Difference between revisions of "Morphology of Kyrgyz language"

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Line 263: Line 263:
1. Normal
1. Normal
2. Comparative
2. Comparative
3. Forcing
3. Superlative
4. Slowing
4. Slowing
==Normal Level==
==Normal Level==
Line 280: Line 280:
жакшы+раак ''more better than'' <br/>
жакшы+раак ''more better than'' <br/>

== Forcing ==
== Superlative ==
1.Built by using following adverbs: эң,өтө,аябай,чымкый <br/>
1.Built by using following adverbs: эң,өтө,аябай,чымкый <br/>
эң жакшы ''the best''<br/>
эң жакшы ''the best''<br/>

Revision as of 17:39, 3 June 2011

Noun morphology

Missing rules

# "атым" works, "балам" doesn't

    1. Rule: delete ы after %> and before м
    2. ы:0 <=> %> _ м ;

# "балабыз" works, "атыбыз" doesn't

    1. Rule: delete ы after %> and before быз
    2. ы:0 <=> %> _ быз ;

# "бала+ңыз" works, "атыңыз" doesn't

    1. Rule: delete ы after %> and before ңыз
    2. ы:0 <=> %> _ ңыз ;
  1. уул<n><px1sg><dat> --> уулумга doesn't works
    1. Rule: delete г after м and ң
    2. This rule is same for px1sg,px2sg,px3sg
  1. үй<n><px1sg><dat> --> үйүмга doesn't works
    1. Rule1: delete г after м and ң
    2. Rule2: change end vowel according to previous vowel
  1. китеп<n><px1sg><acc> --> китебимды doesn't works
    1. Rule: last vowel ы should harmonized
  • These should all really be rules to epenthesise/insert /I/ (ы, и, у, ү) after a consonant before these endings.

Noun Person,Possessives

() = after vowel, [] = after consonant, {} = archivowel/consonant

({I})м,                1sg
({I})ң,                2sg informal
({I})ң{I}з,            2sg formal 
[с]{I},                3sg 
({I})б{I}з,            1pl
({I})ң{A}р,            2pl informal
({I})ң{I}зд{A}р,       2pl formal
[с]{I}                 3pl

1st Person Possessives

Singular/Plural Suffix Example Gloss
Singular -ым becomes-м if ends with vowel ат+ым,бала+м my horse, my son
Plural -ыбыз become -быз if ends with vowel ат+ыбыз,бала+быз our horse, our son

2nd Person Possessive

Singular/Plural Suffix Example Gloss
Singular -ың becomes -ң if ends with vowel,-ыңыз becomes -ңыз if ends with vowel ат+ың,бала+ң,ат+ыңыз,бала+ңыз your horse, your son, your horse(kind way),your son(kind way)
Plural -ыңар becomes -ңар if ends with vowel,-ыңыздар becomes -ңыздар if end with vowel ат+ыңар,бала+ңар,ат+ыңыздар,бала+ңыздар your horse,your son, your horse(kind way),your son(kind way)

3rd Person Possessive

Singular/Plural Suffix Example Gloss
-- -ы becomes -сы when following vowel ат+ы,бала+сы his horse, his son

General Possessive

Singular/Plural Suffix Example Gloss
-- -ныкы эл+дики,мал+дыкы,балаң+дыкы,тоо+нуку,төө+нүкү people's, livestock's, your son's, the mountain's, the camel's (as their own NPs)

Noun cases

Case Name Suffixes
absolute ---
genitive -нын, -нин, -дын, -дин, -тын, -тин, -нун, -нүн, -дун, -дүн, -тун, -түн
dative -га, -ка, -ге, -ке, -го, -ко, -гө, -кө
definite-accusative -ны, -ни, -ды, -ди, -ты, -ти, -ну, -нү, -ду, -дү, -ту, -тү
locative -да, -де, -та, -те, -до, -дө, -то, -тө
ablative -дан, -ден, -тан, -тен, -дон, -дөн, -тон, -төн

Genitive, Rules for suffixes

Rules -нын,-ын transfromation Examples Gloss
Ends with vowels -нын,-нун,-нин,нүн бала+нын, тоо+нун, эне+нин, төө+нүн child's, mountain's, mother's, camel's
Ends with Voiced Consonants -дын,-дун,-дин,-дүн жаз+дын, коом+дун,билим+дин,көз+дүн spring's, community's, knowledge's, eye's
Ends with Unvoiced Consonants -тын,-тун,-тин,-түн кат+тын,топ+тун, китеп+тин,өтүк+түн mail's, ball's, book's, shoe's
Ends with Third persons Possesive -ы,-сы and -ныкы -нын,-нун,-нин,-нүн мал+ы+нын, саат+ы+нын, бала+сы+нын, ини+си+нин, үй+ү+нүн, короо+су+нун, мектеп+тики+нин his animal's, his watch's, his child's, his brother's, his house's, his garden's, the school's's (e.g., the school's[ book]'s)

