Breton and English/Pending tests
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Revision as of 18:10, 28 February 2009 by Francis Tyers (talk | contribs) (New page: To run these tests, run the script <code></code> from the <code>apertium-br-en</code> language pair in SVN. ---- ;Multipalabras ;Sintagmes nominals * {{test|br|3 den ou...)
To run these tests, run the script
from the apertium-br-en
language pair in SVN.
- Multipalabras
- Sintagmes nominals
- (br) 3 den ouzhpenn → 3 more people
- (br) 3 levr ouzhpenn → 3 more books
- (br) 1 levr ouzhpenn → 1 more book
- (br) An den-mañ → This person
- (br) Al levr-mañ → This book
- (br) Al levrioù-mañ → These books
- (br) Al levr bras-mañ → This big book
- (br) Al levrioù bras-mañ → These big books
- (br) Cheñchamant an hin → Climate change
- (br) War toenn an ti → On the roof of the house
- (br) Ur gazeg bihan ha glas → A small and grey mare
- (br) Dor levraoueg ar skolaj → The door of the library of the college
- (br) Dor velen ar skolaj → The yellow door of the college
- (br) En-dro d'an ti → Around the house
- (br) Ti Yann → Yann's house
- (br) Levraoueg skolaj → The library of the college
- (br) An holl levrioù → All the books
- (br) An holl dud → All the people
- (br) Meur a levr → Various books
- (br) Meur a viz → Various months
- (br) Bugale ma c'hoar → My sister's children
- (br) Gant bugale an ti → With the children of the house
- (br) Ti mignonezed ma c'hoar → My sister's friends' house
- (br) Ti Herve → Herve's house
- (br) Ti mignoned Herve → Herve's friends' house
- (br) Koad Kemper → The wood of Quimper
- (br) Ti ar vro → The house of the country
- (br) Emgav an dud → The people's meeting
- (br) Skipailh ti ar vro → The team of the house of the country
- (br) Kumunioù bras ar vro → The big communes of the country
- (br) Prezegenn maer Karaez → The talk of the mayor of Carhaix
- (br) Prezegenn Erwan → Erwan's talk
- (br) Unan eus an obererien bennañ → One of the main authors
- (br) C’hwec’h den yaouank → Six young people
- (br) Pevar bloaz → Four years
- (br) An daou di-mañ → These two houses
- (br) Sinadur an emglev-se → The signature of this agreement
- (br) An holl draoù-se → All these things
- (br) Kador goad → Wooden chair
- (br) Ur gador goad → A chair made of wood
- (br) An traoù nevez → The new things
- (br) An traoù nevesoc’h → The newer things
- (br) An traoù nevesañ → The newest things
- (br) Gouezeleg Bro-Skos ha manaveg → Scottish Gaelic and Manx
- (br) Iwerzhoneg, gouezeleg Bro-Skos ha manaveg → Irish, Scottish Gaelic and Manx
- (br) Brasañ → The biggest
- (br) Brasoc’h → Bigger
- (br) d'ar Yaou 12 a viz Genver → Friday 12th January
- (br) Da gentañ ministr Montenegro → To the prime minister of Montenegro
- (br) Breizh → Brittany
- (br) Ar Frañs → France
- (br) Da Vreizh → to Brittany
- (br) Katell → Katell
- (br) Yann-Fañch → Yann-Fañch
- (br) Yann-Fañch Jakez → Yann-Fañch Jakez
- (br) An dra → The thing
- (br) Un dra goad → A thing made of wood
- (br) Ar c’hwec’h tra-se → These six things
- (br) An dra-se → This thing
- (br) Tra Vreizh → The thing of Brittany
- (br) Tra Yann → Yann's thing
- (br) Kador goad → Chair made of wood
- (br) Kador goad Yann → Yann's wooden chair
- (br) Tud ar Stadoù-Unanet → The people of the United States
- (br) Mestr an ti → The master of the house
- (br) C’hwec’h den an ti → Six people of the house
- (br) 6 den an ti → 6 people of the house
