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In Hungarian a word has usually 2500 forms.
Therefore a Hungarian dictionary with all forms would contain 1 million * 2500 words,
that is 2.5 GWords, approx 20 GBytes, that can not be handled by computers
and handling it would make no sense.

Yes, hunspell handles that perfectly, it also handles vowel harmony.

What about Apertum to handle Hungarian? [[User:Muki987|Muki987]] 10:56, 6 April 2009 (UTC)

:I've played about with [[hunmorph]] — one of its limitations iirc is that it cannot do generation, only analysis. My personal preference for handling languages like Hungarian and Finnish etc. is to use something like [[SFST]] (see also [[Omorfi]]). The problem of course is then to get someone to write the actual code. - [[User:Francis Tyers|Francis Tyers]] 12:21, 6 April 2009 (UTC)

In Hungarian there is simply too much to generate. Not sure with Finnish&Turkish&Basque&Persian, but they also have a lot. I give you an example:

* ház (house)
* házhoz to the ..
* háztól from the..
* házig up to..
* háznak of the..
* háznál at the
* házba into..
* házban in the...
* házból from the...
* házról about ...
* házra on top of the...
* házon on the ....
* házzá become a ...
* házat it (accusativ) - 15
* házam (my house - repeat all previous to this like:) -- 30
** házamhoz ...
** házamat ...
* házad (your house repeat all previous to this) -45
* háza (his, her, its house repeat all previous to this) - 60
* házunk (our house repeat all previous to this) -- 75
* házatok (your house repeat all previous to this) - 90
* házuk (their house repeat all previous to this) - 105
* házé (of the house repeat all previous to this) - 130
* házamé (of my house -repeat all previous to this) - ..
* házuké (of their house -repeat all previous to this) - 210
* házak (plural - repeat all previous for this up to here) 420
* házacska ( a little house - repeat all prevoius up to here) 840
* házikó ( a little house- repeat all prevoius, except last) 1260
* házas (married- repeat all previous for this up to here, except the last 2) 1680

* you can see, it is almost trivial to get thousands of words just without a grammar book for each substantive.

In my opinion if we get a word, házaitokétól, (which is not unusual) we need an analysis tool, that shows:
* házaitokétól (from something of your houses)
* this is from ház
* it is plural
* it suits to the prefix "from"
* it suits to "plural you"
* the houses own something
* the owned thing is singular (otherwise it would be házaitokéitól)

With this knowledge we can construct the English (or Spanish, German, etc...) form. [[User:Muki987|Muki987]] 20:14, 6 April 2009 (UTC)

Latest revision as of 07:55, 7 July 2009