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This is the main page documenting the Apertium MT system for translating from Finnish to Estonian.
== Tagset stuff ==

==Linguistic issues==
Example of forms with (at the moment) different tagset conventions in the fin and est transducers.

* forthcoming?

==Compilation, conversion==
* [[Compiling the language pair]]
* [[Finnish and Estonian tagset stuff]]
* [[Integration and tagset conversion with Giellatekno]]

! Form (Fin) !! Form (Est) !! Tag (Fin) !! Tag (Est) !! Ex. (Fin) !! Ex. (Est)
| 10 || 10 || 10<num><card><sg><nom> || 10<num><card> || ||





! Form (Fin) !! Form (Est) !! Tag (Fin) !! Tag (Est) !! Ex. (Fin) !! Ex. (Est)
| olen || olen || olla<v><act><ind><prs><sg1> || olema<v><pers><prs><ind><sg1><aff> || Minä '''olen''' talossa. || Ma '''olen''' majas.
| ole || ole || olla<v><act><ind><prs><conneg> || olema<v><pers><prs><ind><neg> || Minä en '''ole''' talossa. || Ma ei '''ole''' majas.
| ole || ole || olla<v><act><imprt><p2><sg> || olema<v><pers><prs><imprt><p2><sg> || '''Ole'''! || '''Ole'''!
| ole || ole || olla<v><imprt><prs><conneg> || olema<v><pers><prs><imprt><p2><sg><neg> || Älä '''ole'''! || Ära '''ole'''!
| olla || olla || olla<v><act><infa><sg><lat> || olema<v><inf> || Minä haluan '''olla'''... || Ma tahan '''olla'''..
| olemaan || olema || olla<v><act><infma><ill> || olema<v><pers>&lt;sup><ill> || Minä menen olemaan. || Ma lähen olema.
| oli || oli || olla<v><act><ind><prt><p3><sg> || olema<v><pers><past><ind><p3><sg> || ||
| juonut || joonud || juoda<v><act><prfprc><sg><nom> || jooma<v><pers><past><prc> || ||

== Compiling the language pair ==

; Get the source code

mkdir giellatekno
cd giellatekno
svn co https://victorio.uit.no/langtech/trunk/langs/fin giella-fin
svn co https://victorio.uit.no/langtech/trunk/langs/est giella-est
svn co https://victorio.uit.no/langtech/trunk/gtcore core
cd ..
mkdir apertium
cd apertium
svn co https://svn.code.sf.net/p/apertium/svn/incubator/apertium-fin-est
cd ..

; Build Giellatekno components

cd giellatekno

cd core
./configure --disable-silent-rules --prefix=$PREFIX/local
make install
cd ..

cd giella-est
./configure --with-hfst --without-xfst --enable-apertium --prefix=$PREFIX/local
make V=1
cd ..

cd giella-fin
./configure --with-hfst --without-xfst --enable-apertium --prefix=$PREFIX/local
make V=1
cd ..

cd ..

; Build Apertium components

cd apertium

cd apertium-fin-est
./autogen.sh --with-lang1=../../giellatekno/giella-fin/tools/mt/apertium --with-lang2=../../giellatekno/giella-est/tools/mt/apertium \

cd ..

== See also ==
== See also ==
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* [https://apertium.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/apertium/incubator/apertium-fin-est incubator: apertium-fin-est]
* [https://apertium.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/apertium/incubator/apertium-fin-est incubator: apertium-fin-est]
* [http://giellatekno.uit.no/doc/lang/est/EstonianDocumentation.html The Estonian fst Plamk at Giellatekno]
* [http://giellatekno.uit.no/doc/lang/est/EstonianDocumentation.html The Estonian fst Plamk at Giellatekno]
* https://victorio.uit.no/biggies/trunk/langs/fin

== Pending tests ==
== Pending tests ==

Latest revision as of 13:41, 5 January 2016