Difference between revisions of "Apertium stream format"

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Line 36: Line 36:
firstreading = analyses[0]
firstreading = analyses[0]
surfaceform = lu.wordform
surfaceform = lu.wordform
# rewrite to print only the first reading:
# rewrite to print only the first reading (and surface/word form):

Revision as of 10:21, 28 December 2015

En français

This page describes the stream format used in the Apertium machine translation platform.



Reserved characters should only appear escaped in the input stream unless they are part of a lexical unit, chunk or superblank.

  • The characters ^ and $ are reserved for delimiting lexical units
  • The character / is reserved for delimiting analyses in ambiguous lexical units
  • The characters < and > are reserved for encapsulating tags
  • The characters { and } are reserved for delimiting chunks
  • The character \ is the escape character


  • Asterisk, '*' -- Unanalysed word.
  • At sign, '@' -- Untranslated lemma.
  • Hash sign, '#'
    • In morphological generation -- Unable to generate surface form from lexical unit.
    • In morphological analysis -- Start of invariable part of multiword marker.
  • Plus symbol, '+' -- Joined lexical units
  • Tilde '~' -- Word needs treating by post-generator.

Python parsing library

If you're writing a python script that needs to handle the Apertium stream format, try the excellent https://github.com/apertium/streamparser which lets you do

from streamparser import parse_file, mainpos, readingToString
for blank, lu in parse_file(file): 
    analyses = lu.readings
    firstreading = analyses[0]
    surfaceform = lu.wordform
    # rewrite to print only the first reading (and surface/word form):
    # convenience function to grab the first part of speech of the first reading:
    mainpos = mainpos(lu)

etc. without having to worry about superblanks and escaped characters and such :-)

Here's an example used in testvoc, this one splits ambiguous readings like ^foo/bar<n>/fie<ij>$ into ^foo/bar<n>$ ^foo/fie<ij>$, keeping the (super)blanks and newlines in between unchanged:

from streamparser import parse_file, readingToString
import sys
for blank, lu in parse_file(sys.stdin, withText=True):
    print(blank+" ".join("^{}/{}$".format(lu.wordform, readingToString(r))
                         for r in lu.readings),

An alternative python lib: https://github.com/krvoje/apertium-transfer-dsl/blob/master/apertium/stream_entities.py https://github.com/krvoje/apertium-transfer-dsl/blob/master/apertium/stream_reader.py

Ruby parsing library

If you're writing a ruby script that needs to handle the Apertium stream format, you might want to try https://github.com/veer66/reinarb which seems similar to the Python streamparser

Formatted input

See also: Format handling

F = formatted text, T = text to be analysed.

Formatted text is treated as a single whitespace by all stages.

[<em>]this is[<\/em> ]a[ <b>]test.[][<\/b>]

|____|       |_______| |____|     |_______|
   |            |        |            |
   F            F        F            F
[<em>]this is[<\/em> ]a[ <b>]test.[][<\/b>]
      |______|        |      |____|
          |           |        | 
          T           T        T


S = surface form, L = lemma.


   |    | |________|
   S    L    TAGS





                                                JOINED MORPHEMES

^take it away/take<vblex><sep><inf>+prpers<prn><obj><p3><nt><sg># away/take<vblex><sep><pres>+prpers<prn><obj><p3><nt><sg># away$

              |___|                                             |_____|
                |                                                   |
             LEMMA HEAD                                        LEMMA QUEUE


See also: Chunking

^Verbcj<SV><vblex><ifi><p3><sg>{^come<vblex><ifi><p3><sg>$}$ ^pr<PREP>{^to<pr>$}$ ^det_nom<SN><f><sg>{^the<det><def><3>$ ^beach<n><3>$}$

   |   |______________________||__________________________|                                                          |
 CHUNK      CHUNK TAGS              LEXICAL UNITS IN                                                               LINKED
  NAME                                  THE CHUNK                                                                   TAG


^det_nom<SN><f><sg>{^the<det><def><3>$ ^beach<n><3>$}$

                                POINTERS TO CHUNK TAGS
        <1> <2> <3>     

See also