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Line 10: Line 10:
| pushsb || - || pos || [empty] → superblank || Pushes the superblank at 'pos' onto the stack
| pushsb || - || pos || [empty] → superblank || Pushes the superblank at 'pos' onto the stack
| append || - || N || value<sub>N</sub>, ..., value<sub>1</sub> &rarr; [empty] || Pops 'N' elements and appends them to a variable or clip
| append || - || N || value<sub>N</sub>, ..., value<sub>1</sub>, varName &rarr; [empty] || Pops 'N' elements and appends them to a variable or clip
| concat || - || N || value<sub>N</sub>, ..., value<sub>1</sub> &rarr; value<sub>N</sub>...value<sub>1</sub> || Pops 'N' elements and pushes them back concatenated
| concat || - || N || value<sub>N</sub>, ..., value<sub>1</sub> &rarr; value<sub>1</sub>...value<sub>N</sub> || Pops 'N' elements and pushes them back concatenated
| clip || - || N/A || part &rarr; value || Obtains the part in the only language there is (inter/post-chunk) and pushes the value onto the stack
| clip || - || N/A || part &rarr; value || Obtains the part in the only language there is (inter/post-chunk) and pushes the value onto the stack
Line 36: Line 36:
| lu-count || - || N/A || [empty] &rarr; number || Pushes the number of lexical units (words inside the chunk) in the rule onto the stack
| lu-count || - || N/A || [empty] &rarr; number || Pushes the number of lexical units (words inside the chunk) in the rule onto the stack
| chunk || - || N || N, tag<sub>N-2</sub>, ... , tag<sub>1</sub>, ^...$, name &rarr; ^name<tag<sub>1</sub>>...<tag<sub>n-2</sub>>{^...$}$ || Pops 'N' amount of data from the stack, creates the chunk and pushes it back onto the stack
| chunk || - || N || elem<sub>N-1</sub>, ... , elem<sub>1</sub>, <tags>, name &rarr; ^name<tags>{elem<sub>1</sub>...elem<sub>N-1</sub>}$ || Pops 'N' amount of data from the stack, creates the chunk and pushes it back onto the stack
| out || - || N || value<sub>N</sub>, ..., value<sub>1</sub> &rarr; [empty] || Pops 'N' values from the stack and outputs them
| out || - || N || value<sub>N</sub>, ..., value<sub>1</sub> &rarr; [empty] || Pops 'N' values from the stack and outputs them

