Difference between revisions of "User:Shardulc"

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(Link to format handling page)
(Minor changes to translate/ documentation)
Line 59: Line 59:
*'''deformat''': deformatter to be used: one of html (default), txt, rtf
*'''deformat''': deformatter to be used: one of html (default), txt, rtf
*'''reformat''': deformatter to be used: one of html, html-noent (default), txt, rtf
*'''reformat''': deformatter to be used: one of html, html-noent (default), txt, rtf
*'''format''': if deformatter and reformatter are the same, they can be specified in '''format'''
*'''format''': if deformatter and reformatter are the same, they can be specified here
For more about formatting, please see [http://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/Format_handling the page about Format Handling].
For more about formatting, please see [http://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/Format_handling Format Handling].
| To be consistent with ScaleMT, the returned JS Object contains a <code>responseData</code> key with an JS Object that has key <code>translatedText</code> that contains the translated text.
| To be consistent with ScaleMT, the returned JS Object contains a <code>responseData</code> key with an JS Object that has key <code>translatedText</code> that contains the translated text.
Line 68: Line 68:
$ curl --data-urlencode 'q@myfile' 'http://localhost:2737/translate?langpair=kaz|tat'
$ curl --data-urlencode 'q@myfile' 'http://localhost:2737/translate?langpair=kaz|tat'
{"responseStatus": 200, "responseData": {"translatedText": "Син барныңмы?"}, "responseDetails": null}
{"responseStatus": 200, "responseData": {"translatedText": "Син барныңмы?"}, "responseDetails": null}

The following two queries contain nonstandard whitespace characters and are equivalent:
$ curl 'http://localhost:2737/translate?langpair=eng|spa&q=This works well&deformat=txt&reformat=txt'
$ curl 'http://localhost:2737/translate?langpair=eng|spa&q=This works well&deformat=txt&reformat=txt'
{"responseStatus": 200, "responseData": {"translatedText": "Esto trabaja\u2001bien"}, "responseDetails": null}
{"responseStatus": 200, "responseData": {"translatedText": "Esto trabaja\u2001bien"}, "responseDetails": null}
Line 74: Line 77:
{"responseStatus": 200, "responseData": {"translatedText": "Esto trabaja\u2001bien"}, "responseDetails": null}
{"responseStatus": 200, "responseData": {"translatedText": "Esto trabaja\u2001bien"}, "responseDetails": null}

(The last two queries are equivalent.)
The following two queries illustrate the difference between the <code>html</code> and <code>html-noent</code> reformatter:
$ curl 'http://localhost:2737/translate?langpair=eng|spa&q=How does this work?&reformat=html'
{"responseData": {"translatedText": "Qu&amp;eacute; hace este trabajo?"}, "responseDetails": null, "responseStatus": 200}
$ curl 'http://localhost:2737/translate?langpair=eng|spa&q=How does this work?&reformat=html-noent'
{"responseData": {"translatedText": "Qu\u00e9 hace este trabajo?"}, "responseDetails": null, "responseStatus": 200}
| '''/translateDoc'''
| '''/translateDoc'''

Revision as of 03:50, 20 December 2016


APY supports three types of requests: GET, POST, and JSONP. Using GET/POST are possible only if APY is running on the same server as the client due to cross-site scripting restrictions; however, JSONP requests are permitted in any context and will be useful. Using curl, APY can easily be tested:

curl -G --data "lang=kaz-tat&modes=morph&q=алдым" http://localhost:2737/perWord

It can also be tested through your browser or through HTTP calls. Unfortunately, curl does not decode JSON output by default and to make testing easier, a APY Sandbox is provided in the SVN with Apertium-html-tools.

URL Function Parameters Output
/listPairs List available language pairs
  • include_deprecated_codes: give this parameter to include old ISO-639-1 codes in output
To be consistent with ScaleMT, the returned JS Object contains a responseData key with an Array of language pair objects with keys sourceLanguage and targetLanguage.
$ curl 'http://localhost:2737/listPairs'

