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28 March 2020
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It's absolutely a lot of work, but it is doable.
It's absolutely a lot of work, but it is doable.

29 March 2020
khannatanmai I guess that if we don't allow adding data to the dix, we're constraining a lot the data that will be in the stream, having a super flexible format that works carries pretty much the same information that it carries now
The important piece here is to make sure that is clear that all the this data is optional in the dix
khannatanmai (@khannatanmai:matrix.org)
yeah plus a lot of the secondary information can be information added manually, so not allowing data to the dix would make this considerably less powerful
plus even with the modification of the parsers the current format should still work properly, which is why everything else will be secondary and optional
Because that's what I think it was Hèctor's main concern
khannatanmai (@khannatanmai:matrix.org)
yeah I hope I made that clear in the reply
I think what he was also saying was that I will add info in the dix for my task and that wont be relevant for everyone else who uses that dix, so there will be a lot of redundant info
I wasn't thinking any of the secondary information goes in any dix files, but I guess it could...
Initially, nothing goes into any dixes.
khannatanmai (@khannatanmai:matrix.org)
yeah initially it's just about what the programs can put in the stream
Definitely not for trimming
i think it might make sense to come up with a list of desiderata
before trying to come up with formats
e.g. should it be human editable / sed+awk+greppable
See, this is where the current constraints affect thinking. I don't think Hector can imagine this isn't dynamic stream information, so he's worried all the dixes will change.
what kind of information might we want to include?
But examples like the ones you mention about sentiment, etc... They'll need to come from "somewhere" (being "somewhere" a dix or a data file for a future module in the pipeline)
Initially: Surface form, markup tags, dependency. Things that do not go into dixes.
khannatanmai (@khannatanmai:matrix.org)
yeah sentiment was a future example, but stuff like surface form is already in the dix
in my head the info can come either from data files or the programs
spectei, don't you think the proposed format is sed/awk/greppable?
It's absolutely greppable.
khannatanmai (@khannatanmai:matrix.org)
in fact i was thinking about the "isn't" "ain't" example, and it might sound as not a big deal, but in the dix we can distinguish them with secondary information
The think I liked the most when I saw the proposal in the email was that it felt that "nothing really changes"
Which is true - nothing really changes, until people want to make use of it. It's opt-in, but the power to do so is a major overhaul.
khannatanmai (@khannatanmai:matrix.org)
yep. plus if we're going to be modifying the parsers of all the programs to include surface form, it is a good idea to make it so that we can include arbitrary info
rather than modify all parsers tomorrow again
khannatanmai (@khannatanmai:matrix.org)
even when people modify the dix to include secondary information, it won't affect people who just use the primary info in their tasks
Sorry, my point was that even if people uses it, "it looks the same": same format for tags, etc. Except that the concept of secondary (and because of that, optional) information gives huge opportunities

