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== Contact information ==
<p>'''Name:''' Anna Kondratjeva</p>
<p>'''Location:''' Moscow, Russia</p>
<p>'''E-mail:''' an-an-kondratjeva@yandex.ru</p>
<p>'''Phone number:''' +79250374221</p>
<p>'''Github:''' http://github.com/deltamachine</p>
<p>'''IRC:''' deltamachine</p>
<p>'''Timezone:''' UTC+3</p>
== Skills and experience ==
<p>'''Education:''' Bachelor's Degree in Fundamental and Computational Linguistics (2015 - expected 2019), National Research University «Higher School of Economics» (NRU HSE)</p>
<p>'''Main university courses:'''</p>
<li>Theory of Language (Phonetics, Morphology, Syntax, Semantics)</li>
<li>Programming (Python)</li>
<li>Computer Tools for Linguistic Research</li>
<li>Language Diversity and Typology</li>
<li>Introduction to Data Analysis</li>
<li>Math (Discrete Math, Linear Algebra and Calculus, Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics)</li>
<p>'''Technical skills:''' Python (experienced, 1.5 years), HTML, CSS, Flask, Django, SQLite (familiar)</p>
<p>'''Projects and experience:''' http://github.com/deltamachine</p>
<p>'''Languages:''' Russian (native), English, German</p>
== Why is it you are interested in machine translation? ==
== Why is it that you are interested in Apertium? ==
== Which of the published tasks are you interested in? What do you plan to do? ==
== Reasons why Google and Apertium should sponsor it ==
== A description of how and who it will benefit in society ==
== Work plan ==
=== Post application period ===
=== Community bonding period ===
=== Work period ===
<li>'''Week 1:'''</li>
<li>'''Week 2:'''</li>
<li>'''Week 3:'''</li>
<li>'''Week 4:'''</li>
<li>'''Deliverable #1'''</li>
<li>'''Week 5:'''</li>
<li>'''Week 6:'''</li>
<li>'''Week 7:'''</li>
<li>'''Week 8:'''</li>
<li>'''Deliverable #2'''</li>
<li>'''Week 9:'''</li>
<li>'''Week 10:'''</li>
<li>'''Week 11:'''</li>
<li>'''Week 12:'''</li>
<li>'''Project completed'''</li>
== Non-Summer-of-Code plans you have for the Summer ==
== Coding challenge ==
<li>''flatten_conllu.py:'' A script that takes a dependency treebank in UD format and "flattens" it, that is, applies the following transformations:</li>
<li>Words with the @conj relation take the label of their head</li>
<li>Words with the @parataxis relation take the label of their head</li>
<li>''calculate_accuracy_index.py:'' A script that does the following:</li>
<li>Takes -train.conllu file and calculates the table: surface_form - label - frequency</li>
<li>Takes -dev.corpus and for each token assigns the most frequent label from the table</li>
<li>Calculates the accuracy index</li>
<li>''label_asf:'' A script that takes a sentence in Apertium stream format and for each surface form applies the most frequent label from the labelled corpus.

Latest revision as of 09:56, 23 March 2018