{"responseStatus": 200, "responseData": [
 {"sourceLanguage": "kaz", "targetLanguage": "tat"}, 
 {"sourceLanguage": "tat", "targetLanguage": "kaz"}, 
 {"sourceLanguage": "mk", "targetLanguage": "en"}
], "responseDetails": null}
/list List available mode information
  • q: type of information to list
    • pairs (alias for /listPairs)
    • analyzers/analysers
    • generators
    • taggers/disambiguators
The returned JS Object contains a mapping from language pairs to mode names (used internally by Apertium).
$ curl 'http://localhost:2737/list?q=analyzers'
{"mk-en": "mk-en-morph", "en-es": "en-es-anmor", "kaz-tat": "kaz-tat-morph", 
 "tat-kaz": "tat-kaz-morph", "fin": "fin-morph", "es-en": "es-en-anmor", "kaz": "kaz-morph"}
$ curl 'http://localhost:2737/list?q=generators'
{"en-es": "en-es-generador", "fin": "fin-gener", "es-en": "es-en-generador"}
$ curl 'http://localhost:2737/list?q=taggers'
{"es-en": "es-en-tagger", "en-es": "en-es-tagger", "mk-en": "mk-en-tagger",
 "tat-kaz": "tat-kaz-tagger", "kaz-tat": "kaz-tat-tagger", "kaz": "kaz-tagger"}
/translate Translate text
  • langpair: language pair to use for translation
  • q: text to translate
  • markUnknown=no (optional): include this to remove "*" in front of unknown words
  • deformat: deformatter to be used: one of html (default), txt, rtf
  • reformat: deformatter to be used: one of html, html-noent (default), txt, rtf
  • format: if deformatter and reformatter are the same, they can be specified here

For more about formatting, please see Format Handling.

To be consistent with ScaleMT, the returned JS Object contains a responseData key with an JS Object that has key translatedText that contains the translated text.
$ curl 'http://localhost:2737/translate?langpair=kaz|tat&q=Сен+бардың+ба?'
{"responseStatus": 200, "responseData": {"translatedText": "Син барныңмы?"}, "responseDetails": null}
$ echo Сен бардың ба? > myfile
$ curl --data-urlencode 'q@myfile' 'http://localhost:2737/translate?langpair=kaz|tat'
{"responseStatus": 200, "responseData": {"translatedText": "Син барныңмы?"}, "responseDetails": null}

The following two queries contain nonstandard whitespace characters and are equivalent:

$ curl 'http://localhost:2737/translate?langpair=eng|spa&q=This    works well&deformat=txt&reformat=txt'
{"responseStatus": 200, "responseData": {"translatedText": "Esto    trabaja\u2001bien"}, "responseDetails": null}
$ curl 'http://localhost:2737/translate?langpair=eng|spa&q=This    works well&format=txt'
{"responseStatus": 200, "responseData": {"translatedText": "Esto    trabaja\u2001bien"}, "responseDetails": null}

The following two queries illustrate the difference between the html and html-noent reformatter:

$ curl 'http://localhost:2737/translate?langpair=eng|spa&q=How does this work?&reformat=html'
{"responseData": {"translatedText": "Qu&eacute; hace este trabajo?"}, "responseDetails": null, "responseStatus": 200}
$ curl 'http://localhost:2737/translate?langpair=eng|spa&q=How does this work?&reformat=html-noent'
{"responseData": {"translatedText": "Qu\u00e9 hace este trabajo?"}, "responseDetails": null, "responseStatus": 200}
/translateDoc Translate a document (.odt, .txt, .rtf, .html, .docx, .pptx, .xlsx, .tex)
  • langpair: language pair to use for translation
  • file: document to translate
  • markUnknown=no (optional): include this to remove "*" in front of unknown words
Returns the translated document.
$ curl --form 'file=@/path/to/kaz.odt' 'http://localhost:2737/translateDoc?langpair=kaz|tat' > tat.odt
/analyze or /analyse Morphologically analyze text
  • lang: language to use for analysis
  • q: text to analyze
The returned JS Array contains JS Arrays in the format [analysis, input-text].
$ curl -G --data "lang=kaz&q=Сен+бардың+ба?" http://localhost:2737/analyze
[["Сен/сен<v><tv><imp><p2><sg>/сен<prn><pers><p2><sg><nom>","Сен "], ["бардың ба/бар<adj><subst><gen>+ма<qst>/бар<v><iv><ifi><p2><sg>+ма<qst>","бардың ба"], ["?/?<sent>","?"]]
/generate Generate surface forms from text
  • lang: language to use for generation
  • q: text to generate
The returned JS Array contains JS Arrays in the format [generated, input-text].
$ curl -G --data "lang=kaz&q=^сен<v><tv><imp><p2><sg>$" http://localhost:2737/generate
[["сен","^сен<v><tv><imp><p2><sg>$ "]]
/perWord Perform morphological tasks per word
  • lang: language to use for tasks
  • modes: morphological tasks to perform on text (15 combinations possible - delimit using '+')
    • tagger/disambig
    • biltrans
    • translate
    • morph
  • q: text to perform tasks on
The returned JS Array contains JS Objects each containing the key input and up to 4 other keys corresponding to the requested modes (tagger, morph, biltrans and translate).
curl 'http://localhost:2737/perWord?lang=en-es&modes=morph&q=let+there+be+light'
[{"input": "let", "morph": ["let<vblex><inf>", "let<vblex><pres>", "let<vblex><past>", "let<vblex><pp>"]}, {"input": "there", "morph": ["there<adv>"]}, {"input": "be", "morph": ["be<vbser><inf>"]}, {"input": "light", "morph": ["light<n><sg>", "light<adj><sint>", "light<vblex><inf>", "light<vblex><pres>"]}]

