User:Francis Tyers/Sandbox2

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  • Logging on xixona, knowing what people are translating (which language pair etc.)
   * Possible applications:
   * quality control
   * encourage language pair maintainers
   * give an idea of missing terms (on a temporal basis? What's in the news?) - getting the information so we can adapt the translators to what people are translating: if certain topics are coming up in the news ('swine flu' etc.), try to catch them
  • Making a 3.2 release -- x-stage transfer, some changes in lttoolbox
  • Planning for new releases, apertium 3.4, apertium 4.0?
  • Webservices -- what, when, where ?
  • Should we have a concentrated effort on Revo Vortaro import?
   * Reta Vortaro is fairly consistent; it has clear delineation between simple, unambiguous terms; terms with more than one possible translation (where the first one listed is the preferred default); and polysemous words. Theres evenan XML version
  • Dix profiling - finding out (on a corpus or on testvoc) how often each entry is used, i.a. for removing unused .dix entries - demo by Jacob