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* Unwanted(repeated) <b/> tags in entries.
* Unwanted(repeated) <b/> tags in entries.
<pre><l>as<b/>minhas<b/></l><r>o<b/>meu<s n="prn"/></pre>
<pre><l>as<b/>minhas<b/></l><r>o<b/>meu<s n="prn"/></pre>

* White spaces should be denoted using <b/>
<e lm="Middle Ages"><i>Middle Ages</i><par n="house__n"/><par n="gen__apos"/></e>


Revision as of 06:18, 30 May 2016


This page contains a log of all the different errors that the lint will be designed to handle. Along with it, as it's development progresses updates will be posted here about the different releases.

Along with this, documentation about the lint's working and technicalities will also be specified here.


List of issues in monodixex

  • Redundant Entries
<pardef n="di/e__vblex"><e><par n="liv/e__vblex"/></e></pardef>
  • Maintain consistency in the data present in the <r> tag in pardef entries.
<e><p><l>as</l><r>o<s n="prn"/><s n="tn"/><s n="f"/><s n="pl"/></r></p></e>
<e><p><l>a</l><r>abz<s n="prn"/><s n="tn"/><s n="f"/><s n="sg"/></r></p></e>
  • Paradigms should have 2:"_" instead of 1:"_".
<pardef n="outr/o__prn">
<pardef n="/o_meu__prn">
  • Repeated tag entries.
<e><p><l>y</l><r>y<s n="adj"/><s n="adj"/></r></p></e>
  • Repeated entries in the dictionary.
<e lm="house"><i>house</i><par n="house__n"/></e>
<e lm="house"><i>house</i><par n="house__n"/></e>
  • The "cm" entry should have only the comma and nothing else.
<e><re>,</re><p><l></l><r><s n="cm"/></r></p></e> 
  • Recursive paradigms. (Still to be decided)
<pardef n="up__n"><e><i></i><par n="house__n"/></e></pardef>
<pardef n="house__n"><e><i></i><par n="xyz__n"/></e></pardef>
<pardef n="xyz__n"><e><i></i><par n="up__n"/></e></pardef>
  • Incorrect and multichar attributes
<e r="XYZ">
  • Unused paradigms
  • Time, Number, Ordinals, Dates, URLs, emails, separators, proper_names,et al to be standard
  • Unwanted(repeated) tags in entries.
<l>as<b/>minhas<b/></l><r>o<b/>meu<s n="prn"/>
  • White spaces should be denoted using

<e lm="Middle Ages">Middle Ages<par n="house__n"/><par n="gen__apos"/></e>


  • Bidix should not have sdefs that are not in monodix or lexc file.


  1. Issue in :
    Problem : Check that the attribute listed in part="" is defined using a <def-attr>.




Lexical selection
  • don't use lrx-proc without the -m option.

Consistency of {Multichar_Symbols/sdefs/LISTs/SETs}
  • This may be larger task chopped to dozens of checks, but IMO source of most problems: