Talk:Apertium New Language Pair HOWTO

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Possibly, at the very end, one could mention the possibility of typing

make sh-en.t1x.bin

etc. instead of all those different commands, for the language pairs priviliged enough to have fancy makefiles. --Unhammer


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     <sdef n="n"/>
     <sdef n="sg"/>
     <sdef n="pl"/>
     <sdef n="vblex"/>

   <section id="main" type="standard">
<e><p><l>gramofon<s n="n"/></l><r>gramophone<s n="n"/></r></p></e>
<e><p><l>videti<s n="vblex"/></l><r>see<s n="vblex"/></r></p></e>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-2"?>
   <sdef n="n"/>
   <sdef n="sg"/>
   <sdef n="pl"/>
   <sdef n="vblex"/>
   <sdef n="p1"/>
   <sdef n="pri"/>

<pardef n="gramofon__n">
       <r><s n="n"/><s n="sg"/></r>
       <r><s n="n"/><s n="pl"/></r>
       <r><s n="n"/><s n="pl"/></r>
<pardef n="vid/eti__vblex">
   <r>eti<s n="vblex"/><s n="pri"/><s n="p1"/><s n="sg"/></r>
   <r>eti<s n="vblex"/><s n="pri"/><s n="p1"/><s n="pl"/></r>


<section id="main" type="standard">
<e lm="gramofon"><i>gramofon</i><par n="gramofon__n"/></e>
<e lm="videti"><i>vid</i><par n="vid/eti__vblex"/></e>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<def-cat n="nom">
   <cat-item tags="n.*"/>
<def-cat n="vrb">
   <cat-item tags="vblex.*"/>
<def-cat n="prpers">
   <cat-item lemma="prpers" tags="prn.*"/>

<def-attr n="nbr">
   <attr-item tags="sg"/>
   <attr-item tags="pl"/>
<def-attr n="a_nom">
   <attr-item tags="n"/>
<def-attr n="temps">
   <attr-item tags="pri"/>
<def-attr n="pers">
   <attr-item tags="p1"/>
<def-attr n="a_verb">
   <attr-item tags="vblex"/>
<def-attr n="tipus_prn">
   <attr-item tags="prn.subj"/>
   <attr-item tags="prn.obj"/>

<def-var n="number"/>

     <pattern-item n="nom"/>
         <clip pos="1" side="tl" part="lem"/>
         <clip pos="1" side="tl" part="a_nom"/>
         <clip pos="1" side="tl" part="nbr"/>
     <pattern-item n="vrb"/>
         <lit v="prpers"/>
         <lit-tag v="prn"/>
         <lit-tag v="subj"/>
         <clip pos="1" side="tl" part="pers"/>
         <clip pos="1" side="tl" part="nbr"/>
         <clip pos="1" side="tl" part="lem"/>
         <clip pos="1" side="tl" part="a_verb"/>
         <clip pos="1" side="tl" part="temps"/>



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-2"?>
   <sdef n="n"/>
   <sdef n="sg"/>
   <sdef n="pl"/>
   <sdef n="vblex"/>
   <sdef n="p1"/>
   <sdef n="pri"/>
   <sdef n="prn"/>
   <sdef n="subj"/>

<pardef n="gramophone__n">
       <r><s n="n"/><s n="sg"/></r>
       <r><s n="n"/><s n="pl"/></r>
<pardef n="s/ee__vblex">
   <r>ee<s n="vblex"/><s n="pri"/></r>
<pardef n="prsubj__prn">
   <r>prpers<s n="prn"/><s n="subj"/><s n="p1"/><s n="sg"/></r>


<section id="main" type="standard">
<e lm="gramophone"><i>gramophone</i><par n="gramophone__n"/></e>
<e lm="see"><i>s</i><par n="s/ee__vblex"/></e>
<e lm="personal subject pronouns"><i/><par n="prsubj__prn"/></e>
<e lm="record player"><i>record<b/>player</i><par n="gramophone__n"/></e>


lt-comp lr sh-en.automorf.bin
lt-comp rl sh-en.autogen.bin

lt-comp lr apertium-sh-en.en.dix en-sh.automorf.bin
lt-comp rl apertium-sh-en.en.dix en-sh.autogen.bin

lt-comp lr sh-en.autobil.bin
lt-comp rl en-sh.autobil.bin 

apertium-preprocess-transfer sh-en.t1x.bin


echo "gramofoni" | lt-proc sh-en.automorf.bin | \
>   gawk 'BEGIN{RS="$"; FS="/";}{nf=split($1,COMPONENTS,"^"); for(i = 1; i<nf; i++) printf COMPONENTS[i]; if($2 != "") printf("^%s$",$2);}' | \
>   apertium-transfer sh-en.t1x.bin sh-en.autobil.bin | \
>   lt-proc -g sh-en.autogen.bin

echo "vidim" | lt-proc sh-en.automorf.bin | \
>   gawk 'BEGIN{RS="$"; FS="/";}{nf=split($1,COMPONENTS,"^"); for(i = 1; i<nf; i++) printf COMPONENTS[i]; if($2 != "") printf("^%s$",$2);}' | \
>   apertium-transfer sh-en.t1x.bin sh-en.autobil.bin | \
>   lt-proc -g sh-en.autogen.bin
#prpers #see

echo "vidim gramofoni" | lt-proc sh-en.automorf.bin | \
  gawk 'BEGIN{RS="$"; FS="/";}{nf=split($1,COMPONENTS,"^"); for(i = 1; i<nf; i++) printf COMPONENTS[i]; if($2 != "") printf("^%s$",$2);}' | \
  apertium-transfer sh-en.t1x.bin sh-en.autobil.bin | \
  lt-proc -g sh-en.autogen.bin
#prpers #see
Can you show the output of each stage ? - Francis Tyers 09:20, 30 April 2009 (UTC)
Ok, I see the error. Please change your to:
lt-comp lr sh-en.automorf.bin
lt-comp rl apertium-sh-en.en.dix sh-en.autogen.bin

lt-comp lr apertium-sh-en.en.dix en-sh.automorf.bin
lt-comp rl en-sh.autogen.bin

lt-comp lr sh-en.autobil.bin
lt-comp rl en-sh.autobil.bin 

apertium-preprocess-transfer sh-en.t1x.bin

- Francis Tyers 09:50, 30 April 2009 (UTC)

en@anonymous:~/tmp/download/forditas/apertium-en-es-0.6/en-sh$ echo "vidim gramofoni" | lt-proc sh-en.automorf.bin | \
>   gawk 'BEGIN{RS="$"; FS="/";}{nf=split($1,COMPONENTS,"^"); for(i = 1; i<nf; i++) printf COMPONENTS[i]; if($2 != "") printf("^%s$",$2);}' | \
>   apertium-transfer sh-en.t1x.bin sh-en.autobil.bin | \
>   lt-proc -g sh-en.autogen.bin
I see gramophones

Muki987 10:57, 30 April 2009 (UTC)

Perfect! :) Is that an error in the HOWTO ? Or was it in your script? - Francis Tyers 11:50, 30 April 2009 (UTC)
It was the error in the build script. IMHO best would be to add the complete sources including the build script to the web page, to help beginners. It is almost impossible to get it working with the present description, since building is - as far as I can see- not documented. Thanks for your help. Muki987 12:41, 30 April 2009 (UTC)