curl 'http://localhost:2737/perWord?lang=en-es&modes=tagger&q=let+there+be+light'
[{"input": "let", "tagger": "let<vblex><pp>"}, {"input": "there", "tagger": "there<adv>"}, {"input": "be", "tagger": "be<vbser><inf>"}, {"input": "light", "tagger": "light<adj><sint>"}]

curl 'http://localhost:2737/perWord?lang=en-es&modes=morph+tagger&q=let+there+be+light'
[{"input": "let", "morph": ["let<vblex><inf>", "let<vblex><pres>", "let<vblex><past>", "let<vblex><pp>"], "tagger": "let<vblex><pp>"}, {"input": "there", "morph": ["there<adv>"], "tagger": "there<adv>"}, {"input": "be", "morph": ["be<vbser><inf>"], "tagger": "be<vbser><inf>"}, {"input": "light", "morph": ["light<n><sg>", "light<adj><sint>", "light<vblex><inf>", "light<vblex><pres>"], "tagger": "light<adj><sint>"}]

curl 'http://localhost:2737/perWord?lang=en-es&modes=translate&q=let+there+be+light'
[{"input": "let", "translate": ["dejar<vblex><pp>"]}, {"input": "there", "translate": ["all\u00ed<adv>"]}, {"input": "be", "translate": ["ser<vbser><inf>"]}, {"input": "light", "translate": ["ligero<adj>"]}]

curl 'http://localhost:2737/perWord?lang=en-es&modes=biltrans&q=let+there+be+light'
[{"input": "let", "biltrans": ["dejar<vblex><inf>", "dejar<vblex><pres>", "dejar<vblex><past>", "dejar<vblex><pp>"]}, {"input": "there", "biltrans": ["all\u00ed<adv>"]}, {"input": "be", "biltrans": ["ser<vbser><inf>"]}, {"input": "light", "biltrans": ["luz<n><f><sg>", "ligero<adj>", "encender<vblex><inf>", "encender<vblex><pres>"]}]

curl 'http://localhost:2737/perWord?lang=en-es&modes=translate+biltrans&q=let+there+be+light'
[{"input": "let", "translate": ["dejar<vblex><pp>"], "biltrans": ["dejar<vblex><inf>", "dejar<vblex><pres>", "dejar<vblex><past>", "dejar<vblex><pp>"]}, {"input": "there", "translate": ["all\u00ed<adv>"], "biltrans": ["all\u00ed<adv>"]}, {"input": "be", "translate": ["ser<vbser><inf>"], "biltrans": ["ser<vbser><inf>"]}, {"input": "light", "translate": ["ligero<adj>"], "biltrans": ["luz<n><f><sg>", "ligero<adj>", "encender<vblex><inf>", "encender<vblex><pres>"]}]

curl 'http://localhost:2737/perWord?lang=en-es&modes=morph+biltrans&q=let+there+be+light'
[{"input": "let", "morph": ["let<vblex><inf>", "let<vblex><pres>", "let<vblex><past>", "let<vblex><pp>"], "biltrans": ["dejar<vblex><inf>", "dejar<vblex><pres>", "dejar<vblex><past>", "dejar<vblex><pp>"]}, {"input": "there", "morph": ["there<adv>"], "biltrans": ["all\u00ed<adv>"]}, {"input": "be", "morph": ["be<vbser><inf>"], "biltrans": ["ser<vbser><inf>"]}, {"input": "light", "morph": ["light<n><sg>", "light<adj><sint>", "light<vblex><inf>", "light<vblex><pres>"], "biltrans": ["luz<n><f><sg>", "ligero<adj>", "encender<vblex><inf>", "encender<vblex><pres>"]}]