Revision as of 13:26, 8 July 2011

Instruction Set

Mnemonic Opcode
(in hex)
Other operands Stack
[before]→[after] (top, top-1, ...)
push - value [empty] → value Pushes a string or a variable value onto the stack. Strings go between quotes ("string") but variable's names not
pushbl - N/A [empty] → blank Pushes a blank onto the stack
pushsb - pos [empty] → superblank Pushes the superblank at 'pos' onto the stack
append - N valueN, ..., value1, varName → [empty] Pops 'N' elements and appends them to a variable or clip
concat - N valueN, ..., value1 → value1...valueN Pops 'N' elements and pushes them back concatenated
clip - N/A part → value Obtains the part in the only language there is (inter/post-chunk) and pushes the value onto the stack
clipsl - N/A part, pos → value Obtains the 'part' in source language in position 'pos' and pushes the 'value' onto the stack
cliptl - N/A part, pos → value Obtains the 'part' in target language in position 'pos' and pushes the 'value' onto the stack
storecl - N/A value, part → [empty] Stores 'value' in the only language there is (inter/post-chunk)
storesl - N/A value, part, pos → [empty] Stores 'value' as the 'part' of the source language in position 'pos'
storetl - N/A value, part, pos → [empty] Stores 'value' as the 'part' of the target language in position 'pos'
storev - N/A value, varName → [empty] Stores 'value' in the variable with name 'varName'
addtrie - address N, patternN, ..., pattern1 → [empty] Pops 'N' patterns and creates a trie entry pointing to 'address'
lu - N valueN, ..., value1 → ^(lexical_unit)$ Pops 'N' values from the stack, creates a lexical unit ^...$ with them and pushes the lu back onto the stack
mlu - N luN, ..., lu1 → multiword Pops 'N' lu from the stack, creates a multiword with them and pushes the multiword back onto the stack
lu-count - N/A [empty] → number Pushes the number of lexical units (words inside the chunk) in the rule onto the stack
chunk - N elemN-1, ... , elem1, <tags>, name → ^name<tags>{elem1...elemN-1}$ Pops 'N' amount of data from the stack, creates the chunk and pushes it back onto the stack
out - N valueN, ..., value1 → [empty] Pops 'N' values from the stack and outputs them
cmp - N/A value2, value1 → result Pops 'value1' and 'value2', compares them, if they are equal pushes a 1 (true), if they aren't pushes a 0 (false)
cmpi - N/A value2, value1 → result Pops 'value1' and 'value2', compares them (ignoring case for each string), if they are equal pushes a 1 (true), if they aren't pushes a 0 (false)
cmp-substr - N/A value2, value1 → result Tests if 'value1' contains the substring 'value2', result can be 1 (true) or 0 (false).
cmpi-substr - N/A value2, value1 → result Tests if 'value1' contains the substring 'value2' (ignoring case for each string), result can be 1 (true) or 0 (false).
not - N value → result Negates the value on top of the stack, 0 -> 1 or 1 -> 0
and - N valueN, ..., value1 → result And operation of 'N' values, result can be 1 (true) or 0 (false)
or - N valueN, ..., value1 → result Or operation of 'N' values, result can be 1 (true) or 0 (false)
in - N/A list, value → result Performs a search of a 'value' in a 'list'
inig - N/A list, value → result Performs a search (ignoring case) of a 'value' in a 'list'
jmp - label [empty] → [empty] Jumps to the label, unconditionally
jz - label top → [empty] Jumps to the label if stack.top == 0
jnz - label top → [empty] Jumps to the label if stack.top == 1
call - label N, argN, ..., arg1 → [empty] Calls a macro with the arguments on the stack
ret - N/A [empty] → [empty] Returns from a macro, PC will be handled automatically by the VM.
nop - N/A [empty] → [empty] No operation
case-of - N/A container → case Gets the case from the container in the stack. The container would usually be the result of a clip instruction but can be any string.
get-case-from - N/A pos → case Gets the case from the lexical unit in position 'pos'
modify-case - N/A case, container → modifiedContainer Modifies the case of the 'container' to 'case' and leaves the modified container on the stack
begins-with - N/A value2, value1 → result Checks if 'value1' begins with 'value2' and pushes 1 (true) or 0 (false), 'value2' can be a list
begins-with-ig - N/A value2, value1 → result Checks if 'value1' begins with 'value2' (ignoring the case) and pushes 1 (true) or 0 (false), 'value2' can be a list
ends-with - N/A value2, value1 → result Checks if 'value1' ends with 'value2' and pushes 1 (true) or 0 (false), 'value2' can be a list
ends-with-ig - N/A value2, value1 → result Checks if 'value1' ends with 'value2' (ignoring the case) and pushes 1 (true) or 0 (false), 'value2' can be a list
  • Lists are represented as a concatenation of items separated by '|', e.g. uno|otro|poco|cuánto|menos|mucho|tanto|demasiado
  • The case is represented as "aa" (all lowercase), "Aa" (first uppercase) and "AA", (all uppercase).

Sample compilation of XML code fragments

Example 1

XML t1x Code: chunking

  <chunk name="det_det_nom_adj" case="caseFirstWord">
      <tag><lit-tag v="SN"/></tag>
      <clip pos="1" side="tl" part="lem"/>
      <clip pos="1" side="tl" part="a_det"/>
      <clip pos="1" side="tl" part="gen_sense_mf" link-to="3"/>
      <clip pos="1" side="tl" part="gen_mf"/>
      <clip pos="1" side="tl" part="nbr_sense_sp" link-to="4"/>
      <clip pos="1" side="tl" part="nbr_sp"/>
      <lit v="el"/>
      <lit-tag v="det.def"/>
      <clip pos="1" side="tl" part="gen_sense_mf" link-to="3"/>
      <lit-tag v="pl"/>
      <clip pos="3" side="tl" part="lemh"/>
      <clip pos="3" side="tl" part="a_nom"/>
      <clip pos="3" side="tl" part="gen_sense_mf" link-to="3"/>
      <clip pos="3" side="tl" part="gen_mf"/>
      <clip pos="3" side="tl" part="nbr_sense_sp" link-to="4"/>
      <clip pos="3" side="tl" part="nbr_sp"/>
      <clip pos="3" side="tl" part="lemq"/>
      <clip pos="2" side="tl" part="lemh"/>
      <clip pos="2" side="tl" part="a_adj"/>
      <clip pos="2" side="tl" part="gen_sense_mf" link-to="3"/>
      <clip pos="2" side="tl" part="gen_mf"/>
      <clip pos="2" side="tl" part="nbr_sense_sp" link-to="4"/>
      <clip pos="2" side="tl" part="nbr_sp" link-to="4"/>
      <clip pos="2" side="tl" part="lemq"/>

