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==Adding the extension to LibreOffice==
==Adding the extension to LibreOffice==

Open LibreOffice
*Open LibreOffice
Goto Tools>Extension Manager
*Goto Tools>Extension Manager
Click on the Add button
*Click on the Add button
Browse to libreoffice-voikko>build
*Browse to libreoffice-voikko>build
Open voikko.oxt
*Open voikko.oxt


Goto Tools>Options
*Goto Tools>Options
Open Language Settings>Writing Aids
*Open Language Settings>Writing Aids
Click on Edit at the right side of Available modules section
*Click on Edit at the right side of Available modules section
Change Language to Kazakh
*Change Language to Kazakh
Click Ok.
*Click Ok.
Close the Options dialog box.
*Close the Options dialog box.
Click on the fourth tab in status bar to change language
*Click on the fourth tab in status bar to change language
Click More.. and Select Kazakh
*Click More.. and Select Kazakh

[[File:Configuring Extension.png]]
[[File:Configuring Extension.png]]

Revision as of 02:26, 13 January 2016

How to install libreoffice-voikko on Ubuntu/Debian

Install Requirements

Install requirements from apt

sudo apt-get install libreoffice python3 git make sed findutils zip unzip pkg-config gettext \
libxml++2.6-dev libarchive-dev zlib1g-dev unzip automake autoconf libtool flex bison g++ libreadline-dev

Here any version of Python 3 can be used.

Setup the Environment


Install Prerequisites

Setup for Projectjj repo users

If you are a Projectjj repo user then some of depedencies can be installed this way. Otherwise if things don't work for you, you can head over to next section.

Install foma and hfst-ospell

sudo apt-get install foma hfst-ospell libfoma0-dev hfst-ospell-dev

If not using Projectjj then Compile

Install foma

svn co http://foma.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/foma/
cd foma
make; sudo make install

Install hfst-ospell

wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/hfst/hfst/source/hfstospell-0.4.0.tar.gz
tar xvf hfstospell-0.4.0.tar.gz
cd hfstospell-0.4.0
./configure --enable-zhfst
sudo make install

Install Others

sudo apt-get install libvoikko-dev libvoikko1v5 voikko-fi

Or the Compiling way

Install libvoikko

wget http://www.puimula.org/voikko-sources/libvoikko/libvoikko-4.0.tar.gz
tar xvf libvoikko-4.0.tar.gz
cd libvoikko-4.0
./configure --prefix=~/.voikko --with-dictionary-path=~/.voikko --enable-hfst; make
sudo make install

Install voikko-fi

wget http://www.puimula.org/voikko-sources/voikko-fi/voikko-fi-2.0.tar.gz
tar xvf voikko-fi-2.0.tar.gz
cd voikko-fi-2.0
PATH=/usr/local/voikko/bin:$PATH make vvfst
sudo make vvfst-install DESTDIR=/usr/local/voikkodict

Install Language Module

I'll be using Kazakh To install Kazakh language module, First get it

svn co https://svn.code.sf.net/p/apertium/svn/languages/apertium-kaz/
cd apertium-kaz
./autogen.sh --enable-ospell && make && sudo make install && sudo ldconfig

Test the working of it

sudo cp kaz.zhfst ~/.voikko/kk.zhfst
echo "қазақша билмеймін" | tr ' ' '\n' | voikkospell -d kk -s

The output is

C: қазақша
W: билмеймін
S: билеймін
S: білмеймін
S: билемеймін
S: бөлмеймін
S: билемейміз

Install LibreOffice-Voikko

Get it

git clone https://github.com/voikko/libreoffice-voikko

Change Directory and Compile

cd libreoffice-voikko/
make oxt

Adding the extension to LibreOffice

  • Open LibreOffice
  • Goto Tools>Extension Manager
  • Click on the Add button
  • Browse to libreoffice-voikko>build
  • Open voikko.oxt

Extension Manager.png

  • Goto Tools>Options
  • Open Language Settings>Writing Aids
  • Click on Edit at the right side of Available modules section
  • Change Language to Kazakh
  • Click Ok.
  • Close the Options dialog box.
  • Click on the fourth tab in status bar to change language
  • Click More.. and Select Kazakh

Configuring Extension.png

Test your installation

  • Goto Tools>Options>Language
  • Choose Kazakh
  • Click Ok
  • Type қазақша билмеймін
  • A red wavy line will appear on билмеймін,meaning it's misspelled


Goto Tools>Options>Language

Choose Kazakh
Click Ok
Type қазақша билмеймін
A red wavy line will appear on билмеймін,meaning it's misspelled


To get correct suggestions, Right click on the mistaken word and suggestions will appear in context menu.
If there is any other problem, You can contact Me or Apertium Members.