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** https://github.com/unhammer/gt-CorpusTools/blob/master/corpustools/text_cat.py python2 reimplementation of textcat
** https://github.com/unhammer/gt-CorpusTools/blob/master/corpustools/text_cat.py python2 reimplementation of textcat
* http://www.ling.upenn.edu/Events/PLC/plc37/abstracts/Szymanski_PLC37_CT.pdf for identifying parallel text in another language within the same document.
* http://www.ling.upenn.edu/Events/PLC/plc37/abstracts/Szymanski_PLC37_CT.pdf for identifying parallel text in another language within the same document.
* https://github.com/saffsd/langid.py Naïve Bayes method implemented in Python, comes with lots of pre-trained models

Revision as of 11:22, 9 March 2015

Language identification or language recognition is the process of identifying what language a text (document/paragraph/sentence/word/…) is in.

Apertium-apy uses the CLD2 library for language identification (optionally it can use coverage of analysers, but this is really slow)

See also