curl 'http://localhost:2737/perWord?lang=en-es&modes=tagger+biltrans&q=let+there+be+light'
[{"input": "let", "biltrans": ["dejar<vblex><inf>", "dejar<vblex><pres>", "dejar<vblex><past>", "dejar<vblex><pp>"], "tagger": "let<vblex><pp>"}, {"input": "there", "biltrans": ["all\u00ed<adv>"], "tagger": "there<adv>"}, {"input": "be", "biltrans": ["ser<vbser><inf>"], "tagger": "be<vbser><inf>"}, {"input": "light", "biltrans": ["luz<n><f><sg>", "ligero<adj>", "encender<vblex><inf>", "encender<vblex><pres>"], "tagger": "light<adj><sint>"}]

curl 'http://localhost:2737/perWord?lang=en-es&modes=tagger+translate&q=let+there+be+light'
[{"input": "let", "translate": ["dejar<vblex><pp>"], "tagger": "let<vblex><pp>"}, {"input": "there", "translate": ["all\u00ed<adv>"], "tagger": "there<adv>"}, {"input": "be", "translate": ["ser<vbser><inf>"], "tagger": "be<vbser><inf>"}, {"input": "light", "translate": ["ligero<adj>"], "tagger": "light<adj><sint>"}]

curl 'http://localhost:2737/perWord?lang=en-es&modes=morph+translate&q=let+there+be+light'
[{"translate": ["dejar<vblex><pp>"], "input": "let", "morph": ["let<vblex><inf>", "let<vblex><pres>", "let<vblex><past>", "let<vblex><pp>"]}, {"translate": ["all\u00ed<adv>"], "input": "there", "morph": ["there<adv>"]}, {"translate": ["ser<vbser><inf>"], "input": "be", "morph": ["be<vbser><inf>"]}, {"translate": ["ligero<adj>"], "input": "light", "morph": ["light<n><sg>", "light<adj><sint>", "light<vblex><inf>", "light<vblex><pres>"]}]

curl 'http://localhost:2737/perWord?lang=en-es&modes=translate+biltrans+tagger&q=let+there+be+light'
[{"input": "let", "translate": ["dejar<vblex><pp>"], "biltrans": ["dejar<vblex><inf>", "dejar<vblex><pres>", "dejar<vblex><past>", "dejar<vblex><pp>"], "tagger": "let<vblex><pp>"}, {"input": "there", "translate": ["all\u00ed<adv>"], "biltrans": ["all\u00ed<adv>"], "tagger": "there<adv>"}, {"input": "be", "translate": ["ser<vbser><inf>"], "biltrans": ["ser<vbser><inf>"], "tagger": "be<vbser><inf>"}, {"input": "light", "translate": ["ligero<adj>"], "biltrans": ["luz<n><f><sg>", "ligero<adj>", "encender<vblex><inf>", "encender<vblex><pres>"], "tagger": "light<adj><sint>"}]

curl 'http://localhost:2737/perWord?lang=en-es&modes=morph+biltrans+tagger&q=let+there+be+light'
[{"input": "let", "morph": ["let<vblex><inf>", "let<vblex><pres>", "let<vblex><past>", "let<vblex><pp>"], "biltrans": ["dejar<vblex><inf>", "dejar<vblex><pres>", "dejar<vblex><past>", "dejar<vblex><pp>"], "tagger": "let<vblex><pp>"}, {"input": "there", "morph": ["there<adv>"], "biltrans": ["all\u00ed<adv>"], "tagger": "there<adv>"}, {"input": "be", "morph": ["be<vbser><inf>"], "biltrans": ["ser<vbser><inf>"], "tagger": "be<vbser><inf>"}, {"input": "light", "morph": ["light<n><sg>", "light<adj><sint>", "light<vblex><inf>", "light<vblex><pres>"], "biltrans": ["luz<n><f><sg>", "ligero<adj>", "encender<vblex><inf>", "encender<vblex><pres>"], "tagger": "light<adj><sint>"}]

curl 'http://localhost:2737/perWord?lang=en-es&modes=morph+translate+tagger&q=let+there+be+light'
[{"translate": ["dejar<vblex><pp>"], "input": "let", "morph": ["let<vblex><inf>", "let<vblex><pres>", "let<vblex><past>", "let<vblex><pp>"], "tagger": "let<vblex><pp>"}, {"translate": ["all\u00ed<adv>"], "input": "there", "morph": ["there<adv>"], "tagger": "there<adv>"}, {"translate": ["ser<vbser><inf>"], "input": "be", "morph": ["be<vbser><inf>"], "tagger": "be<vbser><inf>"}, {"translate": ["ligero<adj>"], "input": "light", "morph": ["light<n><sg>", "light<adj><sint>", "light<vblex><inf>", "light<vblex><pres>"], "tagger": "light<adj><sint>"}]