- (br) Mestr an ti bihan → The master of the little house
- (br) Mestr an ti du → The master of the black house
- (br) Skipailh ti ar vro → The team of the house of the country
- (br) An holl dud → All the people
- (br) Ar c’hwec’h → The six
- (br) Ar 6 → The 6
- (br) Ar 6 a viz Mae 2009 → Le 6th of May 2009
- (br) Ar c’hwec’h den → The six people
- (br) Ar 6 den → The 6 people
- (br) d'ar c’hwec’h a viz Eost → The sixth of August
- (br) d'ar 6 a viz Eost → The 6th August
- (br) Ar pemp a viz Mae → The fifth of May
- (br) Ar 5 a viz Mae → The 5th of May
- (br) Ti du → Black house
- (br) Ti bras du → Big black house
- (br) An ti gwenn-se → This white house
- (br) An den bras → The big person
- (br) An den skuizh → The tired person
- (br) C’hwec’h den skuizh → Six tired people
- (br) 6 den skuizh → 6 tired people
- (br) Ti du ha gwenn → Black and white house
- (br) Glas du → Blue black
- (br) Du du → Very black
- (br) Skuizh → Tired
- (br) Ar → The
- (br) Ur → A
- Sintagmes verbals
- (br) N'ouzon ket → I don't know
- (br) N'ouzon ket mui → I don't know more
- (br) N'ouzon ket ken → I don't know more
- (br) Ne labour ket amañ → He doesn't work here
- (br) Ne implij ket → He doesn't employ
- (br) Glav a ra → It is raining
- (br) Erc’h a ra → It is snowing
- (br) Mard eo skuizh → If he is tired
- (br) Hiziv ez eus → It is today
- (br) Debret → Eaten
- (br) O kanañ → Singing
- (br) O kanañ emañ → He is singing
- (br) O kanañ kreñv emañ → He is singing loudly
- (br) Debriñ → To eat
- (br) Debriñ a ran → I eat
- (br) Ne ober netra → Doesn't do anything
- (br) Graet he deus → He has done
- (br) Lazhet eo bet → He has killed
- Sintaxis
- (br) Me am eus kanet. → I sung.
- (br) An amzer zo brav. → The weather is good.
- (br) Ni a ro al laezh da Vari. → We give the milk to Mari.
- (br) Yann a zeuy hag a ray ur brezegenn. → Yann will come and he will give a talk.
- (br) Deskiñ a reer traoù amañ. → We learn things here.
- (br) Dilun beure e welin ar maer da 11 eur. → Monday morning I will see the mayor at 11 o'clock.
- (br) Debriñ a ran un aval → I eat an apple
- (br) Ober a ra ur wastell → He makes a cake
- (br) Ober a ra ur westell → He makes some cakes
- (br) Emañ ar vugale o tebriñ → The children are eating
- (br) O redek un tamm pep lec’h emaint → They are running all over the place
- (br) Tad Yann eo ma eontr → Yann's father is my uncle
- (br) Amañ emañ → He is here
- (br) Ma teuez ganin → If you come with me
- (br) Dre ma oas skuizh → Until you were tired
- (br) Tangi a zo bet kaset dirak al lez-varn. → Tangi was sent before the court.
- (br) Gallout a ran ober an dra-se → I can do that thing
- (br) Ar vugale a rede buan → The children run quickly
- Otros
- (br) Hiziv → Today
- (br) Treuzkas ar brezhoneg er familhoù → Transmit Breton within the families
- (br) J. P. Cluzel, Prezidant Radio France a oa e Kemper d'ar 6 a viz Here evit sinañ an emglev Ya d'ar Brezhoneg. → J. P. Cluzel, the president of Radio France was in Quimper on the 6th of October to sign the Ya d'ar Brezhoneg agreement.
- (br) Hiziv, pep tra a cheñch fonnus → Today, everything changes quickly
- (br) Kreñvaat koulz ha micherelaat ar c’helenn brezhoneg → To reinforce and professionalise the teaching of Breton
- (br) Skrivadeg e brezhoneg e Kemper e miz Meurzh → Reading in Breton in Quimper in March
- "Le" French article before proper Breton names vs. Le, noun (oath)
- (br) Skrivañ a ran da Erwan Le Bourdonnec → I wrote to Erwan Le Bourdonnec