Wikipedia dumps

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Wikipedia dumps are useful for quickly getting a corpus. They are also the best corpora for making your language pair are useful for Wikipedia's Content Translation tool :-)

You download them from

Tools to turn dumps into plaintext

There are several tools for turning dumps into useful plaintext, e.g.

Content Translation dumps

There are also dumps of the articles translated with the Content Translation tool, which uses Apertium (and other MT engines) under the hood:

Turn tmx into a "SOURCE\tMT\tGOLD" tsv:

$ zcat ~/Nedlastingar/cx-corpora.nb2nn.text.tmx.gz          \
  | xmlstarlet  sel -t -m '//tu[tuv/prop/text()="mt"]'      \
       -c 'tuv[./prop/text()="source"]/seg/text()' -o $'\t' \
       -c 'tuv[./prop/text()="mt"]/seg/text()'     -o $'\t' \
       -c 'tuv[./prop/text()="user"]/seg/text()'   -n       \
  > nb2nn.tsv
# Now view the word diff between MT and GOLD with:
$ diff -U0 <(cut -f2 nb2nn.tsv) <(cut -f3 nb2nn.tsv) | dwdiff -c | less
# and find the original if you need it in `cut -f1 nb2nn.tsv`