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=== Code sections ===
=== Code sections ===

The code generated by the compiler is divided in these sections:
The code generated by the compiler is divided in several sections. In addition, the VM reads and stores the code in its own sections.
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
! Section !! Code !! Information
! Section !! Code !! VM's section !! Information
| Header || <code>#<assembly> <br /> #<transfer default="chunk"></code> || This section establishes the type of code generated and the transfer stage.
| align=center | Header || <code>#<assembly> <br /> #<transfer default="chunk"></code> || align=center | ---- || This section establishes the type of code generated and the transfer stage.
| Initialization || <code>push "genere"<br /> push "<m>"<br /> storev <br /> ... <br /> jmp rules_section_start</code> || In this section we initialize the variables with their default value and execute other initialization code. <br /> At the end we jmp to the section rules section, although rules will only execute when a pattern is matched,<br /> we need to process all the patterns which are in the rules section.
| align=center | Initialization || <code>push "genere"<br /> push "<m>"<br /> storev <br /> ... <br /> jmp rules_section_start</code> || align=center | Code section || In this section we initialize the variables with their default value and execute other initialization code. <br /> At the end we jmp to the section rules section, although rules will only execute when a pattern is matched,<br /> we need to process all the patterns which are in the rules section.
| Macros || <code>macro_firstWord_start: <br /> ... <br /> macro_firstWord_end: <br />...</code> || This section contains all the macro's code delimited by labels.<br /> Each macro can be called with the 'call' instruction.
| align=center | Macros || <code>macro_firstWord_start: <br /> ... <br /> macro_firstWord_end: <br />...</code> || align=center | Macros code section || This section contains all the macro's code delimited by labels.<br /> Each macro can be called with the 'call' instruction.
| Patterns || <code>section_rules_start:<br /> patterns_start:<br /> push "all<predet><sp>"<br /> push "<n><pl>"<br /> push 2<br /> addtrie action_0_start<br /> ... <br />patterns_end:</code> || In this section all the patterns will be added to the system trie. <br />In this example you can see that two patterns are pushed, then the number of patterns is pushed and finally<br /> the addtrie instruction pops them and adds an entry in the trie to the rule 0.
| align=center | Patterns || <code>section_rules_start:<br /> patterns_start:<br /> push "all<predet><sp>"<br /> push "<n><pl>"<br /> push 2<br /> addtrie action_0_start<br /> ... <br />patterns_end:</code> || align=center | Preprocess code section || In this section all the patterns will be added to the system trie. <br />In this example you can see that two patterns are pushed, then the number of patterns is pushed and finally<br /> the addtrie instruction pops them and adds an entry in the trie to the rule 0.
| Rules || <code>action_0_start:<br /> ...<br /> action_0_end:<br /> ...<br /> section_rules_end:</code> || Finally the rules section contains every rule delimited by its labels and all its code.
| align=center | Rules || <code>action_0_start:<br /> ...<br /> action_0_end:<br /> ...<br /> section_rules_end:</code> || align=center | Rules code section || Finally the rules section contains every rule delimited by its labels and all its code.

