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m (fill in a couple more with the tags being used)
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! Irish FST !! Apertium !! Description
! Irish FST !! Apertium !! Description
!colspan=3|Parts of speech
| <code>+Noun</code> || {{tag|n}} || noun
| <code>+Noun</code> || {{tag|n}} || noun
Line 13: Line 15:
| <code>+Prep</code> || {{tag|pr}} || Preposition
| <code>+Prep</code> || {{tag|pr}} || Preposition
| &nbsp;<code>+Cmpd</code> || &mdash; || Compound
| &nbsp;<code>+Simp</code> || &mdash; || Simple
| <code>+Conj</code> || &mdash; || conjunction
| <code>+Conj</code> || &mdash; || conjunction
| <code>+Coord</code> || {{tag|cnjcoo}} || co-ordinate
| &nbsp;<code>+Coord</code> || {{tag|cnjcoo}} || co-ordinate
| &nbsp;<code>+Subord</code> || {{tag|cnjsub}} || subordinate
| <code>+Det</code> || {{tag|det}} || Determiner
| <code>+Det</code> || {{tag|det}} || Determiner
| <code>+Part</code> || {{tag|part}} || see irregular nouns
| <code>+Part</code> || {{tag|part}} || particles (verbal, adverbial, vocative etc.)
| <code>+Pron</code> || {{tag|prn}} || Pronoun
| <code>+Pron</code> || {{tag|prn}} || Pronoun
Line 26: Line 34:
| <code>+Prop</code> || {{tag|np}} || proper
| <code>+Prop</code> || {{tag|np}} || proper
| <code>+Subord</code> || {{tag|cnjsub}} || subordinate
| <code>+Art</code> || {{tag|det><def}} || article
| <code>+VD</code> || {{tag|}} || ditransitive - not at present
| <code>+Verb</code> || {{tag|vblex}} || verb
| <code>+VF</code> || {{tag|}} || - form used before a word starting with a vowel or f+vowel
| &nbsp;<code>+VI</code> || {{tag|}} || intransitive
| <code>+Verb</code> || {{tag|v}} || verb
| &nbsp;<code>+VT</code> || {{tag|}} || transitive
| <code>+VI</code> || {{tag|v><iv}} || intransitive
| &nbsp;<code>+VTI</code> || {{tag|}} || transitive, intrans., both trans & intrans
| <code>+VT</code> || {{tag|v><tv}} || transitive
| &nbsp;<code>+VD</code> || {{tag|}} || ditransitive
| <code>+VTI</code> || {{tag|v><tv}}, {{tag|v><iv}} || transitive, intrans., both trans & intrans
| &nbsp;<code>+VF</code> || &mdash; || - form used before a word starting with a vowel or f+vowel
| <code>+Art</code> || {{tag|det><def}} || article
| <code>+Base</code> || {{tag|pst}} || positive / base form (changed from +Pos to +Base 10/09/03)
| <code>+Base</code> || || positive / base form of Adjective (changed from +Pos to +Base 10/09/03)
| <code>+Card</code> || {{tag|card}} || Cardinal (one two three ...)
| <code>+Card</code> || {{tag|card}} || Cardinal (one two three ...)
