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** <code>MAP (sense1) ("bóndi") IF (1 ("minn"));</code>
** <code>MAP (sense1) ("bóndi") IF (1 ("minn"));</code>
* Syntax could also be included.
* Syntax could also be included.
** <code>MAP (sense1) ("hús") IF (1 PrnPos);</code>
** <code>MAP (sense1) ("bóndi") IF (1 PrnPos);</code>
* It would be interesting to see if rules can be learnt which use different discriminators (e.g. surface form, syntax) etc.
* It would be interesting to see if rules can be learnt which use different discriminators (e.g. surface form, syntax) etc.

Revision as of 15:57, 7 October 2009

Lexical selection


  • Surface form -- tud etc.
  • Lemma -- den etc.
  • Category -- n.f etc.
  • Syntax -- @SUBJ etc.


For some things linguistic knowledge is better, or easier. It is also better for hacking. For other things, statistics are better. Wider coverage for cheaper. The lexical selection module(s) should allow both the use of rules and of statistics. Rules for things we "know", statistics for those we don't.

Inferring rules from collocations

Rules as described below are already used in apertium-cy-en, apertium-br-fr and apertium-sme-smj. This stage would be the first pass of lexical selection.

  • The bilingual dictionary has several translations for each ambiguous word.
  • Rules are created to select between them based on context.
  • For each word in the bilingual dictionary, collocations (n-grams) are extracted from a source language corpus.

+ in, skyldi ég þá á munúð hyggja, þar sem  bóndi minn er einnig gamall?``
+ ,Drottinn hefir séð raunir mínar. Nú mun  bóndi minn elska mig.``
  þunguð og ól son. Þá sagði hún: ,,Nú mun  bóndi minn loks hænast að mér, því að é
   ,,Guð hefir gefið mér góða gjöf. Nú mun  bóndi minn búa við mig, því að ég hefi 
  af, þá haldi hann bótum uppi, slíkum sem  bóndi konunnar kveður á hann, og greiði
  l niður fyrir húsdyrum mannsins, þar sem  bóndi hennar var inni, og lá þar, uns b
-                                27  En er  bóndi hennar reis um morguninn og lauk 
+ kubúinn hafi soltið til þess að franskur  bóndi þurfi ekki
  • For each ambiguous word, these collocations are run with each of the entries in the bilingual dictionary through the translator.
@þar sem  farmer mine is
Now difference  farmer mine @elska
Now difference  farmer mine the lid
Now difference  farmer mine live
*slíkum #as  farmer the woman composes
@þar sem  farmer she was
But is  farmer she rose
to French  farmer need not
@þar sem  husband mine is
Now difference  husband mine @elska
Now difference  husband mine the lid
Now difference  husband mine live
*slíkum #as  husband the woman composes
@þar sem  husband she was
But is  husband she rose
to  French  husband need not
  • Translations are scored on a target language corpus.
  • Where the difference in score between one translation and another reaches a threshold, a rule is created in the form of:
    • MAP (sense1) ("bóndi") IF (1 ("minn"));
  • Syntax could also be included.
    • MAP (sense1) ("bóndi") IF (1 PrnPos);
  • It would be interesting to see if rules can be learnt which use different discriminators (e.g. surface form, syntax) etc.
  • Fairly straightforward -- the rules can be created automatically in constraint grammar.
  • Human readable / editable.
  • Doesn't require parallel corpus -- although might work better with one.
  • Unsupervised.
  • Many rules will be slow.
  • Might not work very well.
Relevant prior work
  • Jin Yang (1999) "Towards the Automatic Acquisition of Lexical Selection Rules"
  • Eckhard Bick (2005) "Dan2eng: Wide-Coverage Danish-English Machine Translation"

Pediñ can translate as 'prier' or 'inviter'. If it is used transitively it means "inviter", intransitively it means "prier"

  • o huñvreal muioc'h eget o pediñ .
    • Leur *huñvreal plus que en train de prier .
  • Koulskoude e tiviz Francis pediñ e zaou vreur d'ober ...
    • Pourtant il décide Francis prier ses deux frères à faire ...
  • O fal a zo pediñ arzourien a bep seurt evel kizellerien
    • Leur objectif il est inviter des artistes de toute sorte comme les sculpteurs
  • ... bleunioù ha peadra da yac'haat o zreid hag o pediñ evito ...
    • ... de fleurs et des moyens à guérir leurs pieds et en train de prier pour eux ...
  • ha tu a oa bet d'al labourerien pediñ o familhoù hag o mignoned
    • ... et il y avait moyen été aux travailleurs prier leurs familles et leurs amis ...
  • Raktresoù all a zo ivez : pediñ skrivagnerien a-benn eskemm ganto
    • ... de Projets autres il est aussi : inviter des écrivains pour échanger avec eux ...
  • Sharon Stone eo bet an hini gwellañ evit pediñ an embregerien da zisammañ
    • *Sharon *Stone il a été les ceux le plus mieux pour prier les entrepreneurs à décharger ...

The current rule says: SUBSTITUTE (vblex) (vblex tv) ("pediñ" vblex) (1C NC);, that is "choose 'inviter' if the next word can only be a common noun". Obviously, this fails in the case of definite NPs, o familhoù 'their families'.