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$ git clone http://www.let.rug.nl/coltekin/trmorph/trmorph.git
$ git clone https://github.com/coltekin/TRmorph trmorph

Revision as of 17:04, 22 April 2011

Trmorph is a GPL morphological analyser and generator for Turkish that can be compiled with HFST.


$ git clone https://github.com/coltekin/TRmorph trmorph

You should have a directory now called trmorph/, switch into it, and run the following command:

$ cd trmorph/

Then do:

$ FSTC=hfst make

This should build the transducer trmorph.a, now you need to turn that into a format suitable for use with hfst-proc

$ hfst-invert -i trmorph.a | hfst-fst2fst -O -o tr.automorf.hfst

If you want a generator, you can simply do:

$ hfst-fst2fst -O -i trmorph.a -o tr.autogen.hfst


You can use it, as with other HFST compatible transducers with hfst-proc:

$ echo "Römorkör, büyük tekneleri iterek veya çekerek manevra yapmalarına yardımcı olur. " | hfst-proc tr.automorf.hfst
^çekerek/çek<v><cv>/çekerek<np>/çekerek<np><3s>$ ^manevra/manevra<n>/manevra<n><3s>$ 