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The '''Indic languages''' include [[Hindi]], [[Urdu]], [[Bengali]], [[Sanskrit]], and several other languages. These languages are the dominant language family of the Indian subcontinent. The number of people that speak an Indic language is upwards of 900,000,000.

The master plan involves generating independent finite-state transducers for each language, and then making individual dictionaries and transfer rules for every pair. The current status of these goals is listed below.

The ultimate goal is to have multi-purposable transducers for a variety of Indic languages. These can then be paired for X→Y translation with the addition of a [[Constraint Grammar|CG]] for language X and transfer rules / dictionary for the pair X→Y. Below is listed development progress for each language's transducers and dictionary pairs.

=== Transducers ===
Once a transducer has ~80% coverage on a range of medium-large corpora we can say it is "working". Over 90% and it can be considered to be "production".

{| class="wikitable sortable"
!rowspan=2| name
!rowspan=2| Language
!colspan=2 class="unsortable"| ISO 639
!rowspan=2| formalism
!rowspan=2| state
!rowspan=2| stems
!rowspan=2| coverage
!rowspan=2| location
!rowspan=2 class="unsortable"| primary authors
! -2
! -3
|| <code>[[apertium-hin]]</code>
|| [[Hindi]]
|| <code>hi</code>
|| <code>hin</code>
|| HFST (lexc+twol)
|| production
|align="right"| {{#lst:apertium-hin/stats|stems}}
|align="center"| -
|| [[apertium-hin]]&nbsp;([[languages]])
|| [[User:Nikant|Nikant]], [[User:darthxaher|Abu Zaher Md. Faridee]], [[User:Francis Tyers|Fran]]
|| <code>[[apertium-urd]]</code>
|| [[Urdu]]
|| <code>ur</code>
|| <code>urd</code>
|| HFST (lexc+twol)
|| production
|align="right"| {{#lst:apertium-urd/stats|stems}}
|align="center"| -
|| [[apertium-urd]]&nbsp;([[languages]])
|| -
|| <code>[[apertium-ben]]</code>
|| [[Bengali]]
|| <code>bn</code>
|| <code>ben</code>
|| HFST (lexc+twol)
|| production
|align="right"| {{#lst:apertium-ben/stats|stems}}
|align="center"| -
|| [[apertium-ben]]&nbsp;([[languages]])
|| [[User:darthxaher|Abu Zaher Md. Faridee]]
|| <code>[[apertium-san]]</code>
|| [[Sanskrit]]
|| <code>sa</code>
|| <code>san</code>
|| HFST (lexc+twol)
|| production
|align="right"| {{#lst:Apertium-san/stats|stems}}
|align="center"| -
|| [[apertium-san]] ([[languages]])
|| Amba Kulkarni

=== Indic Language Classification ===
* Dardic: [[Pahayi]], [[Khowar]], [[Kohistani]], [[Shina language]], [[Kashiri]]
* Northern Zone:
**Cantral Pahari
***[[Garhwali]], [[Kumauni]]
**Eastern Pahari
* North-Western Zone:
***[[Dogri]], [[Kangri]], [[Mandeali]], etc.
** [[Punjabi]]
** [[Lahnda]]
** [[Sindhi]]
* Western Zone:
** Rajasthani
*** [[Marwari]], [[Rajasthani]]
* [[Hindi]]
* Southern Zone:
** [[Marathi]]
** [[Konkani]]
** Insular Indic
*** [[Sinhalese]], [[Maldivian]]
* Eastern Zone:
** Bihari
*** [[Bhojpuri]], [[Maithili]], etc.
** [[Bengali]]
** [[Oriya]]
** [[Tharu]]
* [[Sanskrit]]

==== Indic-Indic pairs ====

{| style="text-align: center;" class="wikitable"
|- style="background: #ececec"
! !! hin !! ben !! urd !! san !!
| '''hin''' || — || || [[hin-urd]] || ||
| '''ben''' || || — || || ||
| '''urd''' || || || — || ||
| '''san''' || || || || - ||


==== Pairs with non-Turkic languages ====
{| style="text-align: center;" class="wikitable"
|- style="background: #ececec"
! tur
! aze
! tuk
! uzb
! kir
! kaz
! tat
! chv
! bak
! uig
! eng
| ''[[tr-en]]''
| ''[[ky-en]]''
| ''[[kaz-eng]]''
! fr
! es
! it
! ru
| ''[[cv-ru]]''
! mng/khk
| ''[[mn-kk]]''

=== Roadmap ===
* Stable release of apertium-kaz
* Stable release of apertium-tat
* '''Stable release of apertium-kaz-tat'''
* '''Rework apertium-kir to match new standards'''
* Bring apertium-bak up to date (based on apertium-tat)
* Expand apertium-tat-bak
* Beta release of apertium-kaz-kir
* Expand apertium-tuk
* Expand apertium-chv
* Basic transducers for:
** Khakas
** Tuvan
** [[Sakha]]
** Shor
** Qaralpaq (based on <s>Tatar</s> Kazakh, probably, no?)
** <s>Uzbek</s>
** Uyghur
** <s>[[Nogay]]</s>
** <s>[[Kumyk]]</s>

==Getting involved==
We have a [[Turkic-Turkic_translator|work plan for developing Turkic-Turkic translators]] and are working on a [[Turkic_lexicon|how-to for building a Turkic lexicon]]. Please come talk to us on [[IRC]] or contact us on the [[apertium-turkic]] mailing list.