Compiled Code

push    "det_det_nom_adj"
push    "<SN>"
pusht   tipus_det          ; first evaluate the variable, append/prepend '<>', then push in the stack
pusht   gen_chunk
pusht   nbr_chunk

push    1
push    "^\w+"             ; lem
push    1
push    [regex]            ; a_det
push    "<3>"              ; since link-to overrides everything else, we do not need any dedicated instruction
                           ; for that
push    1
push    [regex]            ; gen_mf
push    "<4>"
push    1
push    [regex]            ; nbr_sp
lu      6                  ; pop 6 items, concat, create lexical unit ^...$ and push back in stack

pushbl                     ; push a blank

push    "el"
push    "<det><def>"
push    "<3>"
push    "<pl>"
lu      4                  ; pop 4 items from the stack, create a lexical unit ^...$ and then
                           ; push in the stack

pushsb 1

push   3
push   [regex]             ; lemh
push   3
push   [regex]             ; a_nom
push   "<3>"
push   3
push   [regex]             ; gen_mf
push   "<4>"
push   3
push   [regex]             ; nbr_sp
push   3
push   [regex]             ; lemq
lu     7

pushsb 2

pushv  adjectiu1           ; its a var, so eval and push the value
push   3
push   [regex]             ; lemh
push   3
push   [regex]             ; a_adj
push   "<3>"
push   3
push   [regex]             ; gen_mf
push   "<4>"
push   "<4>"               ; a bit confused, there are two link-to in the XML
push   3
push   [regex]             ; lemq
lu     7

brace  7                   ; no of blank + lexical unit = 7
                           ; pop 7 items, concat, prepend and append {, } then push back

chunk  6                   ; create the chunk, ^...{^...$}$, and push back in stack

out    1                   ; give output (number of chunks = 1)

Example 2

XML t1x Code

  <def-cat n="nom">
    <cat-item tags="n.*"/>
  <def-cat n="det">
    <cat-item tags="det.*"/>
    <cat-item tags="predet.*"/>

      <pattern-item n="det"/>
      <pattern-item n="nom"/>
      <pattern-item n="det"/>
      <pattern-item n="nom"/>

Compiled Code

                         ;first rule: def-cat has two equivalent cat-items
push      "\w<det>\t"    ;load pattern into stack
push      1
addtrie   [address1]     ;define a trie pattern with value 1 (the first rule)

push      "\w<predet>\t" ;same with the second cat-item
push      1
addtrie   [address1]
                         ;second rule (and so on) very simple, unique cat-item
push      "\w<n>\t"
push      1
addtrie   [address2]
                         ;third rule (here is the trick: multiple cat-items in one of the words)
push      "\w<det>\t"
push      "\w<n>\t"
push      2              ; we have 'det' followed by a 'nom', so addtrie has to pop two elements
addtrie   [address3]

push      "\w<predet>\t"
push      "\w<n>\t"
push      2
addtrie   [address3]

Example 3

XML t1x Code

<def-macro n="f_coma" npar="1">
        <equal caseless="yes">
          <clip pos="1" side="sl" part="lem"/>
          <lit v="como"/>
        <clip pos="1" side="tl" part="lem"/>
        <get-case-from pos="1">
          <lit v="com a"/>

Compiled code

f_coma:  push      1        ; "pos" of "clip"
         push      "^\w+"   ; "lem"
         clipsl             ; gets the value clips on the top of the stack.
                            ; "sl" side is implied in the name of the instruction
         push      "como"
         cmpi               ; does the comparison and cleans the stack, it means caseless
         jnz       end      ; if the comparison does not succeeds, go to end
                            ; semantics: j = jump n = not z = zero flag is activated
                            ; zero flag is activated when a comparison succeeds
                            ; or an arithmetical operation gives 0
         push      1        ; "pos" of "clip"
         push      "^\w+"
         push      "com a"
         storetl            ; store the value provided in the top of the stack
                            ; given position 1, "tl" side and "lem"

end:     ...

