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=== Install dependencies needed to build Apertium ===
=== Install dependencies needed to build Apertium ===

slackpkg install make gcc pcre-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev subversion pkg-config automake flex libtool apr apr-util neon autoconf
slackpkg install make gcc pcre-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev subversion \
pkg-config automake flex libtool apr apr-util neon autoconf bison gcc-g++ readline
* Upgrade Packages
* Upgrade Packages

Latest revision as of 18:28, 12 January 2016

This Tutorial is prepared by Jatin Luthra in Google Code-In.

Installing Apertium on Slackware[edit]

This guide is for Slackware 14.1.


Change user to root


Enter password(if required).

Install Slackpkg[edit]

Open Terminal


In Puppy Package manager, Type slackpkg and AutoInstall

Configure Slackpkg[edit]

  • Configure the mirrors by
nano /etc/slackpkg/mirrors
and decommenting out the mirrors which are required by removing # symbol at starting of line.
  • Update the gpg by using
slackpkg update gpg
  • Upgrade using Slackpkg:
slackpkg update

Install dependencies needed to build Apertium[edit]

slackpkg install make gcc pcre-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev subversion \
pkg-config automake flex libtool apr apr-util neon autoconf bison gcc-g++ readline
  • Upgrade Packages
slackpkg upgrade-all


If any package isn't working for you, You can use ppm for it

  • Type
  • Search for package
  • Click on Do It

Go on[edit]

Then you can move on to Minimal_installation_from_SVN.