]^world<adj>$[][][</div>]
lt-proc(auto-bilingual) stage
Command: echo "<div><i>Hello</i> <b>world</b></div>" |./deshtml | lt-proc 'DIR/apertium-en-es/en-es.automorf.bin' | apertium-tagger -g $2 'DIR/apertium-en-es/en-es.prob' \ | apertium-pretransfer | apertium-transfer -n 'DIR/apertium-en-es/apertium-en-es.en-es.genitive.t1x' 'DIR/apertium-en-es/en-es.genitive.bin' \ | lt-proc -b 'DIR/apertium-en-es/en-es.autobil.bin' Output: [<div>][{<i>}]^Hello<ij>/Hola<ij>$[] [{<b>}]^world<adj>/mundial<adj><mf>$[][][</div>]
lrx-proc(auto-lexical) stage
Command: echo "<div><i>Hello</i> <b>world</b></div>" |./deshtml | lt-proc 'DIR/apertium-en-es/en-es.automorf.bin' | apertium-tagger -g $2 'DIR/apertium-en-es/en-es.prob' \ | apertium-pretransfer | apertium-transfer -n 'DIR/apertium-en-es/apertium-en-es.en-es.genitive.t1x' 'DIR/apertium-en-es/en-es.genitive.bin' \ | lt-proc -b 'DIR/apertium-en-es/en-es.autobil.bin' | lrx-proc -m 'DIR/apertium-en-es/en-es.autolex.bin' Output: [<div>][{<i>}]^Hello<ij>/Hola<ij>$[] [{<b>}]^world<adj>/mundial<adj><mf>$[][][</div>]
transfer stage
Command: echo "<div><i>Hello</i> <b>world</b></div>" |./deshtml | lt-proc 'DIR/apertium-en-es/en-es.automorf.bin' | apertium-tagger -g $2 'DIR/apertium-en-es/en-es.prob' \ | apertium-pretransfer | apertium-transfer -n 'DIR/apertium-en-es/apertium-en-es.en-es.genitive.t1x' 'DIR/apertium-en-es/en-es.genitive.bin' \ | lt-proc -b 'DIR/apertium-en-es/en-es.autobil.bin' | lrx-proc -m 'DIR/apertium-en-es/en-es.autolex.bin' | apertium-transfer -b 'DIR/apertium-en-es/apertium-en-es.en-es.t1x' 'DIR/apertium-en-es/en-es.t1x.bin' Output: [<div>]^default<default>{[{<i>}]^Hola<ij>$}$[] ^Adj<SA><mf><ND>{[{<b>}]^mundial<adj><2><3>$}$[][][</div>]
interchunk stage
Command: echo "<div><i>Hello</i> <b>world</b></div>" |./deshtml | lt-proc 'DIR/apertium-en-es/en-es.automorf.bin' | apertium-tagger -g $2 'DIR/apertium-en-es/en-es.prob' \ | apertium-pretransfer | apertium-transfer -n 'DIR/apertium-en-es/apertium-en-es.en-es.genitive.t1x' 'DIR/apertium-en-es/en-es.genitive.bin' \ | lt-proc -b 'DIR/apertium-en-es/en-es.autobil.bin' | lrx-proc -m 'DIRApertium/apertium-en-es/en-es.autolex.bin' | apertium-transfer -b 'DIR/apertium-en-es/apertium-en-es.en-es.t1x' 'DIR/apertium-en-es/en-es.t1x.bin' \ | apertium-interchunk 'DIR/apertium-en-es/apertium-en-es.en-es.t2x' 'DIR/apertium-en-es/en-es.t2x.bin' Output: [<div>]^default< default>{[{<i>}]^Hola<ij>$}$[] ^Adj<SA><mf><sg>{[{<b>}]^mundial<adj><2><3>$}$[][][</div>]
Tasks done
- Task: Making pretransfer disperse tags when splitting lexical units.
- Category: Code cleanup
- PR:
- Tests:
- personnel repo branch for all the work on pretransfer:
All the pretransfer tests pass here.
- Task: Fixing a memory bug which raises due to uncommenting of apertium/ // delete[] format;
- Category: system bug
- PR:
- Tests:
- personnel repo for the work on this module:
All the tests mentioned in passes with the updated transfer module.
- Here removing "pos=1" from a "<b>" still outputs the right inline blank: This is because If given a "freeblank" which is between chunks and not a wordbound/inline blank so we need to treat it differently. let's say for example we have "^SN<sg>{^cheese<n>$}$🍰^SN<sg>{^sale<n>$}$" as an input. and the rule matches those two chunks and has an action " <out> <chunk pos="1" part="whole"/> <b/> <chunk pos="2" part="whole"/> </out> " so if here we treat "<b/>" as just a space then we'll loose "🍰" which won't give much good feel to our users. So to retain this in the output we handled the freeblanks between chunks.
- Task: Interchunk was needed to ignore the "pos" argument to b elements, and output each superblank exactly once, preferably where the rule has a b element (if there are not enough b's, output the rest at the end of the rule). Here in this module we didn't deal with wordblanks, since we can't look inside chunks when in interchunk.
- Category: Code enhancing
- PR:
- Tests:
All tests mentioned in passes with the updated interchunk module.
- Task: Completing the prototype HTML deformatter written during the coding challenge and by the previous contributors.
- Category: Code enhancement
- PR: Not made a PR because of need to test some more edge cases, but the entire work is at
- Tests:
All the tests run without fail and the run command is $pytyhon tests/ inside the apertium folder.
- Task: Making the reformatter script able to correctly turn inline-blanks into real tags.
- Category: Code enhancement and compatibility
- PR: Not made a PR because of need to test some more edge cases, but the entire work is at
- Tests:
All the tests run without fail and the run command is $pytyhon tests/ inside the apertium folder.
- Task: Making lt-proc correctly disperse inline blanks onto each lexical unit until the next [.
- Category: Code enhancement and functionality improvement
- PR: witing for some last time edits before merge.
- Tests: Made a new file as per the tests present in transfer, pretransfer and other modules at
All the above tests for lt-proc passes with the updated module.