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== Various TODOs ==

* set up github actions CI https://docs.github.com/en/actions/guides/setting-up-continuous-integration-using-workflow-templates
* let github actions run tests
* let github actions do a simple training run
* readme should guide user through the steps they have to do

Revision as of 07:14, 8 June 2021

The lexical selection module selects the right sentence in the context, based on lexical selection rules, from the multiple(ambiguous) sentences output by the transfer module. These rules can be written manually or inferred automatically by training on a corpus. But, the training process is a bit tedious with various tools like irstlm, fast-align, moses, etc, and various scripts like extract-sentences, extract-freq-lexicon, process-tagger-output, etc, involved, which require a lot of manual configs.
The goal of this project is to make this as simple and automated as possible with little involvement of the user. In a nutshell, there should be a single config file and the user does the entire training using a driver script. Finally, design regression tests on the driver script so that it works in the face of updates to the third-party tools. Also, train on different corpora and add lexical selection rules to the languages which have few to no lexical selection rules, thereby improving the quality of translation

Work Plan

Time Period Details Deliverable
Community Bonding Period

May 17-31

  • helper script check_config.py to check if the configuration and tools are fine
  • automated test script to test check_config.py
driver script can validate if the required tools are setup
Community Bonding Period

June 1-7

reading apertium documentation

Various TODOs