
From Apertium
Revision as of 14:48, 2 June 2017 by Tino Didriksen (talk | contribs) (work-in-progress)
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If you want to work with the Apertium native core tools, but you really don't want to go through the arduous process of command line debugging, you can instead use a combination of initial command line setup and then have NetBeans take over.


First thing you need is to install NetBeans from somewhere. If on Debian/Ubuntu, sudo apt-get install netbeans will do. Once installed, you probably need to add the C/C++ plugin.

From Tools → Plugins:

  • In the Settings tab, enable all Update Centers.
  • Then in Available Plugins, hit "Check for Newest" and find the C/C++ plugin.
  • Then in Updates, hit "Check for Updates" and update all available plugins.


Initial command line setup:

svn co
cd lttoolbox
autoreconf -fi
./configure --enable-debug

Then from NetBeans, File → New Project → C/C++ → C/C++ Project with Existing Sources:


Next, Browse to the folder that has the project's file. Leave everything else as-is and Finish:



Assuming you did all this in /home/tino/Desktop, you'd do export 'APERTIUM_CFLAGS=-I/home/tino/Desktop/lttoolbox/ -I/usr/include/libxml2/ -L/home/tino/Desktop/lttoolbox/lttoolbox/.libs/' 'APERTIUM_LIBS=-L/home/tino/Desktop/lttoolbox/lttoolbox/.libs/ -llttoolbox3'