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==== Tenses ====
==== Tenses ====
===== The ge<verb> construction =====
===== The ge<verb> construction =====
:''<big><font color="red">Fixed</font> &mdash; If broken, [http://xixona.dlsi.ua.es/bugzilla/ report a bug]!</big>''

The past tense is formed regularly by adding the prefix ge- to the verb's infinitive/present form.
The past tense is formed regularly by adding the prefix ge- to the verb's infinitive/present form.

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= break<vblex><past>
= break<vblex><past>

==== Detachable prefixes ====
==== Detachable prefixes ====

Revision as of 09:31, 26 June 2007

This file contains some observations and a general "TODO" list / discussion.

# Afrikaans
: lit. English
@ English

* Solutions?


A tagger needs to be generated. Currently both en-af.prob and af-en.prob are copies of the de-en.prob


Afrikaans to English

SOV to SVO transfer

Example 1
# nie een van hulle die taal     kan praat nie.
: not one of  them  the language can speak not.
  NP                NP           V 

@ [not one of them] [can  speak not] [the language] 
   NP                V                NP
Example 2
# Vir elke Engelse woord moet   jy    een Afrikaanse woord   kies    en  dis   nie altyd  so duidelik wat   om te kies   nie.
: For each English word [must] [you] [one Afrikaans  word ] [choose] and it's  not always so clear    what  to    choose not.
                                NP    NP                     V
                         VAUX   SUB   OBJ                    V 
                         VAUX   PRN   DET ADJ        N       VBLEX

@ For each English word [you] [must] [choose] [one Afrikaans word]   and it is not always so clear    which to    choose.
                         SUB   VAUX   V        OBJ
                         PRN   VAUX   VBLEX    DET ADJ       N
  • <vaux><prn><det><adj><n><vblex> --> <prn><vaux><vblex><det><adj><n>

Example 3
# Sterrekundiges kondig   die ontdekking aan van Gliese 581 c, 'n Aarde-agtige planeet buite   ons sonnestelsel wat  lewe mag     onderhou
: Astronomers    announce the discovery      of  Gliese 581 c, an Earth-like   planet  outside our solar system that life may     sustain

@ Astronomers    announce the discovery      of  Gliese 581 c, an Earth-like   planet  outside our solar system that may  sustain life
Example 4
# Ek dink  hulle sal  hulp waardeer   van mense  wat Afrikaans ken
: I  think they  will help appreciate of  people who Afrikaans know

  I  think they  will appreciate help of people who Afrikaans know

  I  think they  will appreciate help of people who know Afrikaans

  <prpers> <vblex> <prpers> <vaux> <n> <vblex> <pr> <n> <rel> <n> <vblex>

  NP VBLEX NP    VAUX NP                                       VBLEX                      

@ I think they will appreciate help of people who know Afrikaans.
  • <rel> <n> <vblex> -> <rel> <vblex> <n>
  • <vaux> <n> <vblex> -> <vaux> <vblex> <n>

Double negatives

# nie een van hulle die taal kan praat nie.
: not one of them the language can speak not.

@ [not one of them] [can speak] [the language]

One solution:

  • <vaux><vblex>nie --> <vaux><vblex>

Or... basically drop the extra negative at the end of all sentences (well, at the full stop).

  • nie<sent> --> <sent>
Example 1
# Ek is nie so bekend   met   presies hoe die opstelling werk  nie
: I  am not so familiar with  exactly how the setup      works not 

@ I  am not so familiar with  exactly how the setup      works

Constructions with 'do'

# Nee, ek het  ook  nie       'n idee wat  dit beteken nie

No,  I [have also not]      an idea what it  means   not

No,  I [also have not]      an idea what it  means

No,  I [also do   not have] an idea what it  means

No,  I [also don't    have] an idea what it  means

@ No, I don't have an idea what it means either


The ge<verb> construction
Fixed — If broken, report a bug!

The past tense is formed regularly by adding the prefix ge- to the verb's infinitive/present form.

  • Ek breek - I break
  • Ek het gebreek - I broke, I have broken, I had broken
het               gebreek
^het<vaux><pres>$ ^ge<past><prefix>+breek<vblex><inf>$

= breek<vblex><past>

= break<vblex><past>

Detachable prefixes

* Ek tree op



  • om met
  • om uit
  • oor te
  • om in
  • toe om
  • ... list more here ...

Verbs with attached prepositions

e.g. terugkry, oopmaak, weghardloop

For example:



= got back

English to Afrikaans

Adjective inflection

Fixed — If broken, report a bug!

Attributive = before noun Predicative = after noun

Adjectives in Afrikaans sometimes change depending on their position. Adjectives in the attributive position often morph. e.g.[1]

Die blompot is goud. > Die goue   blompot.
The vase    is gold. > The golden vase.

goud -> goue

This    man is     most famous   , this    is the most famous   man
Hierdie man is die meeste beroemd, hierdie is die mees beroemde man

Rule that says:

  • <adj><noun> -> <adj><attr><noun>
  • <noun><adj> -> <noun><adj><pred>


His dog is red.
Sy hond is rooi.

This is his dog, the dog is his = 
Dit is sy hond,  die hond is syne.


That was a nice = Dit was lekker, Dit was lekker gewees

It was a good poem = Dit was 'n goeie gedig, dit was 'n goeie gedig gewees

It will be a good poem = dit sal 'n goeie gedig wees

It would have been a good poem = Dit sou 'n goeie gedig gewees het.

it would have been a good idea = dit sou 'n goeie idee wees, dit sou 'n goeie idee gewees het (both correct)

it would have been a good poem = dit sou 'n goeie gedig gewees het (only this form is correct)

Separable verbs

afskei, oplaai, inkoop, aftel

Ek het  dit op   die kar gelaai.
I  have it  into the car loaded.

I loaded it onto the car