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# Convert the bilingual dictionary transducer into prefixes by selecting only one side of it and adding a loop.


Revision as of 18:56, 13 November 2013


The objective of these tasks is to write code to intersect two finite-state transducers. One transducer is a morphological dictionary, the other transducer is a bilingual dictionary which is converted into prefixes.

The intersection of the morphological dictionary with the prefixes of the bilingual dictionary will give us the set of strings in the morphological dictionary which have translations in the bilingual dictionary.



Monolingual transducer Bilingual transducer
0	1	b	b	
1	2	e	e	
1	3	a	a	
1	4	u	u	
2	5	e	e	
2	6	d	d	
3	6	t	t	
4	6	g	g	
5	6	r	r	
6	7	ε	<n>	
6	8	s	<n>	
7	9	ε	<sg>	
8	9	ε	<pl>	
0	1	b	o	
0	2	b	s	
1	3	e	h	
2	4	a	a	
3	5	d	e	
4	6	t	g	
5	7	<n>	<n>	
6	8	<n>	u	
8	9	ε	z	
9	10	ε	a	
10	11	ε	r	
11	7	ε	<n>	


Trimmed monolingual transducer
0	1	b	b
1	2	e	e
1	3	a	a
2	4	d	d
3	4	t	t
4	5	s	<n>
4	6	ε	<n>
5	7	ε	<pl>
6	7	ε	<sg>


  1. Convert the bilingual dictionary transducer into prefixes by selecting only one side of it and adding a loop.


Implementation in python

Implementation in C++

Front-end program

Further reading