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'''AOT''' is a morphological analyser (or lemmatiser) for Russian. The main website is at [http://www.aot.ru www.aot.ru] but some of the download links are broken. Fortunately it is mirrored on SourceForge.


mkdir /tmp/RML
mkdir /tmp/RML
Line 9: Line 13:
export RML=/tmp/RML
export RML=/tmp/RML


Edit the file "compile_morph.sh" and replace "gmake" with "make"
Edit the file "compile_morph.sh" and replace "gmake" with "make"
Line 38: Line 44:



Revision as of 18:43, 2 August 2011

AOT is a morphological analyser (or lemmatiser) for Russian. The main website is at www.aot.ru but some of the download links are broken. Fortunately it is mirrored on SourceForge.


mkdir /tmp/RML
cd /tmp/RML
wget http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/project/rupostagger/rupostagger/0.1.02/rupostagger-0.1.02.tar.gz
tar -xzvf rupostagger-0.1.02.tar.gz
cp rupostagger-0.1.02/LemServer/aot.ru/* .
tar -xzvf lemmatizer.tar.gz
tar -xzvf rus-src-morph.tar.gz 
export RML=/tmp/RML


Edit the file "compile_morph.sh" and replace "gmake" with "make"

Edit the files:

  • "Source/MorphWizardLib/FormInfo.h"
  • "Source/AgramtabLib/GerGramTab.cpp"
  • "Source/AgramtabLib/RusGramTab.cpp"
  • "Source/AgramtabLib/EngGramTab.cpp"
  • "Source/AgramtabLib/agramtab_.cpp"
  • "Source/StructDictLib/Ross.h"
  • "Source/StructDictLib/Field.h"
  • "Source/GraphanLib/C_desc.cpp"
  • "Source/common/utilit.cpp"
  • "Source/common/PlmLine.cpp", and add:
#include <string.h>

at the top.


./generate_morph_bin.sh Russian
