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* Yue, Anne O. (2003), "Chinese dialects: grammar", in Thurgood, Graham; LaPolla, Randy J. (eds.), The Sino-Tibetan languages, Routledge, pp. 84–125, ISBN 978-0-7007-1129-1.
* Iancu Ianachieschi- Vlahu Gramatica simplã shi practicã, Crushuva 1993, 1997.
* BARA, Mariana, "Limba armãneascã. vocabular și stil", Editura Cartea Universitară, București, 2007, 204 p.; ISBN 978-973-731-551-9. (Aromanian language. Vocabulary and style)
* BARA, Mariana, "Limba armãneascã. vocabular și stil", Editura Cartea Universitară, București, 2007, 204 p.; ISBN 978-973-731-551-9. (Aromanian language. Vocabulary and style)
* CARAGIU-MARIOTEANU, Matilda; Saramandu, Nicolae, ''Manual de aromână'', Editura Academiei Române, București, 2005 (Aromanian manual)
* CARAGIU-MARIOTEANU, Matilda; Saramandu, Nicolae, ''Manual de aromână'', Editura Academiei Române, București, 2005 (Aromanian manual)

Revision as of 07:09, 13 December 2015

Mandarin Chinese (Wikipedia:Mandarin Chinese) is a Sino-Tibetan language(Wikipedia:Sino-Tibetan languages). Currently there is no stable language pair in Apertium involving Mandarin Chinese (see list of language pairs).


  • Nordhoff, Sebastian; Hammarström, Harald; Forkel, Robert; Haspelmath, Martin, eds. (2013). "Mandarin Chinese". Glottolog. Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology.
  • —— (1991), "What Is a Chinese "Dialect/Topolect"? Reflections on Some Key Sino-English Linguistic terms", Sino-Platonic Papers 29: 1–31
  • Norman, Jerry (1988), Chinese, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-0-521-29653-3.
  • Ramsey, S. Robert (1987), The Languages of China, Princeton University Press, ISBN 978-0-691-01468-5.
  • Wurm, Stephen Adolphe; Li, Rong; Baumann, Theo; Lee, Mei W. (1987), Language Atlas of China, Longman, ISBN 978-962-359-085-3.
  • Yan, Margaret Mian (2006), Introduction to Chinese Dialectology, LINCOM Europa, ISBN 978-3-89586-629-6.

Machine translation

  • [1] English-Chinese Online Dictionary - TigerNT
  • [2] Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary, English-Chinese (traditional)
  • [3] MDBG English to Chinese dictionary


  • Yue, Anne O. (2003), "Chinese dialects: grammar", in Thurgood, Graham; LaPolla, Randy J. (eds.), The Sino-Tibetan languages, Routledge, pp. 84–125, ISBN 978-0-7007-1129-1.
  • BARA, Mariana, "Limba armãneascã. vocabular și stil", Editura Cartea Universitară, București, 2007, 204 p.; ISBN 978-973-731-551-9. (Aromanian language. Vocabulary and style)
  • CARAGIU-MARIOTEANU, Matilda; Saramandu, Nicolae, Manual de aromână, Editura Academiei Române, București, 2005 (Aromanian manual)
  • CUNIA, Tiberiu, On the Standardisation of the Aromanian System of Writing. The Bituli-Macedonia Symposium of August 1997
  • SALA, Marius (coordonator), Enciclopedia limbilor romanice, E. Ș. E., București, 1989.


  • CARAGIU-MARIOTEANU Matilda, “Fono-morfologie aromână : studiu de dialectologie structurală” București : Editura Academiei RSR, 1968.
  • JANURA P. “Sufixe nominale të perbashta në gjuhët romune (aromune) dhe shqipe : disa krahasime me sufixet e gjuhëve të balkanike” in Je, no 1-2 (1969) P. 108-129 : no 3 (1969) P. 87-105. Tirana.
  • BARA, Mariana, Le lexique latin hérité en aroumain dans une perspective romane, LincomEuropa Verlag, München, 2004, 231 p.; ISBN 3-89586-980-5.
  • BARA, Mariana; KAHL, Thede; SOBOLEV, Andrej N., Južnoaromynskij govor sela Turia: Krania Grevenon, Pind. Etnolingvistika, Leksika, Sintaksa, Teksty (Graiul aromân de sud din satul Turia: Krania Grebene, Pind. Etnolingvistică, lexic, sintaxă, texte), Marburg, Sankt-Peterburg, 2005, ISBN 3-932331-59-1.


  • Prof. Emil Vrabie "An English-Aromanian Dictionary"
  • Aromanian - English Dictionary: http://www.jargot.com/dict/armaneasca/
  • Aromanian - English and English - Aromanian : http://www.freelang.net/online/aromanian.php
  • PAPAHAGI Tache, “Dicționarul dialectului aromân, general și etimologic = Dictionnaire aroumain (macédo-roumain)” București : Ed. Academiei RPR, 1963 [2e éd. 1974]
  • "The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry in Aromanian. Njiclu amirārush. Translated by Maria Bara and Thede Kahl, ISBN 978-3-937467-37-5.
  • Greek Vlach website



  • CARAGIU-MARIOTEANU Matilda, “Definition einer Volksgruppe : Glotta und Ethnos der Aromunen” in Österreichische Osthefte, no 2 (Wien : 1971). P. 140-151.
  • DAHMEN Wolfgang, KRAMER Johannes, “Enquête directe à l’aide d’enregistrement sur bandes magnétiques : expériences faites au cours d’enquêtes pour l’Atlas linguistique des parlers aroumains de la Grèce” in Archives sonores de dialectologie. Amiens : 1978. P. 55-63.
  • GHEORGHEVIC-SPOA Risto, IOVANOVIC Zoran “Cântiti armânesti” Skopije : Societatea armâneasca Pitu Guli, 1982.
  • GOLAB Zbigniev “Szic dialektu Arumunow macedonskich” in Zeszyty naukowa uniwersytetu Jagielonskiego-fil, Cracovia : 1961. P. 175-200.
  • KAHL, Thede, Istoria aromânilor, Editura Tritonic, București, 2006
  • POGHIRC Cicerone. 1990 “Romanisation linguistique et culturelle dans les Balkans : survivances et évolution” in Les Aroumains, Paris : Publications Langues’O, 1989 (Cahiers du Centre d’étude des civilisations d’Europe centrale et du Sud-Est ; 8). P. 9-45.
  • TRUDGILL P., “Ausbau sociolinguistics of Greece” in Plurilinguismes no 4 (june 1992). P. 167-191.