Revision as of 09:13, 8 August 2011

Instruction Set

Mnemonic Opcode
(in hex)
Other operands Stack
[before]→[after] (top, top-1, ...)
push - value [empty] → value Pushes a string or a variable value onto the stack. Strings go between quotes ("string") but variable's names not
pushbl - N/A [empty] → blank Pushes a blank onto the stack
pushsb - pos [empty] → superblank Pushes the superblank at 'pos' onto the stack
append - N valueN, ..., value1, varName → [empty] Pops 'N' elements and appends them to a variable or clip
concat - N valueN, ..., value1 → value1...valueN Pops 'N' elements and pushes them back concatenated
clip - N/A part → value Obtains the part in the only language there is (inter/post-chunk) and pushes the value onto the stack
clipsl - link-to part, pos → value Obtains the 'part' in source language in position 'pos' and pushes the 'value' onto the stack. An optional operand is used for clips with link-to tags, e.g. "clipsl <3>".
cliptl - link-to part, pos → value Obtains the 'part' in target language in position 'pos' and pushes the 'value' onto the stack. An optional operand is used for clips with link-to tags, e.g. "cliptl <3>".
storecl - N/A value, part → [empty] Stores 'value' in the only language there is (inter/post-chunk)
storesl - N/A value, part, pos → [empty] Stores 'value' as the 'part' of the source language in position 'pos'
storetl - N/A value, part, pos → [empty] Stores 'value' as the 'part' of the target language in position 'pos'
storev - N/A value, varName → [empty] Stores 'value' in the variable with name 'varName'
addtrie - address N, patternN, ..., pattern1 → [empty] Pops 'N' patterns and creates a trie entry pointing to 'address'
lu - N valueN, ..., value1 → ^(lexical_unit)$ Pops 'N' values from the stack, creates a lexical unit ^...$ with them and pushes the lu back onto the stack
mlu - N luN, ..., lu1 → multiword Pops 'N' lu from the stack, creates a multiword with them and pushes the multiword back onto the stack
lu-count - N/A [empty] → number Pushes the number of lexical units (words inside the chunk) in the rule onto the stack
chunk - N elemN-2, ... , elem1, <tags>, name → ^name<tags>{elem1...elemN-2}$ Pops 'N' amount of data from the stack, creates the chunk and pushes it back onto the stack
out - N valueN, ..., value1 → [empty] Pops 'N' values from the stack and outputs them
cmp - N/A value2, value1 → result Pops 'value1' and 'value2', compares them, if they are equal pushes a 1 (true), if they aren't pushes a 0 (false)
cmpi - N/A value2, value1 → result Pops 'value1' and 'value2', compares them (ignoring case for each string), if they are equal pushes a 1 (true), if they aren't pushes a 0 (false)
cmp-substr - N/A value2, value1 → result Tests if 'value1' contains the substring 'value2', result can be 1 (true) or 0 (false).
cmpi-substr - N/A value2, value1 → result Tests if 'value1' contains the substring 'value2' (ignoring case for each string), result can be 1 (true) or 0 (false).
not - N value → result Negates the value on top of the stack, 0 -> 1 or 1 -> 0
and - N valueN, ..., value1 → result And operation of 'N' values, result can be 1 (true) or 0 (false)
or - N valueN, ..., value1 → result Or operation of 'N' values, result can be 1 (true) or 0 (false)
in - N/A list, value → result Performs a search of a 'value' in a 'list'
inig - N/A list, value → result Performs a search (ignoring case) of a 'value' in a 'list'
jmp - label [empty] → [empty] Jumps to the label, unconditionally
jz - label top → [empty] Jumps to the label if stack.top == 0
jnz - label top → [empty] Jumps to the label if stack.top == 1
call - label N, argN, ..., arg1 → [empty] Calls a macro with the arguments on the stack
ret - N/A [empty] → [empty] Returns from a macro, PC will be handled automatically by the VM.
nop - N/A [empty] → [empty] No operation
case-of - N/A container → case Gets the case from the container in the stack. The container would usually be the result of a clip instruction but can be any string.
get-case-from - N/A pos → case Gets the case from the lexical unit in position 'pos'
modify-case - N/A case, container → modifiedContainer Modifies the case of the 'container' to 'case' and leaves the modified container on the stack
begins-with - N/A value2, value1 → result Checks if 'value1' begins with 'value2' and pushes 1 (true) or 0 (false), 'value2' can be a list
begins-with-ig - N/A value2, value1 → result Checks if 'value1' begins with 'value2' (ignoring the case) and pushes 1 (true) or 0 (false), 'value2' can be a list
ends-with - N/A value2, value1 → result Checks if 'value1' ends with 'value2' and pushes 1 (true) or 0 (false), 'value2' can be a list
ends-with-ig - N/A value2, value1 → result Checks if 'value1' ends with 'value2' (ignoring the case) and pushes 1 (true) or 0 (false), 'value2' can be a list
  • Lists are represented as a concatenation of items separated by '|', e.g. uno|otro|poco|cuánto|menos|mucho|tanto|demasiado
  • The case is represented as "aa" (all lowercase), "Aa" (first uppercase) and "AA", (all uppercase).

Code generation

Code sections

The code generated by the compiler is divided in several sections. In addition, the VM reads and stores the code in its own sections.

Section Code VM's section Information
Header #<assembly>
#<transfer default="chunk">
---- This section establishes the type of code generated and the transfer stage.
Initialization push "genere"
push "<m>"
jmp rules_section_start
Code section In this section we initialize the variables with their default value and execute other initialization code.
At the end we jmp to the section rules section, although rules will only execute when a pattern is matched,
we need to process all the patterns which are in the rules section.
Macros macro_firstWord_start:
Macros code section This section contains all the macro's code delimited by labels.
Each macro can be called with the 'call' instruction.
Patterns section_rules_start:
push "all<predet><sp>"
push "<n><pl>"
push 2
addtrie action_0_start
Preprocess code section In this section all the patterns will be added to the system trie.
In this example you can see that two patterns are pushed, then the number of patterns is pushed and finally
the addtrie instruction pops them and adds an entry in the trie to the rule 0.
Rules action_0_start:
Rules code section Finally the rules section contains every rule delimited by its labels and all its code.
  • One line comments can be made by using the '#' symbol at the start of the line.