Revision as of 10:04, 29 March 2020

28 March 2020

i just cant think of a lot of uses of the surface form for a lot of the programs
You should see how much secondary information VISL's streams have. Noun semantics, verb frames, dependency, markup tags, etc. Being able to carry any information along makes many things possible, often things you can't imagine because of current limitations.
khannatanmai (@khannatanmai:matrix.org)
yeah fair enough
alright in-stream it is
I wonder how many parsers will have to be modified for this
probably all of them
khannatanmai (@khannatanmai:matrix.org)
maybe an interesting exercise will be to make the stream scalable in a sense so that we can add an arbitrary amount of information and the parsers wont have to be modified
That is what I wanted out of the task.
Dunno what tricks would be most useful. Tag prefixes? Delimiters?
I would think prefixes would be most flexible.
^x<y>/blah<z>/anaphor<q>:arbitrary information$
khannatanmai (@khannatanmai:matrix.org)
or we keep adding more slashes :p
: being some separator character
with arbitrary data after it (also separated by /?) which programs can examine or pass along unmodified as they see fit
khannatanmai (@khannatanmai:matrix.org)
also some way to identify what is the data
No, it must be per-reading, because it's tied to each reading.
khannatanmai (@khannatanmai:matrix.org)
instead of just relying on order
Identification is why I say prefixes.
are reserved characters currently only used by t*x
khannatanmai (@khannatanmai:matrix.org)
how about completely overhaul the stream to forget the order and just read data type and data
sl:xyz, stag:abc, anaphor:ghy, sf:xyzabc
in a stream format of course
too much? :p
Well, it has to be human editable.
eww :P
khannatanmai (@khannatanmai:matrix.org)
That could almost work, though I'd prefer ^potato<n><sg>{case:aa}{other-prefix:other-value}/patata<n><f><sg>{more:other}$ - one segment per datum.
khannatanmai (@khannatanmai:matrix.org)
how's this^
i'd prefer fixed semantics for slashes
the feat:val is a bit cumbersome
I don't see how you're going to avoid prefixing in Apertium's stream format. We can certainly say that the initial tags are kept as-is, but need to know where that ends and secondary information begins.
And the secondary information needs prefixing or some other identification.
khannatanmai (@khannatanmai:matrix.org)
i was thinking of a way to remove any distinction between primary and secondary information
Prefixing everything is too verbose.
khannatanmai (@khannatanmai:matrix.org)
hmmm. well the arbit info we'll have to prefix anyway so yeah we could have a mixture of syntax
^potato<n><sg>{case:aa}{other-prefix:other-value}/patata<n><f><sg>{more:other}$ this seems doable
but looks ugly? :p 
Then do ^potato<n><sg><case:aa><other-prefix:other-value>/patata<n><f><sg><more:other>$ - no current tag has :, so tags with : must be secondary.
And if they're always trailing, there's much less that can go wrong.
Then we can centrally namespace things, with first namespace being s: for surface forms.
khannatanmai (@khannatanmai:matrix.org)
what about multiwords
And later on if we want t: for markup tags, that would just be passed through as-is.
khannatanmai (@khannatanmai:matrix.org)
the arbit info would apply to them as a whole, so if it's in a tag markup you would have to put it on one of the parts
or both the parts?
Both parts
khannatanmai (@khannatanmai:matrix.org)
it would give some choice to put arbit info on the parts as well actually
khannatanmai (@khannatanmai:matrix.org)
^potato<n><sg>case:aaother-prefix:other-value/patata<n><f><sg>more:other$ this looks good to me. number of tags is already arbitrary so it works.
a word in monodix with arbit info on it would still match the word in bidix which doesnt have the info
getting -recursive to handle that properly might be an adventure
khannatanmai (@khannatanmai:matrix.org)
wait riot did something i think
but not too terrible
Riot probably just showed it raised because of ^ ?
khannatanmai (@khannatanmai:matrix.org)
it does go against the usual semantics of a tag markup but we can live with it
Riot changed it into a link or something
khannatanmai (@khannatanmai:matrix.org)
if this looks good I'll put it in the proposal and send a mail to the mailing list
firespeaker: not sure
khannatanmai (@khannatanmai:matrix.org)
spectei what do you think
spectei: firespeaker my current list of tasks
are there other priority tasks that i'm missing?
I saw something about collab support, but i think that is already done
that also solves the issue of encoding rule numbers if we did try having a split mode for -recursive: add <rtx:17> to chunks
It would solve so many issues...
I was quite serious when I said this is the granddaddy of fundamental design constraints in Apertium.
khannatanmai (@khannatanmai:matrix.org)
well sounds fun. I'll send a mail to the mailing list and see what the people have to say
so the project will be overhauling the apertium stream format and eliminating trimming in the process lol
Well, it would render trimming superfluous.
passing such tags through t*x will be troublesome
rtx too, but I think slightly less so
I don't see why - they just get carried through.
khannatanmai (@khannatanmai:matrix.org)
doesnt transfer match the patterns if the tags are in there and ignore the extra tags?
I'm getting mixed up about a couple of different things in t*x
t*x is probably fine
If the token is multiplied, the input tags are also. If deleted, ditto.
rtx usually doesn't just pass things through
khannatanmai (@khannatanmai:matrix.org)
wow you could actually do a LOT of things once you can have arbitrary info
Yup, it's extremely important.
rtx actually builds new tokens by grabbing pieces of the input, so actually it's just a matter of having it grab the arbitrary tags too
it's largely a matter of tweaking parsing loops so that the code that checks for <> also checks for : and if found either looks for prefixes or just copies following tags into some buffer for output
khannatanmai (@khannatanmai:matrix.org)
yeah seems doable
It's absolutely a lot of work, but it is doable.

29 March 2020

khannatanmai I guess that if we don't allow adding data to the dix, we're constraining a lot the data that will be in the stream, having a super flexible format that works carries pretty much the same information that it carries now
The important piece here is to make sure that is clear that all the this data is optional in the dix
khannatanmai (@khannatanmai:matrix.org)
yeah plus a lot of the secondary information can be information added manually, so not allowing data to the dix would make this considerably less powerful
plus even with the modification of the parsers the current format should still work properly, which is why everything else will be secondary and optional
Because that's what I think it was Hèctor's main concern
khannatanmai (@khannatanmai:matrix.org)
yeah I hope I made that clear in the reply
I think what he was also saying was that I will add info in the dix for my task and that wont be relevant for everyone else who uses that dix, so there will be a lot of redundant info
I wasn't thinking any of the secondary information goes in any dix files, but I guess it could...
Initially, nothing goes into any dixes.
khannatanmai (@khannatanmai:matrix.org)
yeah initially it's just about what the programs can put in the stream
Definitely not for trimming
i think it might make sense to come up with a list of desiderata
before trying to come up with formats
e.g. should it be human editable / sed+awk+greppable
See, this is where the current constraints affect thinking. I don't think Hector can imagine this isn't dynamic stream information, so he's worried all the dixes will change.
what kind of information might we want to include?
But examples like the ones you mention about sentiment, etc... They'll need to come from "somewhere" (being "somewhere" a dix or a data file for a future module in the pipeline)
Initially: Surface form, markup tags, dependency. Things that do not go into dixes.
khannatanmai (@khannatanmai:matrix.org)
yeah sentiment was a future example, but stuff like surface form is already in the dix
in my head the info can come either from data files or the programs
spectei, don't you think the proposed format is sed/awk/greppable?
It's absolutely greppable.
khannatanmai (@khannatanmai:matrix.org)
in fact i was thinking about the "isn't" "ain't" example, and it might sound as not a big deal, but in the dix we can distinguish them with secondary information
The think I liked the most when I saw the proposal in the email was that it felt that "nothing really changes"
Which is true - nothing really changes, until people want to make use of it. It's opt-in, but the power to do so is a major overhaul.
khannatanmai (@khannatanmai:matrix.org)
yep. plus if we're going to be modifying the parsers of all the programs to include surface form, it is a good idea to make it so that we can include arbitrary info
rather than modify all parsers tomorrow again
khannatanmai (@khannatanmai:matrix.org)
even when people modify the dix to include secondary information, it won't affect people who just use the primary info in their tasks
Sorry, my point was that even if people uses it, "it looks the same": same format for tags, etc. Except that the concept of secondary (and because of that, optional) information gives huge opportunities