| <code>+Cmpd</code> || &mdash; || Compound
| <code>+Comp</code> || {{tag|comp}} || comparative form of Adjective
| <code>+Comp</code> || {{tag|comp}} || comparative
| <code>+Cond</code> || {{tag|}} ||
| <code>+Cond</code> || {{tag|cni}} || Verb Conditional Mood
| <code>+Cop</code> || {{tag|cop}} || Copula
| <code>+Cop</code> || {{tag|cop}} || Copula
Line 56: Line 62:
| <code>+Def</code> || {{tag|def}} || Definite
| <code>+Def</code> || {{tag|def}} || Definite
| <code>+DefArt</code> || {{tag|}} || noun preceeded by definite article (an)
| <code>+DefArt</code> || {{tag|}} || noun preceded by definite article (an)
| <code>+Deg</code> || {{tag|}} || with Degree Particle
| <code>+Deg</code> || {{tag|}} || with Degree Particle
Line 62: Line 68:
| <code>+Dem</code> || {{tag|dem}} || Demonstrative
| <code>+Dem</code> || {{tag|dem}} || Demonstrative
| <code>+Dep</code> || {{tag|}} || dependant forms
| <code>+Dep</code> || {{tag|}} || Verbal dependant forms
| <code>+Dir</code> || {{tag|}} || Directional
| <code>+Dir</code> || {{tag|}} || Directional PP
| <code>+Ecl</code> || {{tag|}} || (+Urú) e.g. after compound prep eg ar an gcat
| <code>+Ecl</code> || {{tag|ecl}} || (+Urú) e.g. after compound prep eg ar an gcat
| <code>+Emph</code> || {{tag|emph}} || Emphatic (Contrastive) form of personal pronoun
| <code>+Emph</code> || {{tag|emph}} || Emphatic (Contrastive) form of personal pronoun/noun/synthetic verb
| <code>+English</code> || &mdash; || English
| <code>+English</code> || &mdash; || English
| <code>+Foreign</code> || {{tag|}} || Foreign
| <code>+Foreign</code> || &mdash; || Foreign
| <code>+FutInd</code> || {{tag|}} || Future Indicative
| <code>+FutInd</code> || {{tag|fti}} || Future Indicative
| <code>+Gn</code> || {{tag|}} || General
| <code>+Gn</code> || &mdash; || General Adverb
| <code>+Idf</code> || {{tag|ind}} || Indefinite
| <code>+Idf</code> || {{tag|ind}} || Indefinite noun
| <code>+Imper</code> || {{tag|imp}} || - Imperative Mood - Modh Ordaitheach
| <code>+Imper</code> || {{tag|imp}} || - Imperative Mood - Modh Ordaitheach
| <code>+Int</code> || {{tag|}} || sentence internal
| <code>+Itj</code> || {{tag|ij}} || Interjection
| <code>+Itj</code> || {{tag|ij}} || Interjection
Line 88: Line 92:
| <code>+Its</code> || {{tag|}} || intensifiers e.g. sách, ró- etc.
| <code>+Its</code> || {{tag|}} || intensifiers e.g. sách, ró- etc.
| <code>+Len</code> || {{tag|}} || e.g. ab fhearr, ba mhó a masc noun must be either lenitedor eclipsed according to preference/dialect. If it is lenited then the adj is likewise lenited. If it is eclipsed then the adj has no initial mutation.
| <code>+Len</code> || {{tag|len}} || e.g. ab fhearr, ba mhó a masc. noun must be either lenited or eclipsed according to preference/dialect. If it is lenited then the adj is likewise lenited. If it is eclipsed then the adj has no initial mutation.
| <code>+Loc</code> || {{tag|loc}} || Locative PP
| <code>+NStem</code> || {{tag|}} || de-nominal verbal (action) noun
| <code>+NStem</code> || {{tag|}} || de-nominal verbal (action) noun
Line 94: Line 100:
| <code>+Neg</code> || {{tag|neg}} || Negative
| <code>+Neg</code> || {{tag|neg}} || Negative
| <code>+NegQ</code> || {{tag|}} ||
| <code>+NegQ</code> || {{tag|itg><neg}} ||
| <code>+NotSlen</code> || {{tag|}} || qualifies a plural noun ending in a broad consonantor a vowel
| <code>+NotSlen</code> || {{tag|}} || qualifies a plural noun ending in a broad consonantor a vowel
Line 108: Line 114:
| <code>+PastImp</code> || {{tag|}} || Gháthchaite Past Habitual (Imperfect Indicative)
| <code>+PastImp</code> || {{tag|}} || Gháthchaite Past Habitual (Imperfect Indicative)
| <code>+PastInd</code> || {{tag|}} || Past Indicative
| <code>+PastInd</code> || {{tag|pii}} || Past Indicative
| <code>+PastSubj</code> || {{tag|}} || Past Subjunctive
| <code>+PastSubj</code> || {{tag|pis}} || Past Subjunctive
| <code>+Pers</code> || {{tag|pers}} || Personal
| <code>+Pers</code> || {{tag|pers}} || Personal
Line 118: Line 124:
| <code>+Pres</code> || {{tag|pres}} || copula present & future
| <code>+Pres</code> || {{tag|pres}} || copula present & future
| <code>+PresImp</code> || {{tag|}} || Gháthláithreach Pres Habitual (Verb bí only)
| <code>+PresImp</code> || {{tag|prh}} || Gháthláithreach Pres Habitual (Verb bí only)
| <code>+PresInd</code> || {{tag|}} || Present Indicative
| <code>+PresInd</code> || {{tag|pri}} || Present Indicative
| <code>+PresSubj</code> || {{tag|}} || Present Subjunctive
| <code>+PresSubj</code> || {{tag|prs}} || Present Subjunctive
| <code>+Pro</code> || {{tag|}} || Pronoun with Copula
| <code>+Pro</code> || {{tag|prn}} || Pronoun with Copula
| <code>+Q</code> || {{tag|itg}} || Interrogative
| <code>+Q</code> || {{tag|itg}} || Interrogative
Line 134: Line 140:
| <code>+Rel</code> || {{tag|rel}} || relative forms - direct
| <code>+Rel</code> || {{tag|rel}} || relative forms - direct
| <code>+RelInd</code> || {{tag|}} || rel. indirect
| <code>+RelInd</code> || {{tag|rel><ind}} || rel. indirect
| <code>+Sbj</code> || {{tag|}} || sí, sé and siad are used only when pron follows predicate verb in subject position eg Chuaigh SÍ amach (She went out but Téigh gan Í (Go without her)
| <code>+Sbj</code> || {{tag|subj}} || sí, sé and siad are used only when pron follows predicate verb in subject position eg Chuaigh SÍ amach (She went out but Téigh gan Í (Go without her)
| <code>+Simp</code> || {{tag|}} || Simple
| <code>+Slender</code> || {{tag|}} || qualifies a plural noun ending in a slender consonant
| <code>+Slender</code> || {{tag|}} || qualifies a plural noun ending in a slender consonant
Line 155: Line 159:

| <code>+Vow</code> || {{tag|}} || vowel-initial : used to allow past-tense Len e.g. d´ith
| <code>+Vow</code> || &mdash; || vowel-initial : used to allow past-tense Len e.g. d´ith
| <code>+Weak</code> || {{tag|}} || when an adj is qualifying a strong plural noun(i.e. noun plural is the
| <code>+Weak</code> || {{tag|}} || when an adj is qualifying a strong plural noun(i.e. noun plural is the
| <code>+hPref</code> || {{tag|}} || prefix e.g. (h)iontach
| <code>+hPref</code> || {{tag|hpref}} || prefix e.g. (h)iontach
| <code>+Adj</code> || {{tag|adj}} || adj used in noun compound e.g. domhain+Adj+comhrá+Noun+...
| <code>+Adj</code> || {{tag|adj}} || adj used in noun compound e.g. domhain+Adj+comhrá+Noun+...
