Difference between revisions of "Talk:Recursive transfer"

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(testing transfer4)
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<spectie> because they overlap in ambiguous ways [19:00]
<spectie> because they overlap in ambiguous ways [19:00]

==Old stuff==

===Deliverable 1===

* A program which reads a grammar using bison, parses a sentence and outputs the syntax tree as text, or graphViz or something.
** See: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/apertium/svn/branches/transfer4/format-parse.py

===Deliverable 2===

* Program which takes output of lt-proc -b (biltrans) and applies a grammar, doing only reordering (and "insertion"/"deletion"), no tag changes
** The input would be ^sl/tl$ and the output would be ^tl$
** The grammar can be specified using a simple text-based CFG grammar formalism, converted into bison and compiled.




S -> SN SV sent { $1 $2 $3 }
SV -> SN v { $2 $1 }
SN -> N3 art { $2 $1 } | N3 { $1 }
N3 -> SNGen N2 { $2 $1 } | N2 { $1 }
N2 -> nom { $1 } | prn { $1 }
SNGen -> SN genpost { $2 $1 }
sent -> "sent" { $1 }
v -> "vbser.*" { $1 } | "vblex.*" { $1 }
art -> "det.art.*" { $1 } | "num.sg" { $1 }
nom -> "n" { $1 }
prn -> "prn.*" { $1 }

===Deliverable 3===

* An XML format for the rules, based on the current format, taking into account transfer operations

Latest revision as of 16:33, 17 April 2014

testing transfer4[edit]

In https://svn.code.sf.net/p/apertium/svn/branches/transfer4 you can do:

cd eng-kaz
# might give some warnings

# before and after transfer:
cat input/input.02.txt
cat input/input.02.txt | ./parser 

# /tmp/input.02.parse contains the parse, using parentheses
cat input/input.02.txt | ./parser -p 2>/tmp/input.02.parse

# visualise it with tex:
cat /tmp/input.02.parse | python3 ../brackets-parse.py -x >/tmp/input.02.tex
xelatex /tmp/input.02.tex

# or with graphviz:
cat /tmp/input.02.parse | python3 ../brackets-parse.py >/tmp/input.02.dot
dot -Tpdf /tmp/input.02.dot -o/tmp/input.02.pdf
<spectie> you can also generate a parser from an existing .t1x file 
<spectie> ../AST/create-parser.y
<spectie> ../AST/create-parser.py
<spectie> but it only does 1 level, and also, t1x rule patterns aren't
	  necessarily ideal  [18:59]
<spectie> $ python3 ../AST/create-parser.py <
<spectie> because they overlap in ambiguous ways  [19:00]

Old stuff[edit]

Deliverable 1[edit]

Deliverable 2[edit]

  • Program which takes output of lt-proc -b (biltrans) and applies a grammar, doing only reordering (and "insertion"/"deletion"), no tag changes
    • The input would be ^sl/tl$ and the output would be ^tl$
    • The grammar can be specified using a simple text-based CFG grammar formalism, converted into bison and compiled.
S -> SN SV sent { $1 $2 $3 }
SV -> SN v { $2 $1 }
SN -> N3 art { $2 $1 } | N3 { $1 } 
N3 -> SNGen N2 { $2 $1 } | N2 { $1 } 
N2 -> nom { $1 } | prn { $1 } 
SNGen -> SN genpost { $2 $1 }
sent -> "sent" { $1 } 
v -> "vbser.*" { $1 } | "vblex.*" { $1 } 
art -> "det.art.*" { $1 } | "num.sg" { $1 } 
nom -> "n" { $1 } 
prn -> "prn.*" { $1 } 

Deliverable 3[edit]

  • An XML format for the rules, based on the current format, taking into account transfer operations