Dative, rules for suffixes

Rules surface form of -/GA/ Examples Gloss
Ends with vowels and Voiced Consonants -га,-го,-ге,-гө талаа+га, тоо+го,аскер+ге,көчө+гө,кыз+га,борбор+го,көл+гө to the field,to the mountain, to serve, to the girl,to the center, to the lake
Ends with Unvoiced Consonants -ка,-ко,-ке,-кө таш+ка,от+ко,терек+ке,жүрөк+кө to the stone,to the fire,to the tree,to the heart
after 1st and 2nd person singular possessive suffixes -/(I)m/, -/(I)ŋ/ -а,-е,-о,-ө саат+ым+а,саат+ың+а,короо+м+о,короо+ң+о,мекте<б>+иң+е,
to my watch, to your watch,to my garden,to your garded,to your school,to my house,to his/her sister,to his/her child,to his/her animal,to his/her book
after possessive suffix -/nIKI/ or -/(s)I/ -на,-не,-нө (-но is impossible because of intervening /I/s) саат+тыкы+на,короо+нуку+на,короо+су+на,мекте<б>+и+не,үй+дүкү+нө,эже+ники+не,бала+сы+на,мал+ы+на,үй+ү+нө

Definite-accusative, Rules for suffixes

Rules surface forms of -/NI/ Examples Gloss
Ends with vowels -ны,-ну,-ни,нү парта+ны,кино+ну,терезе+ни,көчө+нү desk, cinema,window,street
Ends with Voiced Consonants -ды,-ду,-ди,-дү кыз+ды,кулун+ду,жер+ди,жүзүм+дү girl,colt,place,grape
Ends with Unvoiced Consonants -ты,-ту,-ти,-тү бакыт+ты,куш+ту,китеп+ти,күрөк+тү happiness, bird, book, shovel
Ends with First and Second persons Possessive suffixes [this is the same as the voiced consonant rules and can be removed —JNW] -(д)ы,-(д)у,-(д)и,-(д)ү бала+м+ды,бала+ң+ды,уул+ум+ду,ките<б>+им+ди,үй+үм+дү my child,your child,my son,my book,my house
After third person -(s)I suffix бала+сы+н, уул+у+н, ките<б>+и+н, үй+ү+н his/her/its/their child, son, book, house

Ablative, Rules for suffixes

Rules surface forms of -/DAn/ Examples Gloss
Ends with vowels and Voiced Consonants -дан,-дон, -ден,-дөн алма+дан,тоо+дон,киши+ден,үй+дөн,кагаз+дан,герб+ден from apple,from mountain,from person,from house,from paper,
Ends with Unvoiced Consonants -тан,-тон,-тен,-төн таш+тан,от+тон,терек+тен,өрт+төн,топ+тон from stone, from fire, from tree, from fire, from ball
Ends with First and Second persons singular Possessive suffixes -(д)ан, -(д)он, -(д)ен, -(д)өн бала+м+дан/бала+м+ан, короо+м+дон/короо+м+он, китеб+им+ден/китеб+им+ен, көчө+ң+өн/көчө+ң+дөн from my son, from my garden, from my book, from your street
Ends with Third persons Possesive -(s)I or -ныкы -нан, -нен, -нөн (-нон is impossible after /I/) мал+ы+нан, үй+ү+нөн, күзгү+сү+нөн, Керим+дики+нен, шаар+дыкы+нан, ата+сы+ныкы+нан from his animal, from his house, from his mirror's, from Kerim's, from the city's, from his father's

Adjectives morphology

Adjectives in Kyrgyz language do not change with cases, possessions and with plural (-лар) suffix. It has 4 levels : 1. Normal 2. Comparative 3. Superlative 4. Slowing

Normal Level

1.кооз; Бишкекте кооз уйлор көп курулду.
2.саздуу,кара,көк,аккан Кара шибер, көк майсан, саздуу болот аккан суу.
3.жакшы; Энеси уулуна жакшы тарбия берген экен.


Built by adding -ыраак suffix

Examples :
кызыл+ыраак more redder than
таттуу+раак more sweeter than
жакшы+раак more better than


1.Built by using following adverbs: эң,өтө,аябай,чымкый
эң жакшы the best
абдан кооз very beautiful
өтө сулуу very handsome
аябай ысык very hot
чылк семиз very fat
чымкый кызыл very red

2.Built by adding first letter of adjective word+{A}п as prefix
кара --> кап+кара very black
сары --> сап+сары very yellow
тоголок --> топ+тоголок very oval
ачуу --> ап+ачуу very spicy