Difference between revisions of "Annotatrix/Work plan"

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From 28th to 4th of June
From 28th to 4th of June
*Design a system directly to web
*Design a system directly to web
*Do toy web app using Django '''assigned'''
*Do toy web app using Django '''Done'''
**Django official tutorial Part 1 '''Done'''
**Django official tutorial Part 1 '''Done'''
**Django official tutorial Part 2 '''Done'''
**Django official tutorial Part 2 '''Done'''
Line 9: Line 9:
**Django official tutorial Part 4 '''Done'''
**Django official tutorial Part 4 '''Done'''
**Django official tutorial Part 5 '''Done'''
**Django official tutorial Part 5 '''Done'''
**Django official tutorial Part 6
**Django official tutorial Part 6 '''Done'''
*Advanced tutorial: How to write reusable apps
*Implement the first interface (Insert file view)
*Implement the first interface (Insert file view)

Revision as of 14:12, 1 July 2013


Week 3 Django warm-up

From 28th to 4th of June

  • Design a system directly to web
  • Do toy web app using Django Done
    • Django official tutorial Part 1 Done
    • Django official tutorial Part 2 Done
    • Django official tutorial Part 3 Done
    • Django official tutorial Part 4 Done
    • Django official tutorial Part 5 Done
    • Django official tutorial Part 6 Done
  • Advanced tutorial: How to write reusable apps
  • Implement the first interface (Insert file view)

Week 2 Kick-off

From 27th to 27th of June

  • Resolve python2 or python3 discussion Python3
    • Learn differences python3 from python2 Done
    • Learn differences gtk2 and gtk3 using python3 Deprecated
    • Remake up the mock-ups UI using gtk3 Deprecated
    • Port launcher in python2 to python3 Deprecated
  • Made up a system design approaching implement a web app or a desktop one Updated
    • Design a system directly to web
  • Install Django and python3 Done

Week 1 Pre-Kick-off

  • Know how to use launch lt-proc to tag corpus Done
  • Install apertium-tolk and check the code Done
  • Finish the exams Done

System design

UML global v2.jpg

There are 3 packages in order to use the pattern MVC:

  • Views: there are the interfaces
  • Controller: the controller that also implements singleton and factory pattern
  • Models: models that interfaces uses

Views package




  • show()
  • focus()
  • hide()
  • close()


  • string path_to_uis

Every interface implements this interface and extend it with the method they need:


  • cancel_clicked(button)
  • apply_clicked(button)
  • selectred_dump(combo)
  • insert_corpus_text(string path_to_file)
  • get_corpus_to_tag() (maybe save the content in a temporal file to tag)


CGM (constraint grammar manager)



Controller package



  • controller get_instance() <-Singleton pattern to have just one controller instance to manage views
  • view new_view(view_name, data) <- factory pattern to get the views registred
  • File tag_by_path(path_file)
  • File tag_by_string(corpus_in_string_to_tag)
  • File tag_dump(dump_url or path_file_already_downloaded)
  • config_file save_state()
  • load_state(config_file=None)


  • controller ctrl
  • [view] views_list

Models package



  • select_alt(num)


  • string lemma
  • [string] alternatives
  • integer selected
  • iter offset

Working plan

Week Dates Tasks
0 21/05—16/06 Bonding and designing firsts internals GUIs
1 17/06—23/06 I'm still with final exams
2 24/06—30/06 Input File UI coding 30h, Tagger Corpus UI coding 5/60h
3 01/07—07/07 Tagger Corpus UI coding 35/60h
Deliverable 1
4 08/07—14/07 Tagger Corpus UI coding 20/60h + TDD 15/40h
5 15/07—21/07 Tagger Corpus UI TDD 25/40h, TSX file manager UI coding 10/40h
Deliverable 2
6 22/07—28/07 TSX file manager UI coding 30/40h + TDD 5/20h
7 29/07—04/08 TSX file manager UI TDD 15/20h, Constraint Grammar UI coding 20/50h
Deliverable 3 and Mid-term evaluations deadline August 2sd
8 05/08—11/08 Constraint Grammar UI coding 30/50h + TDD 5/30
9 12/08—18/08 Constraint Grammar UI TDD 25/30h, Performance measure .prob UI coding 10/70h
Deliverable 4
10 19/08—25/08 Performance measure .prob UI coding 35/70h
11 26/08—01/09 Performance measure .prob UI coding 25/70h + TDD 10/40h
12 02/09—08/09 Performance measure .prob UI TDD 30/40h, Final documentation 5h
Deliverable 5
13 09/09—15/09 Final documentation and finalitation
Final evaluation deadline September 27th



  • Structure the repository
  • Set up a Makefile
  • Add an AUTHORS file -- r44881
  • Make loaders for the .ui files so people see them working. -- r44915

to discuss

  • Use Python2.7 and gtk2.24 or use Python3
  • How to manage big data files (wikipedia dumps), we could use a temporal file but maybe this file could be too big in memory consumption terms

External links