Example 4

XML t1x Code

       <clip pos="1" side="sl" part="gen"/>
       <clip pos="3" side="sl" part="gen"/>
       <clip pos="2" side="sl" part="gen"/>
       <clip pos="3" side="sl" part="gen"/>

Compiled code

start:      push       1
            push       [regex]           ; part="gen"
            push       3
            push       [regex]           ; part="gen"
            cmp                          ; compare (case sensitive)
            pushnz                       ; NOT zero flag and push in stack
            push       2
            push       [regex]           ; part="gen"
            push       3
            push       [regex]           ; part="gen"
            cmp                          ; compare (case sensitive)
            or                           ; pop 2 items and OR, push result in stack
            jnz        end               ; jump if zero flag is 0 (we did not get ZERO as the result)
            ... ... ...
            (code for successful test)
            ... ... ...
end:        ...

Example 5

XML t1x Code

<def-list n="verbos_est">
  <list-item v="actuar"/>
  <list-item v="buscar"/>
  <list-item v="estudiar"/>
  <list-item v="existir"/>
  <list-item v="ingressar"/>
  <list-item v="introduir"/>
  <list-item v="penetrar"/>
  <list-item v="publicar"/>
  <list-item v="treballar"/>
  <list-item v="viure"/>

    <pattern-item n="verb"/>
    <pattern-item n="a"/>
         <in caseless="yes"/>
           <clip pos="1" side="sl" part="lem"/>
           <list n="verbos_est"/>
         <clip pos="2" side="tl" part="lem"/>
         <lit v="en"/>

Compiled code

                push       "actuar"
                push       "buscar"
                push       "estudiar"
                push       "existir"
                push       "ingressar"
                push       "introduir"
                push       "penetrar"
                push       "publicar"
                push       "treballar"
                push       "viure"
                push       10                ; number of elements in the list
                mklist     verbos_est        ; make a list variable named 'verbos_est' and put the last 10 data
                                             ; from the stack in the list
rule1:          push      [regex_verb]
                push      [regex_a]
                push      2
                addtrie   rule1_action
                ... ... ...
                ... ... ...
rule1_action:   push      1
                push      "^\w+"            ; lem
                clipsl                      ; we have lemmma in stack now
                incini    verbox_est        ; if in verbos_est (ignore case), set ZF = 1, else ZF = 0       
                jnz       rule1_end

                push      2
                push      "^\w+"
                push      "en"
rule1_end:      ...

Example 6

XML t1x Code

<def-macro n="firstWord" npar="1">
        <clip pos="1" side="sl" part="a_np_acr"/>
        <lit v=""/>
          <lit v="true"/>
        <clip pos="1" side="tl" part="lem"/>
        <lit v="aa"/>
        <lit v="Aa"/>
        <lit v="aa"/>
        <lit v="aa"/>
    <lit v="false"/>

<rule comment="REGLA: DET DET ADJ NOM (your many beautiful cats)">
  ... ...
    <call-macro n="firstWord">
      <with-param pos="1"/>
    <call-macro n="f_concord4">
      <with-param pos="4"/>
      <with-param pos="3"/>
      <with-param pos="2"/>
      <with-param pos="1"/>
      <chunk name="det_det_nom_adj" case="caseFirstWord">
      ... ...

Compiled code

                   ... ...              ; normal translation of instructions, all the variables are assumed global
                   ... ...
                   ret                  ; ret instruction does a number of things
                                        ; pops 'frame stack', current 'local variable frame' is reset with popped
                                        ; values (actually its more pointer assignment), C++ version will also
                                        ; do the necessary deallocations
                                        ; pops global stack, update PC with the popped value
                   ... ...
                   ... ...
rule_ddan_action:  push     1           ; pos = 1
                   push     1           ; number of parameters 1
                   call     firstWord   ; macro label
                                        ; call statement does a number of things
                                        ;    1. temppc = PC + 1, set PC = firstWord
                                        ;    2. pushes the current 'local variable frame' into 'frame stack'
                                        ;    3. create a new 'local variable frame'
                                        ;    4. pops the arguments from the stack and places then in the 'local
                                        ;       variable frame'
                                        ;    5. pushes temppc in global stack (it will be used by the return
                                        ;       statement)

                                        ;    6. continue (instruction at firstWord will be evaluated next)
                   push     1           ; notice that the arguments are pushed in reverse order
                                        ; when popped, they will be in the right order
                   push     2
                   push     3
                   push     4
                   push     4
                   call     f_concord4
                   ... ...

Development Notes

  • None of the macro and actions need to return anything (unlike conventional functions), so provision for returning a value (using stack) is unnecessary
  • The local variable frame is actually a queue with a maximum length equal to the maximum pattern length in the trie.