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[[Installation minimale depuis SVN|En français]]
This guide shows you how to download, configure, compile and install core apertium packages and language data. It assumes you've already installed the '''prerequisites''' for your system – if you have not, see the system-specific guides under [[Installation]].
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==Installing apertium and a language pair==
For most language pairs, these are the packages you need:

The page contained,
* lttoolbox
* apertium
* apertium-lex-tools
* the language pair(s) your are interested in

* How to compile Apertium core. For this, please see [[Install Apertium core by compiling]]
Here are the commands if you would like the Esperanto-English pair:
svn checkout https://svn.code.sf.net/p/apertium/svn/trunk/lttoolbox
svn checkout https://svn.code.sf.net/p/apertium/svn/trunk/apertium
svn checkout https://svn.code.sf.net/p/apertium/svn/trunk/apertium-lex-tools
svn checkout https://svn.code.sf.net/p/apertium/svn/trunk/apertium-eo-en

* How to create new, or compile exisitng, language builds. For a new or mixed pair, see [[How to bootstrap a new pair]]. For existing pairs, see [[Install language data by compiling]],
If you want another pair than eo-en, only the last line needs changing. To see the available 'released' language pairs, go to https://svn.code.sf.net/p/apertium/svn/trunk/ (pairs which are in development are in the incubator/nursery/staging subdirectories of https://svn.code.sf.net/p/apertium/svn/).

* Details about the HFST and CG modules. Please see [[Installation of grammar libraries]]
===Set up environment===
By default, Apertium is installed under the directory <code>/usr/local</code>, which requires root (sudo) access when installing. If that's fine with you, do:
You should also put those lines in your ~/.bashrc so you don't have to paste them into every terminal you open.

Or start from the information root at [[Installation]]?
However, if you want it installed somewhere else or don't want to install it as root, instead do:
PREFIX=$HOME/local # or wherever you want apertium stuff installed
You should also put those lines in your ~/.bashrc so you don't have to paste them into every terminal you open.

===Configure, build and install===
The next step is to configure, build and install each of the modules you checked out, in this order:
# <code>lttoolbox</code>
# <code>apertium</code>
# <code>apertium-lex-tools</code>
# the language pair (e.g. <code>apertium-eo-en</code>)

<code>cd</code> to each of the directories before you run the the commands shown below.

If you didn't specify <code>$PREFIX</code> above, or don't know what this means, then do this in each directory:
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig

If you specified a <code>$PREFIX</code> (e.g. to avoid installing as root), then do this in each directory:
./autogen.sh --prefix=$PREFIX
make install

(If you're on a Mac, you don't need to do ldconfig, don't worry that it fails.)

If you had any trouble, see [[Installation troubleshooting]].

Now test that it works. The command <code>apertium -l</code> should show a list of translation directions, of the form "from-to". Pick one, and do
echo 'This is a test sentence.' | apertium from-to
replacing from-to with the direction you want.

==For language pairs that use CG (vislcg3 / cg-proc / cg-comp) ==
Many language pairs now use [[Constraint Grammar]] (e.g. Macedonian→English, Breton→French, Nynorsk-Bokmål, …). For these, you need <code>vislcg3</code> beforehand. See [[Vislcg3#Installing_VISL_CG3]] for installation (use <code>./cmake.sh -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<prefix></code> if you're installing to a prefix).

Note that you have to have [http://site.icu-project.org/ ICU] installed beforehand (available through most GNU/Linux package managers, in Arch Linux as <code>icu</code>, in Debian/Ubuntu as <code>libicu-dev</code>, in Macports as <code>icu</code>).

==For language pairs that use HFST (hfst-proc / hfst-lexc / hfst-twolc)==
Many language pairs now use HFST (e.g. the Turkic and Saami ones). For these, you need <code>hfst</code> and <code>foma</code> beforehand. Follow the installation guides first for [[Foma]], then [[HFST]].

==See also==
* [[Installation]] – specific info for many different operating systems
* [[Installation Troubleshooting]]

[[Category:Documentation in English]]

Latest revision as of 22:05, 7 March 2018

En français


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