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It's up to transfer (mainly the chunker, t1x) to make sense of and clean up these tag combinations.
It's up to transfer (mainly the chunker, t1x) to make sense of and clean up these tag combinations.

For all Plc-tagged proper noun lemmas in bidix, we have to have a Sur-tagged entry too. Even though "Hammerfeasta" is never used as a Sur, sme-dis.rle (and thus apertium-sme-nob.sme-nob.rlx) has a rule that can change arbitrary Plc-tagged proper nouns to Sur. So bidix has to be able to handle that.

If the translation is identical no matter whether it's Plc or Sur, we use a pardef:
<e><p><l>Isuzu<s n="N"/><s n="Prop"/></l><r>Isuzu<s n="np"/><s n="top"/></r></p><par n="PlcSur__np"/></e>

If it's not, we do like this:
<e> <p><l>Ádjáčohkka<s n="N"/><s n="Prop"/><s n="Plc"/></l><r>Emmenesveten<s n="np"/><s n="top"/></r></p><par n="__np"/></e>
<e r="LR"><p><l>Ádjáčohkka<s n="N"/><s n="Prop"/><s n="Sur"/></l><r>Ádjáčohkka<s n="np"/><s n="top"/></r></p><par n="__np"/></e>
(since we should never change surnames in translation).

* Idea: run a huge corpus through CG with --trace, grep for the rule that changes Plc to Sur, add any such lemmas into lexc as Sur, and get rid of the whole PlcSur mess.

Revision as of 11:26, 13 April 2012

The apertium-sme-nob bidix makes heavy use of bidix pardefs. There are two main uses for these:

  • To change from sme PoS tags to nob PoS tags
  • To mark certain sme verbs as inherently passive/causative/reflexive
    • these markings again triggers certain transfer rules, most of them in the chunker (t1x)

The most complex part of the bidix is probably the verb section. A typical one looks like:

<e><p><l>vurket<s n="V"/><s n="TV"/></l><r>oppbevare<s n="vblex"/><s n="pers"/></r></p><par n="__verb"/></e>

where "pers" marks that the agent is typically animate, and __verb handles the changes in tags for person, number, temps. However, we can also have another pardef which does the same thing but also adds a causative tag "caus" which is picked up by transfer:

<e><p><l>divuhit<s n="V"/><s n="TV"/></l><r>reparere<s n="vblex"/><s n="pers"/></r></p><par n="caus__verb"/></e>

Here transfer will try to make a causative construction with this verb, by prepending "la" and putting the finite temps there while making the verb infinite.

Similarly, with

<e><p><l>viidánit<s n="V"/><s n="IV"/></l><r>spre<s n="vblex"/><s n="pers"/></r></p><par n="refl__verb"/></e>

we get a reflexive (seg/meg/...) appended by transfer on seeing the "refl" tag added by refl__verb.


<e><p><l>suovganit<s n="V"/><s n="IV"/></l><r>slite<s n="vblex"/><s n="pers"/></r></p><par n="pass__verb"/></e>

we get a "pass" tag and a passive construction, with a participle (here: bli slitt). However, with the passive, the predicate might also be an adjective, which we mark like this:

<e><p><l>viessat<s n="V"/><s n="IV"/></l><r>trøtt<s n="adj"/><s n="pers"/></r></p><par n="pass__verb"/></e>

(other parts of speech for the passive predicates are currently TODO-marked in bidix)

The deverbal__n pardef is used to give lemma-specific overrides for the derivations (Der2.Actor, Der3.Der_n) which turn verbs into nouns:

<e><p><l>geavahit<s n="V"/><s n="TV"/></l><r>bruke<s n="vblex"/><s n="pers"/></r></p><par n="__verb"/></e>
<e><p><l>geavahit<s n="V"/><s n="TV"/></l><r>bruker<s n="n"/><s n="m"/></r></p><par n="deverbal__n"/></e>

(see Northern_Sámi_and_Norwegian/Derivations

It's up to transfer (mainly the chunker, t1x) to make sense of and clean up these tag combinations.


For all Plc-tagged proper noun lemmas in bidix, we have to have a Sur-tagged entry too. Even though "Hammerfeasta" is never used as a Sur, sme-dis.rle (and thus apertium-sme-nob.sme-nob.rlx) has a rule that can change arbitrary Plc-tagged proper nouns to Sur. So bidix has to be able to handle that.

If the translation is identical no matter whether it's Plc or Sur, we use a pardef:

<e><p><l>Isuzu<s n="N"/><s n="Prop"/></l><r>Isuzu<s n="np"/><s n="top"/></r></p><par n="PlcSur__np"/></e>

If it's not, we do like this:

<e>       <p><l>Ádjáčohkka<s n="N"/><s n="Prop"/><s n="Plc"/></l><r>Emmenesveten<s n="np"/><s n="top"/></r></p><par n="__np"/></e>
<e r="LR"><p><l>Ádjáčohkka<s n="N"/><s n="Prop"/><s n="Sur"/></l><r>Ádjáčohkka<s n="np"/><s n="top"/></r></p><par n="__np"/></e>

(since we should never change surnames in translation).

  • Idea: run a huge corpus through CG with --trace, grep for the rule that changes Plc to Sur, add any such lemmas into lexc as Sur, and get rid of the whole PlcSur mess.