Rough guide to tagsets in various Turkic language transducers, with an eye to keeping stuff that is basically the same tagged the same. In the following table, <sup>A</sup> stands for Apertium and <sup>T</sup> stands for [[TRmorph]] (See also [[List_of_symbols|the general tagset list]]).

! Phenomenon !! Morphology !! Description !! Tag(s) !! Language(s) !! Notes
|colspan=6 align="center"|'''Part of speech'''
| Noun || || || {{tag|n}} || ||
| Proper noun || || || {{tag|np}} || ||
| Determiner || || || {{tag|det}} || ||
| Numeral || || || {{tag|num}} || ||
| Adjective || || || {{tag|adj}} || || incl. var/yok
| Adverb || || || {{tag|adv}} || ||
| Pronoun || || || {{tag|prn}} || ||
| Verb || || || {{tag|v}} || ||
| Auxiliary verb || || || {{tag|vaux}} || ||
| Copula || || || {{tag|cop}} || ||
| Adverb || || || {{tag|adv}} || ||
| Postadverb || || || {{tag|postadv}} || ||
| Postposition || || || {{tag|post}} || ||
| ''Particle''<ref>Warning: The use of the particle tag is highly discouraged.</ref> || || || {{tag|part}} || ||
| Coordinating conjunction || || || {{tag|cnjcoo}} || ||
| Subordinating conjunction || || || {{tag|cnjsub}} || ||
| Adverbial conjunction || || || {{tag|cnjadv}} || ||
| Abbreviation || || || {{tag|abbr}} || ||
| Personal Title || || || {{tag|title}} || ||
| Interjection || || || {{tag|ij}} || || Әлбетте{{slc|kaz}}, жок{{slc|kir}} (cf. Adj)
|colspan=6 align="center"|'''Proper noun types'''
| Toponym || || || {{tag|top}} || ||
| Anthroponym || || || {{tag|ant}} || ||
| Patronym || || || {{tag|pat}} || ||
| Cognomen (Surname) || || || {{tag|cog}} || ||
| Acronym || || || {{tag|acr}} || ||
| Other || || || {{tag|al}} || ||
|colspan=6 align="center"|'''Pronoun types'''
| Personal || || || {{tag|pers}} || ||
| Ordinal || || || {{tag|ord}} || ||
| Demonstrative || || || {{tag|dem}} || ||
| Indefinite || || || {{tag|ind}} || ||
| Interrogative || || || {{tag|itg}} || ||
| Reflexive || || || {{tag|ref}} || ||
| Quantifier || || || {{tag|qnt}} || ||
| Positive || || || {{tag|pst}} || ||
| Negative || || || {{tag|neg}} || ||
| Comparative || || || {{tag|comp}} || ||
| Reciprocal || || || {{tag|recip}} || ||
| First person || || || {{tag|p1}} || ||
| Second person || || || {{tag|p2}} || ||
| Third person || || || {{tag|p3}} || ||
|colspan=6 align="center"|'''Numeral types'''
| Substantive || || Substantive form of numerals (when they are used as the head of the noun phrase) || {{tag|subst}} || ||
| Ordinal || || || {{tag|ord}} || || Chuvash: -мĂш
| Distributive || || || {{tag|dist}} || || Chuvash: -шĂр
| Collective || || || {{tag|coll}} || || Chuvash: -Ăн
|colspan=6 align="center"|'''Case'''
| Nominative case (unmarked) || || || {{tag|nom}} || ||
| Genitive case || || || {{tag|gen}} || ||
| Dative case || || || {{tag|dat}} || ||
| Locative case || || || {{tag|loc}} || ||
| Ablative case || -DAn || Case indicating movement away || {{tag|abl}} || Pan-turkic ||
| Comitative case || || || {{tag|com}} || ||
| Terminative case || || || {{tag|ter}} || || Chuvash: -ччен
| Benefactive (Purposive) case || || || {{tag|ben}} || || Chuvash: -шĂн
| Allative (Directive) case || || Case indicating motion towards something || {{tag|all}} || || Chuvash: -АллА
|colspan=6 align="center"|'''Posession'''
| 1st pers sg || || || {{tag|px1sg}} || ||
| 1st pers pl || || || {{tag|px1pl}} || ||
| 2nd pers sg || || || {{tag|px2sg}} || ||
| 2nd pers pl || || || {{tag|px2pl}} || ||
| 3rd pers sg || || || {{tag|px3sg}} || ||
| 3rd pers pl || || || {{tag|px3pl}} || ||
| 3rd pers sg or pl || || || {{tag|px3sp}} || ||
|colspan=6 align="center"|'''Gender'''
| Masculine || || || {{tag|m}} || ||
| Feminine || || || {{tag|f}} || ||
| Masculine / feminine || || || {{tag|mf}} || ||
|colspan=6 align="center"|'''Number'''
| Singular || || || {{tag|sg}} || ||
| Plural || || || {{tag|pl}} || ||
|colspan=6 align="center"|'''Tense, aspect, mood'''

