Talk:Starting a new language with HFST
Multichar_Symbols %<n%> ! Существительное %<nom%> ! Именительный %<pl%> ! Множественное число %{A%} ! 'a' или 'е', часть архифонемы %> ! Граница морфем LEXICON Root NounStems; LEXICON Ninfl %<n%>: #; %<n%>%<pl%>:%>l%{A%}r #; LEXICON NounStems maşgala Ninfl;! " семья " esger Ninfl;! "солдат"
Alphabet A B Ç D E Ä F G H I J Ž K L M N Ň O Ö P R S Ş T U Ü W Y Ý Z a b ç d e ä f g h i j ž k l m n ň o ö p r s ş t u ü w y ý z %{A%}:a %>:0 ; Sets Consonant = B Ç D F G H J Ž K L M N Ň P R S Ş T W Z b ç d f g h j ž k l m n ň p r s ş t w z ; FrontVowel = Ä E I Ö Ü ä e i ö ü ; BackVowel = A Y O U a y o u ; NonBack = Consonant FrontVowel %> ; NonFront = Consonant BackVowel %> ; Rules "Front harmony in suffixes" %{A%}:e <=> FrontVowel: NonBack:* _ ;
all: hfst-lexc -o tk-tr.lexc.hfst hfst-twolc -R -i -o tk-tr.twol.hfst hfst-compose-intersect -1 tk-tr.lexc.hfst -2 tk-tr.twol.hfst -o tr-tk.autogen.hfst hfst-fst2strings tr-tk.autogen.hfst
Revision 1980
$ make hfst-lexc -o tk-tr.lexc.hfst hfst-lexc: warning: Defaulting to foma type (since it has native lexc support); Use command-line option --format to override Root...1, Ninfl...2, NounStems...2 Building lexicon... Determinizing... Minimizing... Done! hfst-twolc -R -i -o tk-tr.twol.hfst Reading input from Writing output to tk-tr.twol.hfst. syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL_SPACE on line 6: Sets Aborted. make: *** [all] Ошибка 1
Revision 1986
$ make hfst-lexc -o tk-tr.lexc.hfst hfst-lexc: warning: Defaulting to foma type (since it has native lexc support); Use command-line option --format to override Root...1, Ninfl...2, NounStems...2 Building lexicon... Determinizing... Minimizing... Done! hfst-twolc -R -i -o tk-tr.twol.hfst Reading input from Writing output to tk-tr.twol.hfst. syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL_SPACE on line 6: Sets Aborted. make: *** [all] Ошибка 1
Revision 1987
$ make hfst-lexc -o tk-tr.lexc.hfst hfst-lexc: warning: Defaulting to foma type (since it has native lexc support); Use command-line option --format to override Root...1, Ninfl...2, NounStems...2 Building lexicon... Determinizing... Minimizing... Done! hfst-twolc -R -i -o tk-tr.twol.hfst Reading input from Writing output to tk-tr.twol.hfst. syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL_SPACE on line 6: Sets Aborted. make: *** [all] Ошибка 1
Revision 1990
$ make hfst-lexc -o tk-tr.lexc.hfst hfst-lexc: warning: Defaulting to foma type (since it has native lexc support); Use command-line option --format to override Root...1, Ninfl...2, NounStems...2 Building lexicon... Determinizing... Minimizing... Done! hfst-twolc -R -i -o tk-tr.twol.hfst Reading input from Writing output to tk-tr.twol.hfst. syntax error, unexpected SYMBOL_SPACE on line 6: Sets Aborted. make: *** [all] Ошибка 1