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* The generation of main.js, textEditor.js has to be launched by the web-master, by uncommented a region in modules.php
* The generation of main.js, textEditor.js has to be launched by the web-master, by uncommented a region in modules.php
* Modules loaded are retains in a global variable $modules_load, not Sessions anymore
* Modules loaded are retains in a global variable $modules_load, not Sessions anymore

([http://apertium.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/apertium?view=revision&revision=30925 Commit 30925]) includes :

* translate.php has to use global variable for php translate Object($trans), not Sessions

All modules are now separate, and it's easy to add, load/unload, alter and remove module.
All modules are now separate, and it's easy to add, load/unload, alter and remove module.

Revision as of 10:03, 22 June 2011

APERTIUM : Improvements to postedition interface Google Summer Of Code 2011

Jobs already done

Port the code for all recent php versions

I have replace all file_put_contents by fopen, fwrite, fclose, which are supported by older php versions. (Commit 30690)

Rewrite the PHP & Javascript as separate modules so that it be easy to decide which tools to enable or disable in the interface

The file "modules.php" is designed to manage modules. It includes :

Configuration of modules :

* Module structure : 
* name : Module's name
* description : Short description of the module
* default : Recommanded module
* javascript : an array of javascript dependencies (with path javascript/)
* php : an array of php dependencies (with path includes/)
* button_in : HTML code for the interface, under the input, when the module is activated
* button_out : HTML code for the interface, under the output, when the module is activated

For example : 'SpellGrammarChecking':

'name' => 'Spell and Grammar checking',
'description' => 'Integrate the ability to check both input and output texts for mistakes, with a button “Check for mistakes”.
When pressed, it runs spell checking and grammar checking on the text and underlines mistakes in different colours (red for spelling, blue for grammar).',
'default' => TRUE,
'javascript' => array('textEditor.js', 'main.js'),
'php' => array('gramproof.php', 'strings.php', 'system.php'),
'button_in' => '<input type="submit" name="check_input" value="Check for mistakes" />',
'button_out' => '<input type="submit" name="check_output" value="Check for mistakes" />'

It includes too :

Functions for modules management :

* Check dependencies of a module
* Load PHP dependencies of a module
* Write Interface of a module
* Load/Unload a module
* List of module loaded, list of recommended modules
* Write the list of Javascript libraries needed by loaded modules

How I see the current separations of modules : Apertium-AWI Organisation 06.15.jpg (Concerning PHP files)

The current interface for Load/Unload Modules (in Firefox 4, Ubuntu) : Apertium-AWI ModulesInterface 06.15.jpg

(Commit 30719) includes :

* Creation of module structure
* Creation of the content and form to easily Load/Unload modules
* Cut existing files to make independent modules (the module 'Logs' isn't currently independent)
* Modification of the interface display to allow the Add/Remove of buttons
* Few changes to make the code more readable (repetitive code)

(Commit 30724) includes :

* Creation of gramproof.js, which contains javascript functions used by the module Spell checking and Grammar checking
* Creation of logs.js, which contains javascript functions used by the module Logs
* Some functions in textEditor.js are now in gramproof.js and logs.js
* Functions of nodes.js, paste_event.js, logging_lowlevel.js and logging.js are now in logs.js (gain in number of browser request)
* The module Logs is now independent

How I see the current separations of modules in javascript : Apertium-AWI ModulesInterface 06.16.jpg

(Commit 30738) includes :

* Correction of an error in gramproof.js. The function displaySuggestionsList was defined two time.

(Commit 30792) includes :

* Creation of main.tmpl, textEditor.tmpl, which are template files for main.js and textEditor.js
* Update index.php to launch the rewrite of main.js and textEditor.js when modules are load/unload
* Add the function which rewrite file using template (named gen_templateJS(source, target)), in modules.php
* Displacement of "is_installed" function, which is a function for the environment, not the translation core

An example of how the function gen_templateJS works : Apertium-AWI ModulesInterface 06.19.jpg

(Commit 30819) includes :

* Modules to load are now set by the web-master, in config.php
* The home page show which modules are loaded, and their description
* The generation of main.js, textEditor.js has to be launched by the web-master, by uncommented a region in modules.php
* Modules loaded are retains in a global variable $modules_load, not Sessions anymore

(Commit 30925) includes :

* translate.php has to use global variable for php translate Object($trans), not Sessions

All modules are now separate, and it's easy to add, load/unload, alter and remove module.

Current Jobs

Rewrite language.php file as an abstract script, and interface modules for Apertium, Aspell and LanguageTool

"language.php" has been separate in 2 parts : environment management and translation system.

The translation system is managed by a PHP Object named "translate", define in includes/translation.php. It's instantiated in language.php.

How it works: Apertium-AWI translate Object 06.20.jpg

The link with external tool such as LanguageTool, Aspell, After the DeadLine is now made by an object named "externtool", define in includes/externaltool.php.

The webmaster can choose, in includes/config.php, which tool he wants to use, for spell checking and grammar proofing. He hasn't to do any other change, all is managed by the object, which provide generic functions SpellChecking and GrammarProofing.

It's instantiated in gramproof.php (to conserve the modularity).

How it works: Apertium-AWI externtool Object.jpg

(Commit 30827) includes:

* Cut language.php in 2 part: environment management and translation system
* Create a PHP Object named translate to managed the translation system
* Create a PHP Object named externtool to managed the link with external tool, and provide generic functions SpellChecking and GrammarProofing
* Modify translate.php, ajax.php to use translate Object
* Modify gramproof.php to use externtool Object
* Modify config.php to include the choice of external tool

(Commit 30903) includes:

* After the DeadLine is now support thanks to functions in externtool Object

Functions getATDresult, analyseATDresult and getATDCorrection allow the externtool Object to communicate with After the DeadLine.

The steps are :

- Getting spell or grammar error from local ATD server, or online server (service.afterthedeadline.com, set in config.php: $ATD_link), in language en, fr, pt, de, es (define in externaltool.php: $ATDsupport_lang) or en by default
- Analyse the result (as an XML Object), to create an object correctly formed for gramproof module functions. It means detecting suggestions, text to replace, description, and start and end of the string in the text(may this last part can be do more rigorously, but I don't know how).
- Pass the result to the Object output, and so to gramproof module.

If you want to try, a good example is "I has probl". Normally, there and a grammar mistake and a spell mistake. You can try with aspell-LanguageTool, ATD-LanguageTool, ATD-ATD or aspell-ATD, if you want to compare programs results.

This part can be considerate as finish, cause the AWI is now able to use different external tool, like aspell, LanguageTool and After the DeadLine. In addition, interface with others program can be "easily" done, by adding necessary functions in the externtool Object. And it is the same for translation, we can easily use an other program than Apertium, by modifying the translate Object... but it's not the purpose here.