| <code>+Guess</code>|| {{tag|}} ||
| <code>+Guess</code>|| &mdash; ||

Line 170: Line 174:
| <code>+Voc</code> || {{tag|voc}} || vocative case
| <code>+Voc</code> || {{tag|voc}} || vocative case
| <code>+Dat</code> || {{tag|dat}} || dative (e.g. teach)
| <code>+Dat</code> || {{tag|dat}} || dative case
| <code>+Com</code> || {{tag|nom}} || nominative case
| <code>+Com</code> || {{tag|nom}} || common case (nominative) same form for dative and accusative
| <code>+Gen</code> || {{tag|gen}} || genitive case
| <code>+Gen</code> || {{tag|gen}} || genitive case
| <code>+Loc</code> || {{tag|loc}} || Locative
!colspan=3| Person
!colspan=3| Person
Line 204: Line 206:
| <code>+Punct</code> || {{tag|}} || Abbreviation
| <code>+Punct</code> || {{tag|}} || Abbreviation
| <code>+Fin</code> || {{tag|}} || sentence final
| <code>+Fin</code> || {{tag|sent}} || sentence final
| <code>+End</code> || &mdash; || end bracket, quote etc
| <code>+End</code> || &mdash; || end bracket, quote etc
Line 211: Line 213:
| <code>+Bar</code> || {{tag|guio}} || hyphen, underscore, dash etc.
| <code>+Bar</code> || {{tag|guio}} || hyphen, underscore, dash etc.
| <code>+Int</code> || {{tag|}} || sentence internal punctuation
| <code>+St</code> || &mdash; || start bracket, quote etc
| <code>+St</code> || &mdash; || start bracket, quote etc
Line 218: Line 222:
| <code>+Xxx</code> || {{tag|}} || Indecipherable speech
| <code>+Xxx</code> || &mdash; || Indecipherable speech
| <code>+Filler</code> || &mdash; || Filled Pause (eh, em,
| <code>+Filler</code> || &mdash; || Filled Pause (eh, em,
Line 228: Line 232:
!colspan=3| Dialect
!colspan=3| Dialect
| <code>+CC</code> || &mdash; || Canúint Chonnachta
| <code>+CC</code> || &mdash; || Canúint Chonnachta (Connacht dialect)
| <code>+CM</code> || &mdash; || Canúint na Mumhan
| <code>+CM</code> || &mdash; || canúint na Mumhan, Munster dialect
| <code>+CM</code> || &mdash; || Canúint na Mumhan (Munster Dialect)
| <code>+CU</code> || &mdash; || Canúint Uladh
| <code>+CU</code> || &mdash; || Canúint Uladh (Ulster dialect)
Line 241: Line 243:

* [[List of symbols]]
* [[List of symbols]]
* [https://www.scss.tcd.ie/SLP/morphtag.htm Morphological Feature Tags]


Latest revision as of 03:06, 9 December 2015

Irish FST Apertium Description
Parts of speech
+Noun <n> noun
+Num <num> Numeral
+Abr <abbr> Abbreviation
+Adj <adj> adjective
+Adv <adv> Adverb
+Prep <pr> Preposition
 +Cmpd Compound
 +Simp Simple
+Conj conjunction
 +Coord <cnjcoo> co-ordinate
 +Subord <cnjsub> subordinate
+Det <det> Determiner
+Part <part> particles (verbal, adverbial, vocative etc.)
+Pron <prn> Pronoun
+Prop <np> proper
+Art <det><def> article
+Verb <vblex> verb
 +VI <> intransitive
 +VT <> transitive
 +VTI <> transitive, intrans., both trans & intrans
 +VD <> ditransitive
 +VF - form used before a word starting with a vowel or f+vowel
+Base positive / base form of Adjective (changed from +Pos to +Base 10/09/03)
+Card <card> Cardinal (one two three ...)
+Comp <comp> comparative form of Adjective
+Cond <cni> Verb Conditional Mood
+Cop <cop> Copula
+Def <def> Definite
+DefArt <> noun preceded by definite article (an)
+Deg <> with Degree Particle
+Dem <dem> Demonstrative
+Dep <> Verbal dependant forms
+Dir <> Directional PP
+Ecl <ecl> (+Urú) e.g. after compound prep eg ar an gcat
+Emph <emph> Emphatic (Contrastive) form of personal pronoun/noun/synthetic verb
+English English
+Foreign Foreign
+FutInd <fti> Future Indicative
+Gn General Adverb
+Idf <ind> Indefinite noun
+Imper <imp> - Imperative Mood - Modh Ordaitheach
+Itj <ij> Interjection
+Its <> intensifiers e.g. sách, ró- etc.