curl 'http://localhost:2737/perWord?lang=en-es&modes=morph+translate+biltrans&q=let+there+be+light'
[{"translate": ["dejar<vblex><pp>"], "input": "let", "morph": ["let<vblex><inf>", "let<vblex><pres>", "let<vblex><past>", "let<vblex><pp>"], "biltrans": ["dejar<vblex><inf>", "dejar<vblex><pres>", "dejar<vblex><past>", "dejar<vblex><pp>"]}, {"translate": ["all\u00ed<adv>"], "input": "there", "morph": ["there<adv>"], "biltrans": ["all\u00ed<adv>"]}, {"translate": ["ser<vbser><inf>"], "input": "be", "morph": ["be<vbser><inf>"], "biltrans": ["ser<vbser><inf>"]}, {"translate": ["ligero<adj>"], "input": "light", "morph": ["light<n><sg>", "light<adj><sint>", "light<vblex><inf>", "light<vblex><pres>"], "biltrans": ["luz<n><f><sg>", "ligero<adj>", "encender<vblex><inf>", "encender<vblex><pres>"]}]

curl 'http://localhost:2737/perWord?lang=en-es&modes=morph+translate+biltrans+tagger&q=let+there+be+light'
[{"translate": ["dejar<vblex><pp>"], "input": "let", "morph": ["let<vblex><inf>", "let<vblex><pres>", "let<vblex><past>", "let<vblex><pp>"], "biltrans": ["dejar<vblex><inf>", "dejar<vblex><pres>", "dejar<vblex><past>", "dejar<vblex><pp>"], "tagger": "let<vblex><pp>"}, {"translate": ["all\u00ed<adv>"], "input": "there", "morph": ["there<adv>"], "biltrans": ["all\u00ed<adv>"], "tagger": "there<adv>"}, {"translate": ["ser<vbser><inf>"], "input": "be", "morph": ["be<vbser><inf>"], "biltrans": ["ser<vbser><inf>"], "tagger": "be<vbser><inf>"}, {"translate": ["ligero<adj>"], "input": "light", "morph": ["light<n><sg>", "light<adj><sint>", "light<vblex><inf>", "light<vblex><pres>"], "biltrans": ["luz<n><f><sg>", "ligero<adj>", "encender<vblex><inf>", "encender<vblex><pres>"], "tagger": "light<adj><sint>"}]

/listLanguageNames Get localized language names
  • locale: language to get localized language names in
  • languages: list of '+' delimited language codes to retrieve localized names for (optional - if not specified, all available codes will be returned)
The returned JS Object contains a mapping of requested language codes to localized language names
$ curl 'http://localhost:2737/listLanguageNames?locale=fr&languages=ca+en+mk+tat+kk'
{"ca": "catalan", "en": "anglais", "kk": "kazakh", "mk": "macédonien", "tat": "tatar"}
/calcCoverage Get coverage of a language on a text
  • lang: language to analyze with
  • q: text to analyze for coverage
The returned JS Array contains a single floating point value ≤ 1 that indicates the coverage.
$ curl 'http://localhost:2737/getCoverage?lang=en-es&q=Whereas disregard and contempt for which have outraged the conscience of mankind'
/identifyLang Return a list of languages with probabilities of the text being in that language. Uses CLD2 if that's installed, otherwise will try any analyser modes.
  • q: text which you would like to compute probabilities for
The returned JS Object contains a mapping from language codes to probabilities.
$ curl 'http://localhost:2737/identifyLang?q=This+is+a+piece+of+text.'
{"ca": 0.19384234, "en": 0.98792465234, "kk": 0.293442432, "zh": 0.002931001}
/stats Return some statistics about pair usage, uptime, portion of time spent actively translating
  • requests=N (optional): limit period-based stats to last N requests
Note that period-based stats are limited to 3600 seconds by default (see -T argument to servlet.py)
$ curl -Ss localhost:2737/stats|jq .responseData
  "holdingPipes": 0,
  "periodStats": {
    "totTimeSpent": 10.760803,
    "ageFirstRequest": 19.609394,
    "totChars": 2718,
    "requests": 8,
    "charsPerSec": 252.58
  "runningPipes": {
    "eng-spa": 1
  "useCount": {
    "eng-spa": 8
  "uptime": 26