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'''Week 1: May 23 - May 29, 2011'''
'''Week 1: May 23 - May 29, 2011'''
* 44 adjectives added to bidix with some minor corrections
* 44 adjectives added to bidix with some minor corrections
* more adjectives added to bidix

Revision as of 19:36, 26 May 2011

I'm Ragib Ahsan from Bangladesh. I'm currently an undergrad student of Computer Science and Engineering Department in Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology.

I'm willing to participate in Google Summer of Code 2011 with apertium. And I'm interested in adopting the new Bengali-English language pair.

Apertium Bengali-English

Currently the morphological analyzer is nearly complete with 68% coverage of wiki. The bilingual dictionary needs a lot of entries and finally the transfer system has only a few rules to work with.

Some example outputs are -

I eat rice -> আমি ধান খাই
I love you -> আমি আপনাকে ভালবাসি

You can find a list of tests here

My project goal should be as follows:

  • Completing the monolingual dictionary for Bengali upto a wide coverage (at least 80%) of wiki.
  • Completing the bilingual dictionary with necessary entries.
  • Writing the transfer rules, that will be a challenging part as the two languages are not closely related.
  • Finally, performing tetsvocing to ensure release quality

Preparing Myself

I've downloaded and installed the "apertium-bn-en" pack from the apertium incubator. And I'm really excited playing around with it in my system. I've gone through the Apertium New Language Pair HOWTO already. I tried to have a look at the Apertium Official Documentation. It seems really complex. I'm discussing various issues with the prospective mentors Francis Tyers and Abu Zaher. With their help and some exploring on the apertium-bn-en project I've finally prepared my proposal for This years GSoC. You can find it here.

I also found the paper on Bengali Morphological Analyzer[1] quite interesting. And last but not the least I'm trying to solve some of the challenges given on this project. Check here.

Community Bonding Period

The community bonding period started right after the announcement of accepted student proposal on April 25. I had my plans for this period. As mentioned in my work plan I'm exploring the Apertium tool chain to be familiarized with it. I'm regular on the IRC and I'm getting to know the community more closely. In the meantime, I'm working on putting some new bdix entries to reduce the load a bit from the coding phase. I also have a plan to prepare a test case list for testvocing at the end. I'm putting some remarks here and intend to update time to time-

Week 1: April 26 - May 02, 2011

  • Familiarizing with using the svn
  • After building the bn-en with make tool we need to copy the '*.mode' files from 'modes' directory to the systems installation directory i.e. /usr/share/apertium/modes
  • 240 new adjectives added to apertium-bn-en.bn-en.dix
  • 147 new nouns added to apertium-bn-en.bn-en.dix
  • Planning for generating a test case list

Week 2: May 03 - May 09, 2011

  • 156 new nouns added to apertium-bn-en.bn-en.dix
  • 100 new adjectives added to apertium-bn-en.bn-en.dix
  • Another 100 new adjectives added to apertium-bn-en.bn-en.dix
  • Studying the apertium-doc, currently, getting to know the different modules of apertium
  • Correcting some minor errors in the previous entries and misplaced lemmas (nouns and adjectives)
  • Adding some test cases here
  • Added another 138 adjectives to apertium-bn-en.bn-en.dix with some minor corrections

Week 3: May 10 - May 16, 2011

  • Studying the apertium-doc, currently, getting to know the different modules of apertium
  • 87 new adjectives added to apertium-bn-en.bn-en.dix with minor corrections
  • studying the Bengali verbs issues specially those mentioned in the paper on Bengali Morphological Analyzer[1]

Week 4: May 17 - May 22, 2011

  • Studying the apertium-bn-en a bit more closely
  • Generating some more test cases

Coding Phase

Week 1: May 23 - May 29, 2011

  • 44 adjectives added to bidix with some minor corrections
  • more adjectives added to bidix