| Present tense || || || {{tag|pres}} || ||
| Present continuous tense || || || {{tag|cont}} || || Turkish: -{bI}yor
| Evidential tenseless/past tense || || || {{tag|evid}} || || Turkish: -m{I}ş (<past><evid>)
| Past tense || || || {{tag|past}} || || Kyrgyz: -{G}{A}н
| Definite past tense || || || {{tag|ifi}} || || Turkish: -{D}{I}
| Imperfect || || || {{tag|pii}} || || Turkish: Aorist + -m{A}kt{A}
| Past habitual tense || || || {{tag|pih}} || || Turkish: Aorist + -{D}{I}
| Future tense || || || {{tag|fut}} || || Turkish: -{bY}{A}c{A}{k}
| Imperative || -ø || Mood for giving orders || {{tag|imp}}<sup>A</sup>, {{tag|t_imp}}<sup>T</sup> || Pan-turkic || Turkish: -ø
| Conditional || || || {{tag|cond}} || || Turkish: -s{A}
| Aorist || || || {{tag|aor}} || || Turkish: -{A}r or -{bI}r
| Optative || || || {{tag|opt}} || || Turkish: -{bY}{A}, Kirghiz: -мAк>чI
| Obligative || || || {{tag|oblig}} || || Turkish: -m{A}l{I}
| Potential || || || {{tag|pot}} || || Kirghiz: -чUдAй
| Not-yet tense || || || {{tag|notyet}} || || Kirghiz: -E элек
|colspan=6 align="center"|'''Non-finite verb forms'''
| Gerund || || makes verbs usable as nouns|| {{tag|ger}}, {{tag|vn}}? || ||
| Verbal adjective || || makes verbs usable as adjectives || {{tag|vadj}} || ||
| Participle || || makes verb a matrix verb usable auxiliaries and modals || {{tag|part}}, {{tag|vadv}}? || ||
| ??? || || makes verb usable as first of a dual-predicate construction || ?? || ||
| Infinitive || || citation form of verb and use in certain constructions || {{tag|inf}}? || ||
| Gerund #1 || || || {{tag|ger1}} || || Turkish: -m{A}
| Gerund #2 || || || {{tag|ger2}} || || Turkish: -m{A}{K}
| Gerund #3 || || || {{tag|ger3}} || || Turkish: -{D}{I}{k}
| Gerund #4 || || || {{tag|ger4}} || || Turkish: -{bY}{I}ş
| Gerund #5 || || || {{tag|ger5}} || || Turkish: -{bY}{A}n
| Gerund #6 || || || {{tag|ger6}} || || Turkish: -{bY}{A}r{A}k
| Gerund #7 || || || {{tag|ger10}} || || Turkish: -{bY}{I}p
| Future gerund #1|| || || {{tag|fger}} || || Turkish: -{bY}{A}c{A}{k}
| Imperfect participle #1 || || || {{tag|fger}} || || Turkish: -{bY}{A}r{A}{k}
| || || || || ||
|colspan=6 align="center"|'''Productive verbal derivation'''

| Passive || || || {{tag|pass}} || ||
| Causative || || || {{tag|caus}} || ||
| Cooperative || || || {{tag|coop}} || || -{I}ш{{slc|kir}}, -{I}с{{slc|kaz}}
|colspan=6 align="center"|'''Transitivity'''
| Transitive, переходный || || || {{tag|tv}} || ||
| Intransitive, непереходный || || || {{tag|iv}} || ||
|colspan=6 align="center"|'''Modal/question/etc. "particles"'''
| Question || || used with yes/no, focus, etc. question morphemes || {{tag|qst}} || most-all || {М}{А}{{slc|kaz}}, {B}{I}{{slc|kir}}, m{I}{{slc|tur}}; +ше{{slc|kaz}}, ч{I}{{slc|kir}}
| Emphatic || || used with imperative/optative and other coercive verb forms || {{tag|emph}} || most || +ш{I}{{slc|kaz}}, +ч{I}{{slc|kir}},{{slc|tat}}, s{A}n{A}{{slc|tur}}

==Official poem==

* Kovayla bira içerim, ama sen bilmezsin. Yarın gelir misin?
* Vedrəyle pivə içirəm, ama sen bilməzsən. Yarın gələrmisən?
* Чиләк белән сыра эчәм, әмма син белмисең. Иртәгә киләсеңме?
* Шелекпен сыра ішемін, бірақ сен білмейсің. Ертең келесің бе?
* Чака менен сыра ичем, бирок сен билбейсиң. Эртең келесиңби?
* Челек булан пиво ичемен амма сен билмейсен. Эртен гелемисен?


[[Category:Turkic languages|*]]

Latest revision as of 02:44, 22 November 2013