Code examples

Macro example

Transfer file (.t1x)

 <transfer default="chunk">

    <def-attr n="nbr">
      <attr-item tags="sg"/>
      <attr-item tags="pl"/>
      <attr-item tags="sp"/>
      <attr-item tags="ND"/>

    <def-var n="nombre" v="&amp;lt;sg&amp;gt;"/>
    <def-var n="genere" v="&amp;lt;m&amp;gt;"/>

    <def-macro n="nombre_nom" npar="1">
        <var n="nombre"/>
        <lit v=""/>
                <clip pos="1" side="sl" part="nbr"/>
                <lit-tag v="sg"/>
                <clip pos="1" side="tl" part="nbr"/>
                <lit-tag v="pl"/>
            <var n="nombre"/>
            <lit-tag v="pl_slsg"/>
                 <clip pos="1" side="sl" part="nbr"/>
                 <lit-tag v="pl"/>
                 <clip pos="1" side="tl" part="nbr"/>
                 <lit-tag v="sg"/>
             <var n="nombre"/>
             <lit-tag v="sg_slpl"/>
             <var n="nombre"/>
             <clip pos="1" side="tl" part="nbr"/>


Code generated
 #<transfer default="chunk">
 #<def-var v="&lt;sg&gt;" n="nombre">
 push "nombre"
 push "<sg>"
 #<def-var v="&lt;m&gt;" n="genere">
 push "genere"
 push "<m>"
 jmp section_rules_start
 #<def-macro npar="1" n="nombre_nom">
 #<var n="nombre">
 push "nombre"
 #<lit v="">
 push ""
 #<clip part="nbr" pos="1" side="sl">
 push 1
 push "<sg>|<pl>|<sp>|<ND>"
 #<lit-tag v="sg">
 push "<sg>"
 #<clip part="nbr" pos="1" side="tl">
 push 1
 push "<sg>|<pl>|<sp>|<ND>"
 #<lit-tag v="pl">
 push "<pl>"
 and 2
 jz when_0_end
 #<var n="nombre">
 push "nombre"
 #<lit-tag v="pl_slsg">
 push "<pl_slsg>"
 jmp choose_0_end
 #<clip part="nbr" pos="1" side="sl">
 push 1
 push "<sg>|<pl>|<sp>|<ND>"
 #<lit-tag v="pl">
 push "<pl>"
 #<clip part="nbr" pos="1" side="tl">
 push 1
 push "<sg>|<pl>|<sp>|<ND>"
 #<lit-tag v="sg">
 push "<sg>"
 and 2
 jz when_1_end
 #<var n="nombre">
 push "nombre"
 #<lit-tag v="sg_slpl">
 push "<sg_slpl>"
 jmp choose_0_end
 #<var n="nombre">
 push "nombre"
 #<clip part="nbr" pos="1" side="tl">
 push 1
 push "<sg>|<pl>|<sp>|<ND>"
 macro_nombre_nom_end: ret

Rule's patterns example

Transfer file (.t1x)
<transfer default="chunk">

    <def-cat n="all">
      <cat-item lemma="all" tags="predet.sp"/>

    <def-cat n="adj2">
      <cat-item tags="adj"/>
      <cat-item tags="adj.*"/>
      <cat-item tags="adj.sint"/>
      <cat-item tags="adj.sint.*"/>
      <cat-item tags="adj.comp"/>
      <cat-item tags="adj.sup"/>

    <def-cat n="nomcomu">
      <cat-item tags="n.*"/>
    <def-cat n="nompropi">
      <cat-item tags="np.*"/>

    <def-cat n="nploc">
      <cat-item tags="np.loc.*"/>

	<pattern-item n="all"/>
	<pattern-item n="adj2"/>

	<pattern-item n="nomcomu"/>
	<pattern-item n="nompropi"/>
	<pattern-item n="nploc"/>

Code generated
#<transfer default="chunk">
jmp section_rules_start
push "all<predet><sp>"
push "<adj>|<adj><*>|<adj><sint>|<adj><sint><*>|<adj><comp>|<adj><sup>"
push 2
addtrie action_0_start
push "<n><*>"
push "<np><*>"
push "<np><loc><*>"
push 3
addtrie action_1_start


  • Make the compile options like with lt-comp/cg-comp (e.g. you don't need -i/-o to say what the input/output files are), just apertium-compiler [options] <infile> <outfile>