+Len <len> e.g. ab fhearr, ba mhó a masc. noun must be either lenited or eclipsed according to preference/dialect. If it is lenited then the adj is likewise lenited. If it is eclipsed then the adj has no initial mutation.
+Loc <loc> Locative PP
+NStem <> de-nominal verbal (action) noun
+Neg <neg> Negative
+NegQ <itg><neg>
+NotSlen <> qualifies a plural noun ending in a broad consonantor a vowel
+Obj <> á = "do a" when obj of VN
+Op <>
+Ord <ord> Ordinal (first, second, third..) i.e. mo dhá lámh, an chéad dhá theach
+Past <past> copula past & conditional
+PastImp <> Gháthchaite Past Habitual (Imperfect Indicative)
+PastInd <pii> Past Indicative
+PastSubj <pis> Past Subjunctive
+Pers <pers> Personal
+Poss <pos> Possessive
+Pres <pres> copula present & future
+PresImp <prh> Gháthláithreach Pres Habitual (Verb bí only)
+PresInd <pri> Present Indicative
+PresSubj <prs> Present Subjunctive
+Pro <prn> Pronoun with Copula
+Q <itg> Interrogative
+Qty <qnt> Quantifier
+Ref <ref> Reflexive
+Rel <rel> relative forms - direct
+RelInd <rel><ind> rel. indirect
+Sbj <subj> sí, sé and siad are used only when pron follows predicate verb in subject position eg Chuaigh SÍ amach (She went out but Téigh gan Í (Go without her)
+Slender <> qualifies a plural noun ending in a slender consonant
+Strong <> same for all cases) the adj will also have the same form in all cases BUT when the adj. is qualifying a weak plural noun,in the gen.case, it is not inflected i.e. the base form of the adjective is used. Nom and Voc plurals are inflecte as for strong plural nouns
+Strong <> strong plural
+Subst <> - copula+pron+art+noun - séard (is é an rud)
+Subst <> substantive - functions like a noun, but lack noun inflections
+Temp <> Temporal e.g. inniu, amárach etc.
+Verbal <>
+Vow vowel-initial : used to allow past-tense Len e.g. d´ith
+Weak <> when an adj is qualifying a strong plural noun(i.e. noun plural is the
+hPref <hpref> prefix e.g. (h)iontach
+Adj <adj> adj used in noun compound e.g. domhain+Adj+comhrá+Noun+...
+Voc <voc> vocative case
+Dat <dat> dative case
+Com <nom> common case (nominative) same form for dative and accusative
+Gen <gen> genitive case
+1P <p1> First person
+2P <p2> Second person
+3P <p3> Third person
+Auto <impers> Autonomous
+Sg <sg> singular
+Pl <pl> plural
+Fem <f> feminine gender
+Masc <m> masculine gender
+Punct <> Abbreviation
+Fin <sent> sentence final
+End end bracket, quote etc
+Brack <lpar>, <rpar> round, square and curly brackets
+Bar <guio> hyphen, underscore, dash etc.
+Int <> sentence internal punctuation
+St start bracket, quote etc
+Quo <lquot><rquot> all quotation marks double, single etc.
+Xxx Indecipherable speech
+Filler Filled Pause (eh, em,
+Event Simple Event (laugh, sneeze etc.)
+Cmc Communicator (yeah, y'know)
+CC Canúint Chonnachta (Connacht dialect)
+CM Canúint na Mumhan (Munster Dialect)
+CU Canúint Uladh (Ulster dialect)

See also[edit]