
From Apertium
Revision as of 15:52, 10 October 2013 by Francis Tyers (talk | contribs)
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Apertium-APy stands for "Apertium API in Python". It's a simple apertium API server written in python, meant as a drop-in replacement for ScaleMT. It is currently found in the svn under trunk/apertium-tools/apertium-apy, where servlet.py is basically its entirety. This is meant for front ends like the simple one in trunk/apertium-tools/simple-html (where index.html is the main deal).

Try it out

Try testing with e.g.

   export APERTIUMPATH="/path/to/svn/trunk"
   python3 servlet "$APERTIUMPATH" 2737 &
   curl -s --data-urlencode 'langpair=nb|nn' --data-urlencode \
   'q@/tmp/reallybigfile' 'http://localhost:2737/translate' >/tmp/output &
   curl 'http://localhost:2737/translate?langpair=nb%7Cnn&q=men+ikke+den'
   curl 'http://localhost:2737/translate?langpair=nb%7Cnn&q=men+ikke+den'
   curl 'http://localhost:2737/translate?langpair=nb%7Cnn&q=men+ikke+den'

And see how the last three (after a slight wait) start outputting before the first request is done.


Currently it uses TCPServer inheriting ThreadingMixIn. A lock on translateNULFlush (which has to have at most one thread per pipeline) ensures that part stays single-threaded (to avoid Alice getting Bob's text).


  • It should be possible to set a time-out for translation threads, so if a translation is taking too long, it gets killed and the queue moves along.
  • It should use one lock per pipeline, since we don't need to wait for mk-en just because sme-nob is running.
  • http://stackoverflow.com/a/487281/69663 recommends select/polling over threading (http://docs.python.org/3.3/library/socketserver.html for more on the differences) but requires either lots of manually written dispatching code (http://pymotw.com/2/select/) or a framework like Twisted.
  • some language pairs still don't work (sme-nob?)
  • hfst-proc -g doesn't work with null-flushing (or?)