Difference between revisions of "Apertium-sme-sma/Regression tests"

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#redirect[[North Saami and South Saami/Regression tests]]

Run with <code>t/update-latest</code> and then check <code>svn diff t</code> to compare against previous test results (or read t/latest-pending.results). Note that the script adds a period to the end of all lines that are not terminated by punctuation.

See also [[../Pending tests|Pending tests]].


* {{test|sme|ja|jïh}}


* {{test|sme|min|mijjem}}


* {{test|sme|biila|bïjle}}
* {{test|sme|biilla|bïjlem}}
* {{test|sme|biillat|bïjlh}}

; Accusative
* {{test|sme|máná|maanam}}

; Genitive (+Accusative)
* {{test|sme|Dat lea máná biilla|Dah lea maanan bïjlem}}

; survive semtagging
* {{test|sme|Válga ja jienastuslohku|Veeljeme jïh veeljemelåhkoe}}
* {{test|sme|Sámedikki birra|Saemiedigkien bïjre}}
* {{test|sme|Hotealla eaiggát|Hotellen aajhtere}}
: not Hovtellen?

=== Proper nouns===
* {{test|sme|Gonagas Harald|Gånka Harald}}

[[Category:Northern Saami and Southern Saami]]

Latest revision as of 11:42, 9 December 2015