Making a release

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Here are some simple steps to making a release, read the release policy for more information as to when a release should be made. Basically, we have four main stages, "building the package", "testing", "uploading to SourceForge" and "tagging in git".

Editing the build files

First update the build files to reflect the new version.

Edit and delete any lines like


( shouldn't have any version info.)


-AC_INIT([Apertium Foolish-Barman], [0.9.7], [], [apertium-foo-bar], [])
+AC_INIT([Apertium Foolish-Barman], [1.0.0], [], [apertium-foo-bar], [])

Building the package

$ ./ 
$ make dist

You should now have a file in the source directory called apertium-foo-bar-1.0.0.tar.gz.

If you have a GPG key, you can sign the release with

$ gpg --detach-sign --armor apertium-foo-bar-1.0.0.tar.gz

This will give you the file apertium-foo-bar-1.0.0.tar.gz.asc that you should upload along with apertium-foo-bar-1.0.0.tar.gz.


Copy the file somewhere temporary, extract it, and test it.

$ mkdir /tmp/test
$ ./configure --prefix=/tmp/test
$ make
$ make install

If you get any errors, go back, fix them in git, push and start again.

Installing the pair on

1. First update the apy server:

Assuming the tarballs apertium-foo-0.9.0.tar.gz and apertium-foo-bar-0.9.0.tar.gz are in your current dir, do

scp apertium-foo-0.9.0.tar.gz apertium-foo-bar-0.9.0.tar.gz 
cd tarballs
./ apertium-foo-0.9.0.tar.gz
./ apertium-foo-bar-0.9.0.tar.gz
systemctl --user restart apy

2. Possibly update the html-tools server:

If the tarball installed new modes that weren't on before (weren't in before), you'll have to (get spectie to) ssh to the machine running the web page as well and make clean && make -j8 there.

Tagging the release you just made in git

In git, tagging a release is done using the git tag command, see git help tag.

$ git tag -s -m "v1.0.0 released" v1.0.0 HEAD
$ git push --tags

The above will tag the current commit; you can change HEAD for some commit hash or branch if you want to tag that instead.

Making a release on github

After tagging, you can

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