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This page was written by Jatin Luthra, a 2016 Google Code-in student, which explains how to install Apertium on FreeBSD
How to install libreoffice-voikko on Ubuntu/Debian

=== Install Dependencies ===
I'm using Ubuntu
For Standard Apertium Translation
pkg install bash gettext libgcrypt libgpg-error libiconv subversion libxml2 libxslt pcre pcre++ pkgconf autoconf automake libtool flex

If you need vislcg3/cg-proc/cg-comp (Constraint Grammar), you should also do:
===Install Requirements===
pkg install cmake icu boost-all gperf iperf iperf3 gawk

=== Compiling and Installing Apertium ===
Copy Paste the following command:
Now you can move on to [[Minimal_installation_from_SVN]].
sudo apt-get install libreoffice python3 git make sed findutils zip unzip pkg-config gettext \
libxml++2.6-dev libarchive-dev zlib1g-dev file-roller
cd ~
Here any version of Python 3 can be used.

* Install Foma
svn co http://foma.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/foma/
cd foma
make && sudo make install

* Install hfst-ospell
wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/hfst/hfst/source/hfstospell-0.4.0.tar.gz
tar xvf hfstospell-0.4.0.tar.gz
cd hfstospell-0.4.0
./configure --enable-zhfst --enable-xml --enable-zip && make && sudo make install

* Install libvoikko
wget http://www.puimula.org/voikko-sources/libvoikko/libvoikko-4.0.tar.gz
tar xvf libvoikko-4.0.tar.gz
cd libvoikko-4.0
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/voikko --with-dictionary-path=/usr/local/voikkodict --enable-hfst; make
sudo make install

* Install voikko-fi
wget http://www.puimula.org/voikko-sources/voikko-fi/voikko-fi-2.0.tar.gz
tar xvf voikko-fi-2.0.tar.gz
cd voikko-fi-2.0
PATH=/usr/local/voikko/bin:$PATH make vvfst
sudo make vvfst-install DESTDIR=/usr/local/voikkodict

===Install Language===
I'll be using Kazakh
* To install Kazakh language, First get it
svn co https://svn.code.sf.net/p/apertium/svn/languages/apertium-kaz/
cd apertium-kaz
./autogen.sh --enable-ospell && make && sudo make install && sudo ldconfig

* Test the working of it
sudo cp kaz.zhfst /usr/local/voikkodict/5/kk.zhfst
echo "қазақша билмеймін" | tr ' ' '\n' | voikkospell -d kk -s


===Install LibreOffice-Voikko===

Get it
git clone https://github.com/voikko/libreoffice-voikko

Add the language to folder
cp kk.zhfst ./mor-standard/
file-roller -h kk.zhfst

Change Directory and Compile
cd libreoffice-voikko/
make oxt

===Adding the extension to LibreOffice===

* Open LibreOffice
* Goto Tools>Extension Manager
* Click on the Add button
* Browse to libreoffice-voikko>build
* Open voikko.oxt

* Goto Tools>Options>Language
* Choose Kazakh
* Click Ok
* Type қазақша билмеймін
* A red wavy line will appear on билмеймін


It means Everything is fine and working.

Latest revision as of 19:07, 19 December 2016

This page was written by Jatin Luthra, a 2016 Google Code-in student, which explains how to install Apertium on FreeBSD

Install Dependencies[edit]

For Standard Apertium Translation

pkg install bash gettext libgcrypt libgpg-error libiconv subversion libxml2 libxslt pcre pcre++ pkgconf autoconf automake libtool flex

If you need vislcg3/cg-proc/cg-comp (Constraint Grammar), you should also do:

pkg install cmake icu boost-all gperf iperf iperf3 gawk

Compiling and Installing Apertium[edit]

Now you can move on to Minimal_installation_from_SVN.