Apertium on Arch Linux
Instructions for installing Apertium and language pairs on Arch Linux.
Installing the released packages
These should all be available through AUR. If you have yaourt installed, installing a language pair like Esperanto-English is simply a matter of
yaourt -S apertium-eo-en
The following command will work better and this will install the apertium package itself.
#aurget --deps -Sy --nodiscard --noedit --noconfirm --asroot apertium
which will install the dependencies too. If not, follow the instructions on http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/AUR#Installing_Packages_from_the_AUR. You'll find a list of language pairs in AUR at http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?K=apertium
Installing the newest versions from SVN
Install the prerequisites:
sudo pacman -S expat gawk libxslt pcre gcc-libs libxml2 icu
(Note: icu
is only needed if you need to install vislcg3
, which is required for certain language pairs.)
Then just follow http://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/Minimal_installation_from_SVN.